• 米切尔德拉特MitchellDeslatte走进路易斯安那州鲁日市的一家旅店店员房间

    Mitchell Deslatte walked into a Baton Rouge, Louisiana, hotel and asked the clerk for a room.


  • 好的一步——接下来周里安理会可以联合国大会推荐候选人了。”德拉赫在接受记者采访时说

    "It is a positive step... towards getting a candidate that the Security Council can recommend to the General Assembly in the next few weeks," Delattre told reporters.


  • 帕洛斯·德拉·弗龙拉港出发向西航行

    He sailed westward from Palos de la Frontera.


  • 马塞林·布尔指出7万至3.5万年前尼安德人中,沙普勒-奥克斯圣徒个体的大脑半球大于右半球。

    Among Neanderthalers of 70,000–35,000 years ago, Marcellin Boule noted that the La Chapelle-aux-Saints individual had a left hemisphere slightly bigger than the right.


  • 认为整个浪潮开始。”Worldwide XR 的首席执行官拉维斯·克罗伊德说道。该公司迪安数字娱乐背后的公司之一

    "I think this is the beginning of an entire wave," says Travis Cloyd, CEO of Worldwide XR, one of the companies behind the digital recreation of Dean.


  • 1969年,名叫罗德·威尔斯化石猎人来到澳大利亚的那拉科探索当时称为维多利亚洞穴的地方。

    In 1969, a fossil hunter named Rod Wells came to Naracoorte in South Australia to explore what was then known as Victoria Cave.


  • 一名动物权利保护者躺德拉街上,身上沾满

    An animal rights protester covered in fake blood lies on a Pontevedra street.


  • 德拉斯·希夫(András Schiff)布达佩斯莫尔德慕尼黑音乐学院任命荣誉教授

    András Schiff has been made an Honorary Professor by the Music Schools in Budapest, Detmold and Munich.


  • 看看下面的这些母女——伊莎贝拉·罗西里尼爱勒拉·魏德曼,麦答案肯定的当娜和露尔德丝——答案是肯定

    From the looks of some of these mother-daughter pairs—Isabella Rossellini and Elettra Wiedemann, Madonna and Lourdes—the answer is yes.


  • 吉尔伯这次为了父亲葬礼回来,因为玛丽拉和林德太太实在不能忍受安妮很快离开的事实所以留下来待了一个星期

    She and Gilbert had come up for the funeral of his father and Anne had stayed for a week. Marilla and Mrs. Lynde could not bear to have her go away too soon.


  • 接受休利女士施德女士调查事业型女性中,有四分之一工作时间年前每周增长了818个小时

    More than a quarter of the female high-fliers surveyed by Ms Hewlett and Ms Rashid report working between eight and 18 hours more each week than they did three years ago.


  • 德斯科、西研究团队拉贡火山口中开展研究时,毒气云雾频繁震动他们所要面临两大挑战

    Clouds of toxic gas and frequent tremors were two of the challenges faced by Tedesco, Sims, and the research team as they studied Nyiragongo's crater.


  • 然而,洛德拉迪拜基本上难露面。

    However, Llodra and Tsonga basically retired against each other during their Dubai clash.


  • 然而那些语言现代也门存很少,只在索克岛上德拉毛海域后面山丘上使用。

    However, only a small remnant of those languages exists in modern Yemen, notably on the island of Socotra and in the back hills of the Hadhramaut coastal region.


  • 也许德茵歌拉酒店为一个大学教授拥有,这家酒店像是意大利贵族暂时管理的私人会所

    Though (or perhaps "because") owned by a university professor, the Inghilterra comes on like a gentleman's club run by contemporary Italian nobility.


  • 他们甚至不怕招来麻烦数目泄露了麦·德拉吉,就是这个右翼互联网记者披露比尔·克林顿莫妮卡·莱温斯基丑闻。

    The Clinton campaign took the trouble to leak the figure to Matt Drudge, a right-wing Internet journalist who broke the news of Bill Clinton's affair with Monica Lewinsky.


  • 美国国土安全部(DHS)部长霍尔·卢印度信息技术部部长坎德·拉赫·哈尔新德里签署这份谅解备忘录

    The MOU was signed in New Delhi by Jane Holl Lute, Deputy Secretary for the U.S.Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and R.Chandrashekhar, Secretary, India Department of Information Technology.


  • 美国国土安全部(DHS)部长霍尔·卢印度信息技术部部长坎德·拉赫·哈尔新德里签署这份谅解备忘录。

    The MOU was signed in New Delhi by Jane Holl Lute, Deputy Secretary for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and R. Chandrashekhar, Secretary, India Department of Information Technology.


  • 最近当选德拉小姐凯拉·玛尔在怀俄明州家中假发造型

    Kayla Martell, recently crowned Miss Delaware, is seen styling her wig at home in Wyoming.


  • 新型市场中的人才为何女性求胜的关键?”针对这一问题,塞维利亚•休利丽珀•拉施德指出,新兴市场中的女企业家们其实面临着重重障碍

    In "Winning the War for Talent in emerging markets: Why women are the Solution", Sylvia Ann Hewlett and Ripa Rashid point out that businesswomen face steep obstacles in emerging markets.


  • 斯坦福警官瑞奇·康克林上尉,现年55纳什朋友,现年70岁的德拉埃罗尔德家里,这个名叫拉维斯黑猩猩跳到她身上,并且开始她、捶击她。

    Nash, 55, had just arrived at the home of her friend, Sandra Herold, 70, when the chimp, named Travis, jumped on her and began biting and mauling her, said Stamford Police Capt. Rich Conklin.


  • 比利亚雷亚尔分钟就解决了比赛,卡普德维拉作为后卫率先攻入不久洛伦攻入锦上添花一球。

    The damage was done in four minutes with Joan Capdevila, who gets his fair share of goals for a fullback, opening the scoring and Jose Llorente adding another shortly after.


  • 拉肯会议向前迈出的重要一步,”洛伊哈德女士,“仅仅是一步。

    Interlaken is an important step,” Ms Leuthard said, “but it is only a step.


  • 霍顿·考尔菲德维斯·比考可算得上是20世纪美国文化值得纪念反英雄人物。

    Holden Caulfield and Travis Bickle rank as two of the most memorable antiheroes of 20th century American culture.


  • 奥尔·西尼婚纱比利时设计师杰拉·德瓦·设计

    Ms Orsini's dress was designed by Gerald Watelet, the Belgian designer.


  • 可能今年十月到期卸任后接替谢里意大利央行主管德拉表示欧洲央行“准备坚决及时的手段”应对涨。

    Mario Draghi, the governor of Italy's central bank and a possible successor to Mr Trichet, whose term ends in October, said the ECB was "prepared to act in a firm and timely manner" on inflation.


  • 和拉莫·乌丹古尔元帅夫人一样,德纳第大娘做母亲做到的两个女儿身上为止。

    Like the Marechale de La Mothe-Houdancourt, the Thenardier was a mother to her daughters only.


  • 和拉莫·乌丹古尔元帅夫人一样,德纳第大娘做母亲做到的两个女儿身上为止。

    Like the Marechale de La Mothe-Houdancourt, the Thenardier was a mother to her daughters only.


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