• 作为世界最早战地摄影师之一·布雷并不想象的那样有着充满惊心动魄职业生涯。

    As one of the world's first war photographers, Mathew Brady didn't start out having as action-packed a career as you might think.


  • 纽约--圣诞之布雷格里芬以及洛杉矶快船队造访金州之前克拉迎来奥兰多,将使NBA开赛比赛日程增加

    NEW YORK -- Oklahoma City will host Orlando before Blake Griffin and the Los Angeles Clippers visit Golden State on Christmas night, running the NBA's planned opening-day schedule to five games.


  • 例如修·布雷迪就很少涉足战地

    Mathew Brady, for instance, rarely set foot on a battlefield.


  • 显而易见的阻挠是对美国大使提名者,比如叙利亚任命的罗伯特福特土耳其弗兰克•里奇昂多,阿塞拜疆布雷扎以及去往捷克共和国的诺姆•艾森。

    The most visible holds are several U.S. ambassadorial nominees, such as Robert Ford to Syria, Frank Ricciardone to Turkey, Matthew Bryza to Azerbaijan, and Norm Eisen to the Czech Republic.


  • 有次,偶然看到库斯.彭布雷博士(Dr. MarcusPembrey篇名不见传的科学论文。 彭布雷博士是伦敦大学学院著名遗传学家。

    Then he ran across an obscure 1996 paper by Dr. Marcus Pembrey, a prominent geneticist at University College London.


  • 戈登·吉斯布雷西特在温尼荒凉冰面上滑雪度过了26,这是他尼托巴大学所作的研究一部分,研究主题是:人体怎样来抵御寒冷的。

    Gordon Giesbrecht has spent the past 26 days skiing the isolated 2, frozen expanse of Lake Winnipeg as part of his research for the University of Manitoba on how the body copes with the cold.


  • 布雷加斯一句愿意重回祖国西班牙的话使得巴萨可能保留签署意愿再次落空。

    Cesc fabregas has dashed any hopes that Real Madrid and Barcelona might have retained of signing him by saying he has no intention of returning to Spain.


  • 另外,喜剧有助于维持双方关系。加拿大麦克司特大学埃里克布雷斯勒表示幽默重要性男女有别。

    Comedy can also help a relationship. But the importance of humor is different for men and women, says Eric Bressler of McMaster University.


  • 该论文的作者布雷尔汉姆、麦仁伯格约翰琼斯得出结论说发生一现象是因为人们偏爱那些和自身自己名字中的字母有关事物”。

    Authors Brett Pelham, Matthew Mirenberg and John Jones concluded that the phenomenon occurs because people "prefer things that are connected to the self (for example, the letters in one's name)".


  • 戈登·吉斯布雷西特在温尼荒凉冰面上滑雪度过了26,这是他尼托巴大学所作的研究一部分,研究主题是:人体怎样来抵御寒冷的。

    Gordon Giesbrecht has spent the past 26 days skiing the isolated, frozen expanse of Lake Winnipeg as part of his research for the University of Manitoba on how the body copes with the cold.


  • 蒂诺今天早晨前往米兰会见意甲俱乐部经理布雷西亚佛罗伦萨帕尔

    Martino will travel this morning to Milan to meet some managers of Serie a namely those of Brescia, Fiorentina, and Parma.


  • 大部分新闻报导突出地提到戈特布雷名字

    In most news reports the name margot bracken figured prominently.


  • 布雷加斯出色的表现开始赛季,他透露今年夏天决定留在伦敦之前官员会谈过。

    Fabregas, who has made an impressive start to the new season, has revealed he held talks with Real officials over the summer before deciding to stay in North London.


  • 但是布雷加斯现在透露如果时机合适并不排除将来转会皇

    But fabregas has now revealed that he would not rule out a move to Madrid if the timing was right.


  • 蒂厄·弗拉米尼(大腿伤)、塞斯克·布雷加斯赫莱布(是腿后肌伤)恢复训练正力争能够出战这场争冠征途中的重要大战。

    Mathieu Flamini (thigh), Cesc Fabregas and Alex Hleb (both hamstring) are all back in training and fighting to be fit for what could be a pivotal game in the title race.


  • 温格高兴布雷加斯决定但是阿森纳上周对战略甚感不快。

    Wenger will be delighted by fabregas's decision, but Arsenal have been annoyed by Madrid's tactics over the past week.


  • 还有一些俱乐部表现出色例如斯蒂芬。阿皮亚帕尔布雷西亚一旦转会到象尤文图斯这样更大地方就开始步履维艰的。

    Other individuals who performed well at smaller clubs, such as Stephan Appiah with Parma and Brescia, faltered once they reached the bigger sides, such as Juventus.


  • 观点并不出人意表因为现代主义运动深研究英国学者·布雷德伯里早就著作表达了类似的观点。

    This idea should not be very surprising, for, as Malcolm Bradbury has pointed out, "the potential of Modernism was long present in the development of literature;"


  • 事情发生时候比分1:1,但是阿森纳争取,这要感谢布雷加斯费尔伦最后时刻的进球

    The scoreline was 1-1 when the incident happened but Arsenal managed to secure all three points thanks to late goals from Fabregas and Thomas Vermaelen.


  • 移民们决定庆祝丰收感谢上苍后,布雷德福总督萨索伊特酋长那里,邀请那些给予他们恩惠印第安人参加庆祝会。

    So when it was decided to celebrate the harvest and thank God, Governor Bradford sent a messenger to Chief Massasoit, inviting the Indians to whom they were so indebted.


  • 我们医院的床位没有变化,迪亚比维尔伦将继续缺阵布雷加斯仍在养伤当中因此我们阵容会与类似于对阵阿斯顿·维拉的时候。

    There are no other ins or out. Diaby and Vermaelen are not available. Fabregas is still injured so it will be a similar squad to the Aston Villa game.


  • 温格2007八月威胁说如果直接布雷加斯联系就起诉

    Gunners manager Wenger, speaking back in August 2007, threatened to Sue Real if it was proved they had spoken to Fabregas directly.


  • 温格2007八月威胁说如果直接布雷加斯联系就起诉

    Gunners manager Wenger, speaking back in August 2007, threatened to Sue Real if it was proved they had spoken to Fabregas directly.


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