• 太阳神公司试图通过吸引专注研究开发创新技术公司扩大经济基础

    Helios is attempting to expand its economic base by attracting companies that focus on research and development of innovative technologies.


  • 公司业务重点制造高科技聚合物材料为用于日常生活多种领域中的产品开发创新解决方案

    Business activities are focused on the manufacture of high-tech polymer materials and the development of innovative solutions for products used in many areas of daily life.


  • 宣布第三季度业绩较为稳健有所改善同时,卢英德宣布将新建一个部门负责利用水果蔬菜谷物牛奶开发创新营养品

    Reporting solid, improved results for the third quarter, Nooyi also announced a new unit responsible for developing innovative nutrition products using fruit, vegetables, grains and dairy.


  • 所有这些,再加上加州作为技术创新之乡声誉使这里成为开发测试旨在详细监测污染系统理想之地

    All of which, combined with California's reputation as the home of technological innovation, makes the place ideal for developing and testing systems designed to monitor pollution in detail.


  • 然而西屋电气与创新铁路其他行业有着相同态度产品开发标准化系统秩序重中之重

    Westinghouse, however, shared the attitudes of the railroads and other industries for whom he developed innovations: product development standardization, system and order were top priorities.


  • 尽管最近开发可再生燃料方面取得了重要进展,但化石燃料价格较低这一因素可能会阻碍清洁能源技术进一步创新应用

    Notwithstanding important recent progress in developing renewable fuel sources, low fossil fuel prices could discourage further innovation in, and adoption of, cleaner energy technologies.


  • 年,劳拉、亚伦和维姬为“科技创新儿童”(Technovation Kids,TK)集思广益,这是一个鼓励青少年开发解决社区问题的应用软件的国际比赛。

    Last year, Laura, Aaron and Vicky put their heads together for Technovation Kids(TK), an international competition that encourages teenagers to create an app that solves a community problem.


  • 达是一家私营的全球性技术公司,以为客户开发高性能创新解决方案而自豪

    Panduit is a privately held, global technology company that takes pride in developing high-performing, innovative solutions for our customers.


  • 他们放在第二因为他们心中软件开发员将创新视图应用技术构建公司摆在同一个位置。

    I placed them in the second group because of the place they hold in the minds of software developers for their ability to apply innovative vision to technology to build their companies.


  • 应用程序开发创新性。

    Application development is innovative as well.


  • 创新开发收藏存储知识有效途径并且进一步将这个平台提炼支持协同学习

    The innovators developed a way to collect and store knowledge efficiently, and then refined the platform to foster collaboration in learning.


  • 所以可以说一个网络,创新软件开发人员网络。

    So this is a kind of network of innovative software developers.


  • 这些新的特性加上其他改进处帮助系统工程师实时或者嵌入式软件开发增加生产效率市场交付创新产品

    These new features, plus other enhancements, help systems engineers and real-time or embedded software developers increase productivity and deliver innovative products to market.


  • 搞清楚这不意味着增加产品开发投入,而是以差异化或者是创新方式投入。

    To be clear, this doesn't mean to spend more on product development.It means to spend differently, in otherwise unexpected ways.


  • 许多创新意识到全球性问题决定开发一种解决方案,希望能够开发出一种功能强大的产品解决各种使用环境下的问题。

    Many inventors approach a global problem and decide to create a single solution, one product with features to address every context.


  • 所以只有市场为导向,通过技术创新开发符合消费者需求茶叶产品福建茶叶才能保持自己竞争优势

    In order lo keep the competitive advantage, Fujian province must develop new tea product to satisfy the demand of consumers by technological innovation.


  • 设计活动产品开发过程最重要环节之一。在设计过程中,概念设计是创新性的阶段。

    Design activity is one of key points in the products development procedure, while conceptual design is most important in design activity.


  • 报告题为“准备下一代的科技工程数学创新:识别并开发我国的人力资源”,重点是探索如何鼓励科学、技术、工程数学领域的职业

    The study explores ways to promote so-called "STEM" careers, the acronym for science, technology, engineering and mathematics.


  • 作为国家电力公司华东公司技术创新中心,华东电力试验研究院应承担电网技术开发工作

    As the technological innovation center of East Power Company of State Power Corporation, the East China Electric Power Test & Research Institute should undertake the power grid technology development.


  • 公司具有较强产品开发技术创新生产经营管理能力

    The company has strong product development, technological innovation and production and operations management capabilities.


  • 金龙集团中国具有实力的精密铜管材料科研开发技术创新基地世界最大的精密铜管生产企业。

    Golden Dragon Group is the most advanced base for precise copper tube material research, development and technology innovation, as well as the largest precise copper tube producer.


  • 开发创新策略方法改进工作效率提高虚拟测试用例的显示效果

    Develop creative strategies to improve the working efficient and the real visual effect of the Virtual Test Case.


  • 多年来投入大量资源进行技术创新产品开发

    Over the years, Sinro has pumped ample resources into the technological innovation and the product development.


  • 技术创新包括技术研究开发技术应用,技术推广、技术所带来收益评价

    Technological innovation includes technology research and development, application, technology promotion and the assessment of benefits from technology.


  • 技术创新风险产生开发产品技术风险、生产风险、市场风险、资金风险以及管理风险;

    Technological innovation risk is resulted from the technology risk in the product developing process, the production risk , market risk, capital risk and management risk;


  • 创造性解决方案研究开发新的更高质量产品上的不懈努力使得四方机械集团成为市场上创新和行业标榜公司之一

    Innovative solution and the costant research for new a high standard quality products, make FOURGROUP one of the most innovative companies and a reference point in the market.


  • 认为创新旅游线路开发申请“商标”注册以及建立旅游线路专营两个可以实施解决办法。

    The analysis results show that applying for the trademark registration to the innovative traveling lines and establishing the traveling line monopolization are the two of the effective solutions.


  • 倡导技术创新依靠雄厚技术开发实力全体员工勤奋敬业的工作作风,不断推出适应市场的高新技术产品

    Advocate technology innovation, continuing to promote market-oriented hi-tech products relying on its strong technical development power and all staff working spirit.


  • 倡导技术创新依靠雄厚技术开发实力全体员工勤奋敬业的工作作风,不断推出适应市场的高新技术产品

    Advocate technology innovation, continuing to promote market-oriented hi-tech products relying on its strong technical development power and all staff working spirit.


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