• 策略就是整合这些城市发展,以便形成更好经济结构

    The strategy is to integrate the development of these cities for a better economic structure.


  • 而,在过去的一个半世纪里,对人类发展史的研究表明,文化的形成是生物适应的一部分。

    Over the past century and a half, however, studies in the history of human development have shown that the formation of culture is part of the biological adaptation.


  • 与艺术活动对儿童发展至关重要;鼓励儿童以建设性的方式表达自己,有助于在以后的生活中形成健康的情绪反应。

    Participating in the arts is essential for child development; encouraging children to express themselves in constructive ways could help to form healthy emotional responses in later life.


  • 公司文化一个公司时间发展形成价值观信念

    Corporate culture is the values and beliefs a company develops over time.


  • 随着冰河期发展农民可能田地到了海拔较低地方,侵占其他农民土地,把人们在一起从而形成集群式的社会。

    As the Little Ice Age progressed, farmers probably moved their fields to lower elevations, infringing on the lands of other farmers and pushing people together, thus contributing to the aggregations.


  • 希腊发展这个系统形成希腊字母表字母

    The Greeks developed this system and formed the letters of the Greek alphabet.


  • 例如同一物种种群彼此隔离时,然后就向着不同方向发展,从而形成两个截然不同的物种。

    Like when populations of the same species are isolated from each other and then develop into two different directions and end up as two distinct species.


  • 我们永远也不会知道这种计算能力何时如何发展起来的,可以肯定人类形成永久定居点时候,这种计数已经发展好了。

    It will never be known how and when this numeration ability developed, but it is certain that numeration was well developed by the time humans had formed even semi-permanent settlements.


  • 我们相信机制建立有助于推动双方亚太地区形成良性互动格局,以便更好地亚太地区的和平稳定发展做出积极努力

    We believe that the establishment of this mechanism will facilitate the two sides' good interaction in this region, enabling us to make more positive efforts for peace and stability of this region.


  • 肯定地认为,乌干达形成当地语言概念具有巨大的发展潜力作为其它非洲国家的行为榜样

    He is positive that the local language concept developed in Uganda has great potential for growth and serves as a role model for other African countries.


  • 过去年间,受萧条打击发达国家蓬勃发展新兴巨头之间形成鲜明的对照

    THE past four years have seen a sharp contrast between recession-hit rich countries and buoyant emerging giants.


  • 当前大型机中心的SOAP协议形成鲜明对比,因为以大型机为中心的SOAP协议栈有些使用汇编语言的,这些协议栈都是封闭专有的,并且发展缓慢

    This is in stark contrast with the current set of mainframe-centric SOAP stacks, some written in assembler, which are black boxes, proprietary and slow evolving.


  • 文化多元化大众化的发展趋势形成主要原因

    And culture pluralism, popular development trend are the main reasons that it is formed.


  • 公司经过几年发展壮大形成一定规模

    After several years of company development and growth, has formed a certain scale.


  • 与此形成鲜明对比是,弗吉尼亚人均收入全美名列第七。 该州的技术产业蓬勃发展并且还有不少联邦机构,另外华盛顿市的一些郊区也坐落在此。

    Virginia, by contrast, ranks 7th among states in income per head; it has a thriving tech sector, as well as a number of federal agencies and wealthy suburbs of Washington, DC.


  • 根据最优货币区理论亚洲经济——尤其是东亚经济蓬勃发展推动“亚元”区的最终形成

    According to the theory of optimum currency areas, the economic development of Asia, especially that of East Asia, will finally result in the coming of Asian currency area.


  • 随着信息技术飞速发展用户计算机需求增长计算机机房工程逐渐形成一个行业

    With the rapid development of IT and the growth of users' demand for computers, computer room projects have gradually formed an industry.


  • 近年城市迅猛发展让世人看到一个崭新长沙然而城市规模原有格局一定程度上对其形成了阻碍

    In recent years, the rapid urbanization development brings along an entirely-new Changsha to the people. However, the city size and previous pattern obstruct the development in some degree.


  • 20世纪服装设计概念体系逐渐形成飞速发展的时代。

    The fashion design has been formed gradually and developed rapidly from concept to system in 20th Century.


  • 随着信息业飞速发展,由计算机网络形成的“虚拟环境”,正在大学德育工作形成新的挑战

    With the rapid development of information business, a fictitious environment is challenging the moral education in universities, which is formed form computer network.


  • 中国潜在市场国外先进技术资金优势结合起来,就能形成众多发展机遇和强大的发展活力

    China "s potential market, once combined with foreign advanced technology and capital, will produce many opportunities and great vigor for development."


  • 现代发展经济学认为没有资本形成积累,便没有经济增长

    Modern development economics thinks: Without forming and accumulation of capital, there is not economic growth.


  • 长期以来一直困扰农业发展银行不良贷款以及贷款风险管理问题打造农业发展银行现代银行制度形成瓶颈制约

    However, the issues of bad loans and loan risk management that has been harassing ADBC for quite a long period present a "bottleneck" for the formation of modern bank system for ADBC.


  • 随着我国国民经济水平提高以及大众冬季运动项目的认识单板滑雪运动发展势头日益迅猛并且正在中国形成股浪潮

    With the level of China's national economy as well as public awareness of winter sports, snowboarding sport rapidly growing momentum of development and the formation of a wave of China.


  • 然而,与此蓬勃发展新闻实践形成鲜明对照的是,理论研究工作严重滞后

    However, in contrast with the flourishing development of the news practice, the research work on its theory has still lagged behind seriously.


  • 随着通信技术以及数字信号处理技术飞速发展逐渐形成数字系统主体格局

    With the explosive development of communication and digital signal processing technology, has formed gradually take the digital system as the main body pattern.


  • 层序发育特征反映鄂尔多斯盆地在晚古生代经历了表海盆地的形成发展衰退逐渐消亡的过程

    The characteristics of sequences reflect the process of evolution of the Ordos Basin which experimented the formation, development, waning and consumption of epicontinental basin.


  • 列举目前全球性环境面临的种种问题较为详细分析了形成根源发展趋势指出环境的保护刻不容缓

    The article presents the global environmental problems human face currently, analyses their root and development situation, and points out that the environmental protection has been urgent.


  • 天然色素产业形成集群化发展态势

    Natural pigment industry development trend of the formation of clusters.


  • 网络冲印成本便利性传统店面冲印方式形成不小冲击发展潜力不可小视

    Network printing its low cost and convenience stores to traditional printing methods to form a not a small impact on the development potential can not be belittled.


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