• 广泛采用技术方法同时,积极变革油田开发管理模式以求获得最大经济效益

    While widely using the new technology and new method, the company positively transforms the oil-field development management pattern, in order to obtain the maximum economic efficiency.


  • 技术创新流程再造设计注重概念集成过程人力重组力度管理模式忌讳开发管理模式影响

    The design of Technological Innovation Process Reengineering lays emphasis on the concept integration and manpower recombination. It is a taboo that management model is affected by development model.


  • 引入高素质技术管理人才应用高效率管理模式,利用高速传递的多重信息开发产品,巩固老客户,开拓新兴市场成为应对挑战最佳战略

    Introducing skill and management talents, adopting high efficiency management mode and information, developing new product and exploring the emerging market are the best strategies to face challenge.


  • 因此我们针对具体教务管理模式开发基于校园网的教务管理系统

    Therefore, we developed an campus network based educational administration system which is dead against idiographic educational administration.


  • 对于初步尝试临床路径这种管理模式医院,在开发对象选取应该重视,不能盲目随意选取。

    The hospitals attempting to administrate according to the clinical pathways model should pay attention to selection of objects for the exploitation more carefully instead of the random selection.


  • 好的投入机制项目管理模式搞好农业综合开发前提保障

    It is well know that good mechanism of investment and model of project management are both precondition and ensure methods to well do agricultural comprehensive development.


  • 建立完善生产管理体系质量管理体系,形成套科学高效管理模式,积极开发产品拓展市场

    Established a complete production management system and quality management system, the formation of a scientific and efficient management, and actively develop products and marketing.


  • 包括昆明市流动人口社会经济效应评估、不同类型区流动人力资源开发利用途径不同类型区流动人力资源管理模式

    It evaluates social and economic effect of floating population. The author puts forward exploitation ways and management models of floating human resources in different regions in Kunming.


  • 专业化道路同时依靠完善的质量管理体系管理模式我们想你所想无论开发

    In taking the road of specialization at the same time, rely on sound quality management system and management model, we think you want, whether in the development.


  • 控制设计质量就要首先了解产品开发流程管理模式以及最后评判质量的标准

    Design quality control, we must first understand the product development process and management style, and quality of the final evaluation criteria.


  • 依据有关标准使用要求开发集中管理模式加工中心刀具管理系统

    The tool management system of machining centre with centralized management mode is developed in terms of relevant standards and application requirements.


  • 传统瀑布管理模式不再适应当前软件开发管理要求

    The traditional "waterfall" model of management is no longer meet the requirements of the current software development management.


  • 探讨房地产开发企业如何建立供应链管理这一现代管理模式,提高企业竞争力。

    Exploring on the real estate developing enterprise's setting up the modern management model of supply chain management, aimed to higher enterprise's competition power.


  • 采用先进实用技术改善开发效果4转变经营管理模式加快储量开发

    Adopting advanced and practical technology to improve development performance, and 4 changing mode of present management to speed up development of hard producible reserves.


  • 绩效管理现代企业广泛运用开发人力潜能为中心科学管理模式

    Achievement management is one kind of scientific management mode centered on development of human potential ability widely used in modern enterprises.


  • 使系统适应不同规模以及不同管理模式人才服务机构人事档案管理应用后续的系统开发实施提供良好基础

    It can make the system to suit talent service organs personnel files application of different scale and management mode, offer a well theory basis of followed-up system development and maintenance.


  • 建立适宜企业战略地域管理模式地域开发地产集团的必然选择

    To establish the applicable strategy of development pattern for cross region development is a necessary option for cross regional real estate enterprise.


  • 同时,本文对项目管理模式选择方式作了进一步分析得到房地产开发项目组织管理模式

    In the same time, it further analyzed choice mode of project management, received organizational management mode of real estate development.


  • 为此研究目的,首先,研究了软件缺陷管理理论技术、软件缺陷分类方法提出了一种改进模型——基于软件开发过程的软件缺陷管理模式

    On the basis of the before mentioned, a kind of advanced, effective and simple defect predict method and technology based on Bayesian network is proposed.


  • 人才开发管理战略技术方面人力资源管理人员经历管理模式转变

    There is a paradigm shift in the way human resources managers are defining their mission and measuring their success, which embraces the concepts and techniques of talent development and management.


  • 集成产品过程开发(当前国内外高科技行业普遍关注全新的研发管理模式)下,实验教学吸收其中面向市场、团队运作等理念对于拓宽视野具有积极意义

    Using the theory of market and teamwork which comes from product integration and developing in experiment design has very active mean in exploring our sight of view.


  • 基于我校的教学管理模式正在传统学时现代学分制过渡我们自行开发学生选课成绩管理系统应用我校教务管理工作。

    For the interim from traditional period model to modern credit model in our university, we develope the student select course and score educational administration system to apply to our university.


  • 评析传统数据管理模式基础上,讨论了BWS模式应用框架应用开发环境

    Based on the analysis on the traditional data management model, the application frame and application environment are discussed.


  • 同时,研制开发绿色管理理念“桥式”管理模式实现技术——煤矿安全评价技术和安全管理信息系统

    Simultaneously, the technology to realize the theory - assessment skills and management information system of safety in coalmines - is also set up in this paper.


  • 国际化竞争要求下人力资源管理模式,是包括职位分析考核测评、选拔配置、培训开发薪酬激励等的系统性机制

    On the base of job analysis and evaluate of post, to establish model of performance examine on teacher of university, model of system of duty salary and model of integrate incentive mechanism.


  • 国际化竞争要求下人力资源管理模式,是包括职位分析考核测评、选拔配置、培训开发薪酬激励等的系统性机制

    On the base of job analysis and evaluate of post, to establish model of performance examine on teacher of university, model of system of duty salary and model of integrate incentive mechanism.


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