• 虽然在2001年,一些企业欣然接纳了这种互动水单,然而大多数保持着从前的熟悉,即侍帮忙从水单中选的模

    Although some establishments embraced the interactive wine list as early as 2001, most have stuck to the familiar sommelier-helps-choose-bottle-from-book model.


  • 那里超过150来自世界各地葡萄储藏一个中,开放厨房允许老主顾随意地享受美国最好食物饮品

    There \ 's a small wine cellar storing over 150 types of wine from all over the world, and the open-style kitchen allows patrons to freely enjoy the best of American food and drink.


  • 如果所有事都进展顺利,史坦岛上施行托斯卡尼庄园葡萄园计划预计几年以后可以酿造出第一葡萄这些不会出售

    If all goes well, the Tuscan Garden Vineyard Project on Staten Island should have its first wines ready in a few years. The wine will not be sold.


  • 要找到一种搭配这两不同几乎是不可能

    Finding a wine to match both these disparate dishes verges on the impossible.


  • 约翰·本周来到纽约为新片《朗姆日记》做宣传与片中演员艾梅柏·希尔德一同出席了昨晚电影首映

    Johnny has been in the Big Apple this week promoting his movie the Rum Diary and joined his costar Amber Heard to debut the film in the city last night.


  • 位老人忙里忙外我们精心烹制了包括三道固定菜丰盛晚餐,还有很多其他菜以及喝不香槟

    The two of them were passing through and offered to host us for an elaborate prix-fixe celebratory supper: many courses, much Champagne.


  • 因为国家本身状况刻画的强大大多仍然热衷于食品乡村医疗或是生活方是否法国的。

    Most are still in love with the idea, because the draw of the country itself is so strong, whether it is because of the food, wine, countryside, health care or the lifestyle France offers.


  • 外墙吉布森鸡尾完美曲线铝制绳索吉他弦

    The exterior walls have the perfect curves of a Gibson and the aluminum cables that stretch across the length of the exterior are the ultimate strings.


  • 演员们的表演开始,先是围攻主人这边一齐端杯客人,心照不宣;

    The perforemance starts from wine: the first is the siege style that all the masters here gather to toast to guests by prior agreement;


  • 自从后就没有拾荒大搜索了,但是相信我,过去日子里,我知道每一玻璃纤维能被藏在哪儿

    Where's the booze? I hadn't gone on any scavenger hunts since I'd quit, but believe me, I knew every inch of fiberglass insulation and its underside from the old days of Raylou's hiding.


  • 蛋糕,小甜点,以及其它食物都上乘Schokinag巧克力制成的,甚至连鸡尾餐后甜是以巧克力为主题的。

    The homemade cakes, pastries, and pies, and other goodies are made of premium-quality Schokinag chocolate. Even cocktails and liqueurs are chocolate-themed.


  • 中国鸡尾太了解。

    I have no idea about Chinese cocktail.


  • 内容:日东南亚、欧陆经典风味小吃特色风情鸡尾菲律宾乐队现场演奏

    Contents: Snacks Japanese, Southeast Asian and Continental styles, featured cocktails, Philippine band performance on the spot.


  • 还从未尝中国鸡尾

    I've never tried a Chinese cocktail yet.


  • 煎小牛肉火腿:小牛肉的边缘卷成卷鼠尾草调过味的火腿奶酪,煎过后随一同上。

    Scallops of veal, rolled and stuffed with sage, spiced ham, and cheese, sautéed and served with a wine sauce.


  • 无麸质生物动力葡萄,可以搭配亚洲比如咖喱豆腐罗勒

    Gluten-free beer and biodynamic wines pair with Asian dishes like curry tofu with Thai basil.


  • 慷慨海鲜搭配显得温柔一些。

    This generous wine feels softer when paired with the Sautéed Rice with Seafood and Thailand Shrimp Paste.


  • 一方面,疯狂进行了实验(将其称为猴子”),那样发狂般地摇并不降低最终温度或者提高稀释度

    On the flip side, my tests of a maniacal shake that I dubbed the "crazy monkey" reveal that going bonkers doesn't decrease final temperature or increase dilution.


  • 澳州拉利,落座澳洲克莱尔中的理斯水谷,非灌溉葡萄园依赖天然雨水,收成量有限

    Australia Larry winery, takes a seat in South Australia 's Clare Valley Valley Morris salt and water, is non-irrigated vineyard style, rely on natural rainfall, harvest is limited.


  • 一个实验室主任奥运会篡改尿样提供了能够提高运动成绩鸡尾药物破坏世界上负盛名若干赛事

    A lab director tampered with urine samples at the Olympics and provided cocktails of performance-enhancing drugs, corrupting some of the world's most prestigious competitions.


  • 解决上述问题方法之一针对多重痛觉传递机制,同时给予鸡尾抑制分子组合。

    One way around this redundancy problem would be to administer cocktail of inhibitory moleculesthattargets multiple pain mechanisms.


  • 亚得博德餐厅这份名单唯一一家居餐厅,而且它的餐点真是棒极了。可口烤鸡肉串这家餐厅的特色

    Yardbird is the only Izakaya-style restaurant on this list. As for the food, the dishes are damn good. Flavorful yakitori skewers are the highlights.


  • 摘要意大利多样往往具有鲜活西红柿风味新鲜草本植物丰富酱料那么究竟要选择什么样的葡萄才能完美搭配这些意大利菜呢?

    ABSTRACT: The versatile Italian food is often associated with lively tomato flavors, fresh herb flavors and rich sauces. Then, what kind of wines can perfectly match Italian food?


  • 1996年,温哥华第10届国际艾滋病大会美籍华裔科学家何大一发表采用所谓鸡尾混合药物治疗方法

    In 1996, in Vancouver, the 10th International AIDS Conference on Chinese-American scientist David Ho, issued a so-called "cocktail" style of mixed drug treatment.


  • 摘要意大利作为唯一一个能法国比肩浪漫情怀的国家,葡萄产区浸润着浪漫而文艺的意大利风情。

    ABSTRACT: Italy is equal to France in its Romanticism, which have also soaked through the splendid wine-making tradition.


  • 香槟波尔多勃艮第著名每个地区生产自家的,越接近原产地则品质越高。

    The great wine-producing areas are Champagne, Bordeaux and Burgundy, but every region produces its own specialities, often best drunk near home.


  • 通过对决定香槟特色风味的瓶内二次发酵工艺进行分析,研究酿造具有法国香槟特色中国高档香槟起泡葡萄关键工艺

    The in-bottle secondary fermentation process which is performed the champagne style is discussed. The key brewing technology of Chinese top-ranked champagne method sparkling wine is researched.


  • 通过对决定香槟特色风味的瓶内二次发酵工艺进行分析,研究酿造具有法国香槟特色中国高档香槟起泡葡萄关键工艺

    The in-bottle secondary fermentation process which is performed the champagne style is discussed. The key brewing technology of Chinese top-ranked champagne method sparkling wine is researched.


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