• 除了件连看到了神马?

    What can you see except a Hoodie?


  • 已经扩大了系列包括帽衫家用香水

    It has expanded its collection to include shirts, hoodies and home fragrances.


  • 没有面容,通常把连子扣在头上,围巾围住

    An Ultra has no face, most of the time a hood is covering his head, a scarf covering his mouth.


  • 我们准备:我们订购另一帽衫运动负荷打印按照客户意愿

    We are prepared: we ordered another load of hoodies and sweatshirts to print them according to our customer's wishes.


  • 脱落的连子上的细重新穿回去,可以把细绳穿进吸管里,然后拉过去。

    Rethread a hoodie string that's gone rogue by stapling the string to a straw and pulling it through.


  • 热衷观察硅谷时尚趋势人来说,扎克伯格对T选择毫无时尚可言。

    To keen observers of Silicon Valley fashion trends, Zuckerberg's choice oft-shirts and hoodies is no revelation.


  • 数组捍卫自己感情阿伯克龙比惠誉帽衫他们拒绝看到作为一个上瘾了。

    In array to defend their sensibilities, abercrombie fitch hoodie, they nay to see the addict as a person anymore.


  • 除了人民,其他新款帽衫拉链设计采用双层面料设计,更加舒适保暖

    All new designs, except for the People's Vehicle, feature a full-front zipper. The inside of the hood is double-layered for extra comfort and warmth.


  • 除非南极,否则没有什么理由汤姆所喜欢的那样,同时穿件T恤,连休闲西装

    Except in Antarctic temps, there's rarely a reason to wear a T-shirt, hoodie and blazer all at once, like Tom prefers.


  • 我们一个目标使连更加美观,既可以白天飞机上穿,也可以晚上酒吧时穿。

    Our next focus was to offer a beautiful hoodie that could transition from a day on the plane straight to the bar at night.


  • 任何衣服都需要这么一对——即使穿着帽衫雨靴,一对耳环可以让你看上去很不一样。

    There is nothing that doesn't need a pair - even if you're in a hoodie and wellies, a pair of hoops makes the world of difference.


  • 这种帽衫共有四种不同款式。 此外该公司还设计了一种针织外套,也配有同样充气枕头

    There are four different types of hoodies and a woven jacket that has the same inflatable hood.


  • 那个女子穿着红色不过贝尼德天尼神父,目前尚清楚周四事件是否同一指使

    That woman too had a red sweat shirt, but Benedettini said it was not immediately known if the same person was behind Thursday's incident.


  • 这种情侣设计不寻常发明全新方式“拥抱”结合了一起——衣服后背隐藏着两个口袋

    The unusual invention, which is aimed at couples, brings together hugs and hoodies in a whole new way, as there are hidden pocket panels fitted in the back.


  • 布拉瓦海岸别墅,拉尔夫·劳伦帽衫如果留在哥斯达黎加布兰卡地区你将遵循同样海岸线往南

    Unlike Costa Brava villas, Ralph lauren hoodies, if you stay in the Costa Blanca region you will be staying along the same coastline but further south.


  • 想想硅谷,那种懒散的、书呆子气帽衫如果女性穿上这样的衣服很难看起来像是摇滚明星领导者。

    'Think Silicon Valley, the shlumpy, nerdy, hoodie thing, ' she says. 'It's very hard to look like a rock star or leader-Ly if you do the shlumpy, nerdy thing as a woman.


  • 意大利rai国家电视台播出视频片断显示身穿红色帽衫女子越过围栏冲向教皇,随后保镖们包围了。

    Footage aired on Italy's RAI state TV showed a woman dressed in a red, hooded sweat shirt vaulting over the wooden barriers and rushing toward the Pope before being swarmed by bodyguards.


  • 如果家里超过一个孩子每个孩子得到的娃娃游戏机Juicy Couture连帽衫的数量自然就会一些。

    When there's more than one child, each kid is naturally going to have fewer dolls, video games and Juicy Couture hoodies.


  • 乔希伍德尔该公司创始人之一,主要从事电影制作工作款连帽衫创意源于他一次机场路上的突发奇想。

    Co-founder, Josh Woodle, had the idea while on the way to the airport, whose main job is in film production.


  • 个例子,布卡可以解读为“帽衫”——主要十来岁男孩服装,现在已经英国一些超市公共场合禁止了。

    For example, for burqas readhoodies’ – hooded tops worn, in the main, by teenage boys, which have been banned in some shopping malls and public spaces in Britain.


  • 这件衣服外观就是普通舒适的连衣服藏有一个充气的人体工学,只要气口吹吹气就马上撑起来

    From the outside, it looks like regular comfy hoodie, but on the inside there is a hidden inflatable, ergonomic neck pillow that can be blown up through a nozzle on the inside of the hood.


  • 回家路上晚上受到掉进了一个平行世界,他5生活包括一个摇滚明星,一个无家可归'攻击

    On his way home one night he gets attacked by a gang of hoodies and falls into a parallel world where he lives 5 other lives including a Rock-Star, a Homeless person and the 'hoody' that attacked him.


  • Scottevest时尚功能融入大约30种不同款式服装中(夹克背心、连、套头长裤短裤),专经常旅行男女打造。

    Scottevest combines style and function with its line of about 30 different pieces of clothing (jackets, vests, hoodies, pullovers, pants, shorts and shirts) for men and women who travel often.


  • 不会一个穿着男人女人来教育小孩或者他们大摇大摆地进入面前的这座银行,或者让我坐他们巴士出租车这些没有法律约束的。

    But I am not going to have a hooded man or woman teach my children, or push their way into the bank ahead of me, or drive my taxi or bus, and there will never be a law that says I have to.


  • 穿着加拿大队运动,戴着羊毛太阳镜金牌张照片奖品翻过来看背面

    Wearing a Canada team sweatshirt, a woolen cap and sunglasses, she picked up the gold medal, snapped a photograph and turned over the prize to see the back.


  • 正如经济学人读者预料的,运动价格骤涨了50%,运动销售价格也上升40%。

    As any Economist reader would have been able to predict, the price of caps promptly rose, by 50%, while team jerseys began selling for 40% more.


  • 正如经济学人读者预料的,运动价格骤涨了50%,运动销售价格也上升40%。

    As any Economist reader would have been able to predict, the price of caps promptly rose, by 50%, while team jerseys began selling for 40% more.


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