• 或者看起来并不是个需要计算卡路里作为生命延伸计划里的一分子,他严格控制吃进身体里一口食物

    He may not look like a person who needs to count calories, but as part of his life extension program, he monitors every morsel of food that passes through his system.


  • NBA透过NBA关怀项目举办很多延伸计划近日便有马丁·路德金纪念日社交媒体计划也有参与其中

    The NBA has numerous outreach initiatives through their NBA Cares program, and recently hosted a Martin Luther King Day social media initiative, which I participated in.


  • 已经订了计划明年修建这条支路延伸线。

    There are plans to build a continuation of the by-pass next year.


  • 根据戴维斯计划由于红树林陆地建设”作用,随着时间的推移,通过捕获沉积物海岸线向海方向延伸

    According to Davis' scheme, the shoreline is being extended in a seaward direction because of the "land-building" role of mangroves, which, by trapping sediments over time, extend the shore.


  • 但是这一概念延伸其他很多领域计划正在准备当中。

    But plans are afoot to extend the idea into a number of new areas.


  • 较为温和计划比如延伸尼罗河三角洲运河分支效果好的

    More modest plans, such as the extension of branch canals in the Nile delta, have worked much better.


  • 救援计划可能延伸到:在必要情况下,可以允许购买银行股票甚至包括抵押贷款——这会少许缓和下房主的忧虑心情。

    The TARP could be extended to allow the purchase of bank shares if necessary, or even of mortgages, which might allay some of the fears of homeowners.


  • 第一阶段计划2013年完工地铁线路哈莱姆第125号大街延伸曼哈顿下城的汉诺威广场共计16个新站

    The first phase should be completed by 2013, and the line will eventually extend from Harlem's 125th Street to Lower Manhattan's Hanover Square, with 16 new stations.


  • 服务计划08国土安全警惕盾牌训练期间延伸另外用户

    The service plans to roll out SAGE to additional users during the Vigilant Shield08 homeland security exercise this month, the Air Force said.


  • 已经建成了几个货运许许多多的船舶游艇停靠,计划尼罗河上游苏丹境内的部分延伸

    It has built cargo ports, commissioned lots of new barges and plans to expand upriver, in Sudan.


  • 市场预计这一计划去年宣布HopeNow联盟延伸,Hope Now旨在帮助人们重订按揭条款避免情况的发生。

    The program is expected to be an extension of the Hope Now alliance announced last year that aimed to help people avert foreclosure by reworking the terms of their mortgages.


  • 而且Kayak进一步计划这个角色延伸手机应用程序上最终嵌入其核心搜索流程当中。 这将完全颠覆旅游元搜索的游戏规则

    Also, there is additional intrigue because Kayak plans to extend this new role into its mobile app and eventually to its core search process, thus totally overturning the travel-metasearch playbook.


  • 网站打算储蓄计划节能延伸其它生活决策中去。

    It also plans to eventually move beyond energy to capture savings earned from making "other lifestyle decisions."


  • 那个计划Azeri天然气经过土耳其希腊输送意大利的ITGI管线最近宣布已经敲定延伸至比利时的支线以结束该国天然气几乎全部依赖俄罗斯进口的局面。

    ITGI, which aimsto bring Azeri gas to Italy via Turkey and Greece, has just announced adeal to extend a spur north to Bulgaria, ending that country’snear-total reliance on Russian gas.


  • 对于喜欢使用延伸鼠标产品的顾客lapworks计划不久推出snap -on nouzpad扩展鼠标领域

    For customers who prefer an external mouse when using a laptop on their lap, LapWorks plans to announce shortly a snap-on MouzPad to expand the Futura's mousing area.


  • 不久之后这些领导人骨髓灰质炎根除计划所有工作方面组织结构延伸小区层面

    Soon afterward, the leaders sensitized their entire structure down to the settlement level on all aspects of the Polio Eradication Initiative.


  • 一项美联储财政计划近期已被延伸商业贷款许多贷款现行规则比率降低正在,变成无效贷款

    Federal Reserve financing programme was recently extended to commercial mortgages but many are or will become ineligible under its present rules because of ratings downgrades.


  • 这个计划此类计划最早提出来,是正在兴起叫做受害者研究自然延伸产物.

    The initiative, one of the first of its kind in the U.S., is the natural extension of a burgeoning field of study called victimization research.


  • 计划进行粉刷区域第二林荫道巴厘之间,东四街延伸街的带状地带。

    The area to be painted in New York forms a continuous strip from East Fourth and East Third streets between Second Avenue and the Bowery.


  • 目前中国许多大型跨国公司计划自己业务延伸包括塔吉克斯坦在内中亚地区

    At present, many large scale transnational companies of China are planning to extend their business to Central Asian regions including Tajikistan.


  • 现在可以肯定是,老谋深算莱利赛期补强阵容的决心没有甚至已经自己长远计划延伸到了2010年。

    Now be sure, the wily Riley in the off-season lineup reinforced the determination and did not die, he even has its own long-term plans to extend to the year 2010.


  • 本周里约州长宣布计划这些绥靖项目延伸另外37个贫民窟其中包括Complexoda coreiaVilaalianca

    This week, Rio state's governors announced plans to extend these "pacification projects" to another 37 slums, among them the Complexo da coreia and Vila alianca.


  • 进一步计划时把加州的这高铁延伸萨克拉门托圣迭戈同时私人财团希望能够单独修建洛杉矶拉斯维加斯的铁路。

    Later plans call for the California line to be extended to Sacramento and San Diego, while a private consortium hopes to build a separate route from Los Angeles to Las Vegas.


  • 进一步计划时把加州的这高铁延伸萨克拉门托圣迭戈同时私人财团希望能够单独修建洛杉矶拉斯维加斯的铁路。

    Later plans call for the California line to be extended to Sacramento and San Diego, while a private consortium hopes to build a separate route from Los Angeles to Las Vegas.


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