• 土壤侵蚀看,自然生态系统景观土壤侵蚀其它等级土壤侵蚀地域组成,其景观基本元素有斑、廊、基。

    The natural ecosystem landscape is made of micro soil erosion and different soil erosion intensity district in soil erosion region.


  • 杜克科学家们所说的“超冷”意超级冷却150开尔文左右——仅仅绝对几亿分之一开尔文

    When the Duke scientists say "ultra-cool" they mean uber-cooled to around 150 micro-Kelvinthat's only a few billionths of a degree Kelvin above absolute zero.


  • 与此同时最近诺基亚结成合作关系诺基亚维信平台提供件。

    At the same time, Baidu recently partnered with Nokia to provide widget on Nokia's Widsets platform.


  • 新浪已经和在其他网站一起合作例如土豆点评等,如此可以增加“一键式通道功能

    Sina Microblog is currently working with other websites such as Baidu, Tudou, Dianping, etc. to develop a "one-click access" function.


  • 通过不断奖励互动参与者在活跃用户中激起了相当的参与

    By rewarding recurrent contributors, Weibo encourages a high level of interactivity from high-profile regulars.


  • 这些波动只有少数几个开尔文(百万分之一),如下图示。

    These fluctuations were only a few microKelvins, or millionths of a degree, and here's what they look like.


  • 据报道辐射量超过一千西弗(microsievert),额定上限倍;一般情况下,这并未超过一次X光检测的剂量。

    Reportedly, levels of radiation have temporarily exceeded 1,000 micro sievert, which is twice the legal upper limit; but in many cases they have been little worse than an X-ray.


  • Cell Regza电视机配备的机顶盒安装Cell处理芯片款具备超级计算能力的芯片将创造超高清晰图像,这种图像目前PlayStation3视频游戏机上才有。

    The set-top box will run on the 'Cell' processor, a chip with super-computer muscle to churn out intense, high-definition graphics found in today's PlayStation 3 video games.


  • 按照摩尔定律每过18个月芯片集成翻一番

    According Moore law, the integration level of the microchips doubling each 18 months.


  • 论文研究表明通道电泳芯片系统具有分析检测灵敏高等优点。

    The study of this dissertation showed that MCE chip has some advantages such as high speed and sensitivity.


  • 中国三个最大互联网公司——阿里巴巴信的创造者腾讯——则争相打造一个单一应用,然后将尽量功能融入其中

    But in China, its three major Internet companies - Alibaba, Baidu and the WeChat parent Tencent - compete to create a single app with as many functions as they can stuff into it.


  • 实验证明这种方法构建振动传感器体积质量轻、价格便宜,并且具有很高灵敏准确

    Experiments have proved that the micro vibration sensor constructed by this new method has many advantages of small volume, low weight, low cost, high sensitivity and high accuracy.


  • 依据这些试验结果结合大小聚合物降解对于药物释放作用得到相应数学上的结论。

    Based on these experimental results, a suitable mathematical theory has been developed that incorporates the effect of microsphere size distribution and polymer degradation on drug release.


  • 概念诞生日渐火爆解读认为为接力淘宝马云害怕”的颠覆性商业模式

    Since the wechat business concept from birth to the increasingly popular, once considered by interpretation and relay taobao, read as "even afraid of Mr Ma" disruptive business model.


  • 着重考虑作为气体流量标准装置核心式气体流量计原理结构下限因素不确定等基本问题。

    The principle, structure, measurement limit and analyze of uncertainty of the constant pressure gas flowmeter, which was the key component of gas flow standard apparatus, were considered emphatically.


  • 指数的数据节目新浪评论显示23岁的黄子韬节目中表现宛如脱缰野马,一举抓牢了观众

    But it's Huang Zitao, 23, who ACTS like a wild horse without REINS in the show, who's winning the viewers' hearts, as the Baidu Index and comments on the show's Sina Weibo accounts show.


  • 打造一个开发者手机生产商移动行业生态系统十分困难的,这个市场其他企业牢固确立市场地位——不仅小米还有腾讯运营的公司)其他企业。

    It is very hard to establish a mobile ecosystem of developers and handset-makers in a market where other firmsnot just Xiaomi, but Baidu, Tencent (which operates WeChat) and others—are entrenched.


  • 自由振动轮式陀螺仪检测动极板为控制对象系统结构特性决定了只能选择反馈控制方式其进行控制。

    The control object in a single-freedom silicon micromachined vibratory gyroscope is the proof mass, because of system structure, feedback control is the only choice to control the proof mass.


  • 区图可以在建筑物规划之前提供有关资料作为建筑师参考,达到减低震灾损失目的。

    The map can also provide more related information for architect before planning building to reduce the losses of earthquake to the minimum.


  • 方法高效液相色谱法紫外分光分别同时测定胶囊溶出与利福平胶囊的释放

    Method: To determine the dissolution of the rifampicin gastric capsules by UV spectrum method and the release of rifampicin micro pill capsules by HPLC respectively.


  • 每个客户专业打造15 - 30个关键词极大几率首页顶峰助力营销联合推广

    For each customer professional build 15-30 keywords, baidu's home page on the great chance, peak power joint micro marketing promotion.


  • 得到材料断裂裂缝随机分布无序增加而降低的规律性。

    It is obtained that the strength of the material decreases as the degree of disorder of micro-crack size distribution increases.


  • 清清楚楚的记得那天零下20摄氏街上的人乎。

    I remember clearly that day is 20 degrees below zero, the streets are even micro-even gas.


  • 以上就是哪个产品顶峰助力营销推广全部内容

    Above is product of wechat business which do good to the entire contents of the peak power micro marketing baidu promotion.


  • 丙三醇增塑后,超淀粉结晶低达9.3%,加工性能得到极大改善,用于制备食品级生物降解包装膜

    After plasticised by glycerol, its crystallinity becomes 9.3%. In this way, the mechanical property of starch is improved and it can be applied to food package film.


  • 板面粗糙不能超过40(1.0),达到最低镀层重量

    Strip roughness must not exceed 40 microinch (1.0 micron) in order to achieve these minimum coat weights.


  • 板面粗糙不能超过40(1.0),达到最低镀层重量

    Strip roughness must not exceed 40 microinch (1.0 micron) in order to achieve these minimum coat weights.


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