• 计算机数值模拟结果表明,交通灯车流适当延迟控制明显地优于交通灯对车流的同步控制

    The simulation indicated that the time delay control strategies of traffic lights show superiority over the synchronized traffic lights control.


  • 实验室采用硬件延迟控制触发软件循环采集保存手段实现了瞬态过程X射线数字化实时成象功能

    We used the means of the hardware delay control trigger and the software circularly saving, realized the flash process X-ray digital imaging function.


  • 发给关于控制延迟交货信息

    It's the message you sent me about the delivery delay of the control desks.


  • 于探测器距地球3.2亿公里,如果研究小组在地球上控制探测器,会有10分钟以上的信号延迟

    As the probe is 320 million km away from Earth, there is a signal delay of over 10 minutes if the research team tries to control it from Earth.


  • 比方说控制飞机方向应用程序能够任何原因延迟,否则导致灾难性的后果。

    An application controlling the rudder of an airplane, for example, must not be delayed for any reason because the result could be catastrophic.


  • 最近我们一个本月底到期项目由于范围蔓延超出我们其他行动控制项目不得不延迟

    Recently, we had a project due at the end of the month, but due to "scope creep" that was outside our control on another initiative, the project had to be delayed.


  • 而不足之处在于对网络延迟基于云开发平台风险(如云故障)管理缺乏控制

    Disadvantages include lack of control over network latency and managing the risks of a cloud-based development platform such as cloud outages.


  • 数据包丢失延迟到达情况下将启用阻塞控制进一步限制性能避免更多全局网络问题

    Packet loss, or late arrival, enables congestion control, which further limits performance to avoid more global networking issues.


  • 通过测试中添加一个延迟能够控制Web服务调用

    By adding a delay to your test, you can control the Web service calls.


  • Singh告诉卫报记者他们到达延迟使恐怖份子座宾馆犹太中心控制更加稳固。

    Singh told the Guardian the delay may have let the terrorists gain more control of the two hotels and Jewish centre than they otherwise would have had.


  • TCP更加可靠(通过建立连接),并且可以在WAN提供更好性能因为可以进行流量控制以帮助最大限度地减少网络延迟

    TCP is more reliable (by establishing connections), and it also provides better performance over a WAN, because its flow control helps minimize network latency.


  • 控制中心的官员莫斯科时间周日晚上10点44分,“TMA-5”号宇宙飞船飞离空间站,之前由于维托里的太空服的真空密封层出现了问题起航行动延迟了4分钟。

    The TMA-5 undocked at 10:44 p.m. Moscow time on Sunday, after a four-minute delay caused by problems with the hermetic seals on Vittori's spacesuit, Mission Control officials said.


  • 通过使用StreamingAPIforXML (StAX)Pull解析器,AXIOM(称为OM)可以控制解析过程提供延迟构建支持

    By using the Streaming API for XML (StAX) pull parser, AXIOM (also referred to as OM) can control the parsing process to provide deferred building support.


  • 普拉控股公司(Prada Holding)最近重组贷款延迟银行的还贷。普拉达控股由由普拉达女士丈夫共同打理,并通过公司控制一家意大利时尚品牌- - -普拉达集团

    Prada Holding, through which Miuccia Prada and her husband control Prada Group, another Italian house, recently restructured its loans in order to defer payment to Banks.


  • 近来德维尔潘先生极力控制空中客车A380长达7个月之久延迟交付所引发危机

    Most recently Mr de Villepin has struggled to contain the crisis over the delay of up to seven months in deliveries of Airbus's huge A380 passenger jet.


  • WorkManager执行提交之前可能会发生延迟但是调用者只能控制最大延迟(启动超时)。

    A delay might occur before WorkManager accepts the submission, but the caller can control only the maximum delay (using the start timeout).


  • 他们贡献唯一最大的贡献-不仅有助于控制禽流感而且可能有助于延迟人类大流行性病毒出现

    Theirs has been the single greatest contribution - not only to controlling avian flu but possibly to delaying the emergence of a human pandemic virus.


  • 现代应急存储设备可以控制之下提供所有这些好处,且其成本要比托管方案多,不会出现互联网延迟情况。

    Modern on-premise storage devices provide all of these benefits fully under your control, at a much lower cost than a hosted solution can offer, and without the lag time of the Internet.


  • 现在可能通过按键之间放置一个延迟真正发出请求时来控制请求数量

    Now you might want to throttle the number of requests by putting a delay in between each keystroke and when you actually make the request.


  • 不过航空运输延迟低效的主要原因还是过时的空中交通管制——一套依靠地面控制反应迟缓雷达站不断重复语音通讯建立起来的体系。

    But delays and inefficiencies in air travel are due in large part to an outdated traffic-control system that still relies on slow, ground-based radar stations and repetitive voice communication.


  • 不过万一要是输入延迟露脸了,至少余地控制问题

    Yet, if input lag ever does rear its ugly head, at least you have options for keeping the problem in check.


  • 使用网格编码方案我们可以灵活控制译码延迟

    With the proposed trellis - coding scheme, we have the flexibility of controlling the decoding delay.


  • 新增添的用户控制可以用户定制索引时间设置Outlook启动插件延迟载入的时间,以及其他一些功能。

    The controls let you customize the indexing times and configure a delayed load when Outlook starts, among other things.


  • 如果延迟原因超出供应商控制范围,供应商只有履行适时通知的义务后才援引该原因。

    If the reason for the delay is beyond the supplier's control, the supplier may invoke such reason only if the supplier has met its obligation to notify us in due time.


  • 延迟恶劣天气造成的,我们无法控制

    The delay was caused by heavy weather and was beyond our control.


  • 因为测量引发脉冲前导沿控制除非设置一定的预触发延迟,否则会丢失部分脉冲、造成频谱失真

    Since the measurement initiation is controlled by the leading slope of the pulse, part of the pulse is lost and the resulting spectrum is distorted unless some pretrigger delay is specified.


  • 提供基于数据节点拓扑结构访问延迟智能控制,以提供最佳数据访问性能。

    Intelligent NoSQL Database driver is topology and latency aware, providing optimal data access.


  • 卖方应对超出控制原因导致的交付延迟交付错误交付(并且合理时间内补救)买方承担赔偿责任。

    The Seller shall not be liable to pay compensation to the Buyer for non, late or mis-delivery for causes beyond the Seller's control (and if not remedied within a reasonable time).


  • 卖方应对超出控制原因导致的交付延迟交付错误交付(并且合理时间内补救)买方承担赔偿责任。

    The Seller shall not be liable to pay compensation to the Buyer for non, late or mis-delivery for causes beyond the Seller's control (and if not remedied within a reasonable time).


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