• 彼得罗斯基博士承认,由于设计工程项目或实施项目的人会犯错,工程项目可能会失败,但他在这一本书中进一步拓宽了自己的观点,将更多可能导致失败的因素考虑了进来。

    Though he acknowledges that engineering works can fail because the person who thought them up or engineered them simply got things wrong, in this book Dr. Petroski widens his view to consider the larger context in which such failures occur.


  • 俄罗斯另一番景象;在那里圣彼得堡科学院最高法院举办烟花表演上发挥关键作用

    It was a different story in Russia, where the St. Petersburg Academy of Science played a key role in creating fireworks displays for the court.


  • 寒冷,俄罗斯式建筑风格圣彼得堡

    Cold, architecture, St. Petersburg.


  • 过去15年里大量宏伟私人俄罗斯出现在这里可以看到圣彼得堡现代建筑又一杰作

    Over the last 15 years, lots of magnificent private palaces have appeared in Russia. Here you can see another outstanding piece of St. Petersburg modern architecture.


  • 这个系列第二部分艾滋病来到俄罗斯第二城市圣彼得堡探寻携带艾滋病年轻爱情相互关系

    Part two in "love in a time of HIV" goes to Russia's second city, St Petersburg, to explore the love and relationships among a group of young friends who have HIV.


  • 片森林俄罗斯首都圣彼得堡之间开通条急需道路逐步清理掉

    The forest was being cleared to pave the way for a much-needed new road between the Russian capital and st Petersburg.


  • 这个新增系列栏目首先来到俄罗斯第二大城市圣彼得堡,来到这里这里探索患有艾滋病年轻群体爱情关系

    This new series goes to Russia's second city, St Petersburg, to explore the love and relationships among a group of young friends who have HIV.


  • 因为假日俄罗斯领事馆已经关门了,他们行李还仍旧被运往圣彼得堡。

    The Russian consulate was closed because of a holiday, and their luggage made the trip without them.


  • 而有一个占据谈判中的首要位置,他就是俄罗斯沙皇彼得

    One man commanded a foremost position in the negotiationsTsar Peter of Russia.


  • 这些做法似乎都没有影响到当选最近的“官方民意调查显示有70%的俄罗斯人投票这位来自圣彼得堡现年42岁的律师

    None of this appears to have harmed his chances: the latest "official" opinion polls suggest around 70% of Russians will vote for the 42-year-old lawyer from st Petersburg.


  • 俄罗斯圣彼得堡一只英国牛头犬装扮完毕准备参加狗狗

    An English Bulldog dressed is readied or for a dog show in St. Petersburg, Russia.


  • 照片展示了 俄罗斯圣彼得堡两个地方: 西奥拉宁巴姆(公园宫殿集中地)和 皮萨列夫大街

    The set of pictures represents two places in Saint Petersburg - the Oranienbaum (ensemble of parks and palaces) and the Street of Pisarev located in the same city.


  • 这个地方不仅深受圣彼得堡当地人喜爱,在整个俄罗斯也是粉丝众多。

    The place is very popular both among the guests of Saint-Petersburg and its native citizens.


  • 复活节当天上午俄罗斯圣彼得堡一些面包师可有得忙了

    Easter morning in St. Petersburg, Russia, will have a few baker’s busy.


  • 名驻俄罗斯高管解雇,原因据称是一分包商获得位于圣彼得堡的商场的供电他人行贿,但两名高管对此事却充耳不闻。

    It had to sack two senior executives in Russia for allegedly turning a blind eye to bribes paid by a subcontractor to secure electricity supplies for its St Petersburg outlets.


  • 格利阿——今天俄罗斯领土西北圣彼得堡的所在地——几个世纪里一直争端焦点,而所属权也在两国来回交替。

    Ingriathe northwestern tip of today’s Russia on which St Petersburg now stands – had been a bone of contention between the two countries for centuries, having passed back and forth between them.


  • 近日,俄罗斯圣彼得堡市一家知名动物园突然死亡引发场关于禽流感恐慌导致动物园紧急关门谢客,当地一位医学专家已表示鹅的死因并非是禽流感。

    One of Russia's main zoos in St Petersburg has closed down after the deaths of two geese sparked a bird flu scare, but a local health expert ruled this out as the cause of their deaths.


  • 彼得一世(统治从1682至1725)的率领下,国土延伸至波罗的国家命名俄罗斯帝国

    Under Peter I (ruled 1682-1725), hegemony was extended to the Baltic Sea and the country was renamed the Russian Empire.


  • 下个月底俄罗斯圣彼得堡预定举办老虎峰会普京有望参加

    Late next month Russia is scheduled to host a tiger summit in Saint Petersburg expected to be attended by Putin.


  • 俄罗斯足协也列出了其他主帅候选名单,包括现任意大利主帅罗马主教练圣彼得堡泽尼特主帅斯帕莱蒂

    The RFU has several other candidates on its list, among them the Italian national coach, Marcello Lippi, and Luciano Spalletti, the former Roma coach who is now manager of Zenit St Petersburg.


  • 建于有着“向前看”思想的帝王彼得大帝手中,这座城市一直以来作为俄罗斯文化都而存在着。

    Founded by the forward-thinking emperor, Peter the Great, the city has always been Russia's cultural capital.


  • 随后18个月里,罗斯托夫的科学家塔甘罗格圣彼得堡同事一起开展此类设备研究

    For the next 18 months Rostov scientists together with their Taganrog and Saint Petersburg colleagues are going to develop programs and make a research that will help them to create such a system.


  • 英属维尔京群岛的纯净气息湛蓝海水一直让世界上的富豪和王室贵族趋之若鹜,罗斯沃德迪克斯酒店理查德·布兰森的私人岛屿力克以及彼得岛,就是这些皇亲贵胄经常光顾的地方。

    The pristine BVI has long attracted yachties and royalty to its turquoise waters, thanks to posh resorts like Rosewood Little Dix Bay, Sir Richard Branson’s Necker Island, and Peter Island.


  • 到了17世纪末彼得大帝掌权时,俄罗斯东方艺术着迷就结束了开始对西方感兴趣,首都莫斯科转移到了·彼得(St . Petersburg)。

    Russia's fascination with Eastern arts ended late in the 17th century with Peter the Great, who shifted his attention to the West and moved the Capitol from Moscow to St. Petersburg.


  • 位于白俄罗斯高美尔市放射医学学会”的血液病科,患者弗拉迪斯拉夫•彼得罗夫在和鸽子玩耍

    Vladislav Petrov, a young patient in the hematological department of radiology and nuclear medicine institute in Gomel, Belarus, plays with paper pigeons. (AFP)


  • 位于白俄罗斯高美尔市放射医学学会”的血液病科,患者弗拉迪斯拉夫•彼得罗夫在和鸽子玩耍

    Vladislav Petrov, a young patient in the hematological department of radiology and nuclear medicine institute in Gomel, Belarus, plays with paper pigeons. (AFP)


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