• 条信息告诉我们必须小心点,”卡普·维拉

    "He sent me a message and told me that we had to be careful," Capdevila said.


  • 比利亚雷亚尔分钟就解决了比赛,卡普德维拉作为后卫率先攻入不久洛伦特攻入锦上添花一球。

    The damage was done in four minutes with Joan Capdevila, who gets his fair share of goals for a fullback, opening the scoring and Jose Llorente adding another shortly after.


  • 认为整个浪潮开始。”Worldwide XR 的首席执行官特拉维斯·克罗伊说道。该公司迪安数字娱乐背后的公司之一

    "I think this is the beginning of an entire wave," says Travis Cloyd, CEO of Worldwide XR, one of the companies behind the digital recreation of Dean.


  • 一名动物权利保护者躺庞特街上,身上沾满

    An animal rights protester covered in fake blood lies on a Pontevedra street.


  • 网站口号:改变进步.网站中也不吝篇幅地介绍了穆萨维追求进步的妻子扎赫拉·拉赫娜瓦.

    The site’s mantra is change and progress.


  • 与此同时麦欧维克把情况告知·赞——泰瑞家里在找一个机会动手杀她。

    Meanwhile Myovic tells Andre Drazen that Teri is in the house but he is waiting for the right moment to kill her.


  • 最近刚刚退休一位负责美国空军情报侦察活动的将军,大卫·普·维拉对此表示同意

    David Deptula, a retired general who was until recently in charge of the US Air Force's intelligence and surveillance operations agrees.


  • 由于没有授权几乎所有清洁技术领域难以引起投资者兴趣,”杰出风险投资家维诺·科斯拉预计。

    "Almost all areas of clean technology will get a little less investor interest because there is no mandate," predicts Vinod Khosla, a prominent venture capitalist.


  • 美国麦科罗国际研究所的研究人员维罗·米奇拉主持一项关于非洲夫妇研究

    Vinod Mishra at Macro International, a research group in the United States, led a study of married couples in Africa.


  • 通过计算《花花公子》上模特有关部位重要数据得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的维得拉。赛已经证明了一点

    Devendra Singh, of the University of Texas, in Austin, has proved the point in the past by measuring the vital statistics of Playboy models.


  • 官员们星期一说,海军海岸警卫队星期天印度西南海岸近海拉克·沙·维普岛屿附近抓获了这些海盗

    Officials said Monday the navy and coast guard captured the pirates on Sunday near the Lakshadweep islands off India's southwestern coast.


  • 他们几乎毫无疑问科罗拉多拉维尔以及内华达州赢得参议院竞选胜利,并且不会几个州茶党积极分子凭借没有吸引力的激进候选人赢得胜利。

    They would almost certainly have prevailed in Senate races in Colorado, Delaware and Nevada as well had tea-party activists in those states not saddled the party with unappealingly radical candidates.


  • 新型市场中的人才为何女性求胜的关键?”针对这一问题,塞维利亚•休利特丽珀•拉施指出,新兴市场中的女企业家们其实面临着重重障碍

    In "Winning the War for Talent in emerging markets: Why women are the Solution", Sylvia Ann Hewlett and Ripa Rashid point out that businesswomen face steep obstacles in emerging markets.


  • 然而赫罗告诉纽约讯记者,赞安诺并没有溶解里,所以相信特拉维斯其实一点药都没喝进去。

    However, Herold told New York station WABC that the Xanax didn't dissolve in the tea, and she doesn't believe Travis had any of the drug in his system.


  • 斯坦福警官瑞奇·康克林上尉,现年55纳什朋友,现年70岁的埃罗尔家里,这个名叫特拉维斯黑猩猩跳到她身上,并且开始她、捶击她。

    Nash, 55, had just arrived at the home of her friend, Sandra Herold, 70, when the chimp, named Travis, jumped on her and began biting and mauling her, said Stamford Police Capt. Rich Conklin.


  • 霍顿·考尔菲特拉维斯·比考可算得上是20世纪美国文化值得纪念反英雄人物。

    Holden Caulfield and Travis Bickle rank as two of the most memorable antiheroes of 20th century American culture.


  • 维拉尼亚认识朋友博学理想主义者瑞·费恩怎么样了?

    And what ever became of the friend he and Veronica both knew back then, a brainy, idealistic boy named Adrian Finn?


  • 当然,巴塞名出色的前锋大卫.维拉中场哈维.埃尔南伊涅斯塔塞尔吉奥.布斯克兹和阿尔维斯能轻易比赛出色表现。

    In Pedro and David Villa, Barcelona has two top strikers, and midfielders Xavi Hernandez, Andres Iniesta, Sergio Busquets and Dani Alves are easily the top midfield in the game.


  • 维诺米西拉更多妇女是在结婚发现染病

    More women could be entering marriage already infected, he says. Or they could be getting H.I.V.


  • 烈·拉赞打电话给约文。麦欧维克寻找弟弟亚历克西斯

    Andre Drazen calls Jovan Myovic looking for his brother, Alexis.


  • 包括LaBonte宾·查在内的评估组到现在为止已经霍斯特停留了将近巴拉维始终用各种借口拖延会面

    The assessment team, including LaBonte and bin Zeid, had by now been at Khost for nearly two weeks, but Balawi kept delaying the meeting, citing one excuse after another.


  • 只蚱蜢弗朗索瓦泽维尔拉兰内在巴黎制作,20世纪60年代以来妻子克劳合作展出拉兰艺术品。

    The grasshopper was made in Paris by François-Xavier Lalanne, who, since the 1960s, had exhibited with his wife, Claude, as the Lalannes.


  • 位于哥伦比亚pribbenow的煤矿工人上个星期一同行工人达戈·贝托·克拉维霍-巴兰科因工殉职后,就工作安全条件的问题而愤然离职。

    Miners at the Pribbenow DE Drummond coal mine in Colombia walked off their jobs last Monday over safety conditions following the death of a fellow miner, Dagoberto Clavijo Barranco.


  • 这座位于美国墨西哥州南部的拉斯·克鲁塞斯占地1800英亩宇航中心维京银河的原型,也是理查·布兰森宏大商业项目之一。

    The 1, 800-acre Spaceport America site, in Las Cruces, New Mexico, is the home base for Virgin Galactic, Richard Branson's most ambitious business venture yet.


  • 巴黎报纸论坛报》(LaTribune)称,维耶伊谢上周一直在试图挽回部分多夫诈骗资金

    The Paris newspaper la Tribune said that Mr Magon DE la Villehuchet had spent the last week trying to recover some of the funds lost to Mr Madoff.


  • 据英国《每日邮报》10月19日报道,英国艺术家车库门防护罩设计出一套万圣节灵感三立体画,内容包括死神古拉(吸血鬼)哥特式洞穴等。

    An inventive artist has created a Halloween-inspired 3-d collection of garage covers, including designs of the grim reaper and Dracula's gothic den.


  • 名列这类排行前三位的分别是美国偶像评委西蒙·考维尔、卡丽·模特秀节目主持人海蒂·科拉姆。

    were "American Idol" judge Simon Cowell, Carrie Underwood and model-TV host Heidi Klum.


  • 名列这类排行前三位的分别是美国偶像评委西蒙·考维尔、卡丽·模特秀节目主持人海蒂·科拉姆。

    were "American Idol" judge Simon Cowell, Carrie Underwood and model-TV host Heidi Klum.


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