• 共和党布斯也是名医生代表共和党做出正式回应

    Republican Charles Boustany, who is also a physician, delivered the formal Republican response.


  • 我们保罗布斯主席

    We chose Paul Stubbs to be chairperson.


  • 通常是从不杂志写信的,布斯先生最后出格

    I normally never write into magazines but Mr. Stubbs has finally crossed the line.


  • 其他确定球员包括: 奈杰尔·克拉夫, 德·沃克戴夫沃森,艾伦·布斯特雷弗·斯蒂文格雷厄姆·斯图尔特

    Other confirmed players include Nigel Clough, Des Walker, Dave Watson, Alan Stubbs, Trevor Steven and Graham Stuart.


  • 1938年,坎布斯场,并且获得了第一个冠军击败强硬对手

    In 1938, the Cantabs suffered only one loss, and a first title, defeating former nemesis.


  • 来自伯南布哥联邦大学古斯马亚戈麦斯到,干旱地区受益于果园和谷物业农场,轻工业扩展.

    The drylands have also benefited from an expansion of fruit and grain farming and of light industry, says Gustavo Maia Gomes of the Federal University of Pernambuco.


  • 尽管认识布莱维克泡泡极度凶残卡杰斯曾经见识过同样狭隘的思想。

    While acknowledging the murderous extremity of Breivik's bubble, Kjaerstad says he has witnessed similarly ideologically blinkered thinking before.


  • 达特茅斯商学院教授科林布莱登规则可能会改变力量变化。

    Regulations could change these dynamics, says Colin Blaydon, a professor at Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth.


  • 声明他们儿子卡拉克克斯女儿布迪卡发布,他们“平静地去世是出于自愿的” 。

    The statement from the couple's son and daughter, Caractacus and Boudicca, said they "died peacefully, and under circumstances of their own choosing".


  • 作者埃德加·赖斯·布罗作品封底图书俱乐部版本多次再版,极大提高了弗兰克·弗雷·大胆风格整个一代读者影响力。

    Reissues of the works of author Edgar Rice Burroughs in paper back and book club editions did much to bring Frank Frazetta's bold style to the attention of a whole new generation of readers.


  • 一张照片是“汽车事故――位于美国66号公路亚利桑那州温斯洛佛拉格斯之间”,这张照片表现路边尸体尸体一块布遮盖着有四个人悲伤在尸体旁边

    The next photo, "Car Accident -- U.S. 66, Between Winslow and Flagstaff, Arizona, " shows a body on the side of the road that is also covered with a cloth. Four people stand sadly near the body.


  • 迭戈利斯大学教育专家若泽•华金•布伦纳表示足以改变行业态度

    That would be enough to change attitudes in the profession, says José Joaquín Brunner, an education specialist at Diego Portales University.


  • 阿纳斯西亚·巴布罗头部中弹,但是遇刺原因清楚

    IT IS still not clear why Anastasia Baburova was shot in the head.


  • 著名布奇圣丹斯姆·沃思猪,1998年威尔特郡屠宰场成功逃离,他们河流继续逃亡。

    But the most famous porcine escapers were Butch and Sundance 'the' Tamworth Two ' 'who escaped from an abattoir in Wiltshire in 1998, swam a river and went on the run.


  • 我们公司名字里·斯。

    Our company's name is Brittas.


  • 可以宣称自己看到布莱·德曼露丝贝利娜,费德勒纳芙拉蒂诺娃,尼克劳斯伍兹。又或者你可以满怀激动地宣称自己看到明日之星。

    You can say that you saw Bradman or Ruth, pele or Montana, Federer or Navratilova, Nicklaus or woods-or you may have the tingling feeling that you have seen the next of the greats.


  • 一眼看上去,亚尼斯•布利斯不太像是个支持自由市场的改革家

    At first glance, Yiannis Boutaris would seem to be an unlikely free-market reformer.


  • 当然,巴塞名出色的前锋佩德罗大卫.维拉中场哈维.埃尔南德斯伊涅斯塞尔吉奥.布斯克兹和阿尔维斯能轻易比赛出色表现。

    In Pedro and David Villa, Barcelona has two top strikers, and midfielders Xavi Hernandez, Andres Iniesta, Sergio Busquets and Dani Alves are easily the top midfield in the game.


  • 卡杰斯有着迷人而朴素性格可以用名字称呼首相或者分析布莱·维克是否正常精神科医生。

    Kjaerstad, who's a charmingly understated character, is also on first-name terms with the prime minister and the psychiatrist who is analysing Breivik to decide whether or not he is sane.


  • 截止中场休息哈维布斯克特伊涅斯就已经完成了153脚传球而国米中场大将只完成50次

    By the break, Xavi, Keita, Busquets and Iniesta had played 153 passes; Inter's midfield four had barely made 50.


  • 凯特·布兰切特詹妮弗·洛佩兹,蕾妮•齐薇格凯瑟琳··琼斯詹妮弗·安妮·斯顿宁愿没有提到这个话题。

    Cate Blanchett, Jennifer Lopez, renee Zellweger, Catherine Zeta-Jones and Jennifer Aniston might prefer you not to mention it.


  • 对于债券投资者而言,问题的关键是是否存在布克伯所言的“系统性问题”。

    The question for bond buyersis whether “things can go systemic, ” as Bookstaber puts it.


  • 这些照片科罗拉多州布埃纳·维斯史蒂夫·加鲁菲提供的。

    These pictures were provided by Steve Garufi in Buena Vista, Colorado.


  • 夜幕降临斯马尼亚著名的布里迪·斯托村的薰衣草花田的时候,紫色陆地天空着上美丽的颜色。

    Purple tints land and sky as night falls over lavender fields at Tasmania's famed Bridestowe Estate.


  • 卢克.布斯描述了一个目击者惊恐地房子尖叫着呼喊救命的情形:“只见水花四溅鲨鱼叼着那个人水里翻滚,然后就不见了,也看不到任何东西了。”

    Luke Tubbs told how a witness ran to his house in shock and screaming for help: "He just saw a big splash and then the shark roll over in the water with the guy and then [he saw] no body or anything."


  • 这个过程就是纳西姆·尼古拉斯·勒布随机性欺骗主题

    This process is the topic of Nassim Nicholas Taleb's book "Fooled by Randomness."


  • 但是数字时代Plentitube创始人乔恩·拉布斯利亚·普尔沃认为未来人才发现日益发生他们正在打造的这种在线场所里。

    But in the Digital Age, Plentitube founders Jon Labes and Talia Pulver believe the future of talent discovery will happen increasingly in online venues like the one they are building.


  • 今年2月,马克洛夫就克里姆林宫不远的地方遭遇了枪击,一起被害的还有《新报》的自由记者阿娜西娅·巴布罗娃。

    In February he was gunned down in central Moscow, a short stroll away from the Kremlin. Killed with him was Anastasia Baburova, a freelance journalist for Novaya Gazeta newspaper.


  • 夫斯大学的大学生马克·布伦克尔(Mark Brenckle)正在往沸水加入碳酸钠蚕丝脱胶步骤一部分。

    Mark Brenckle, an undergraduate at Tufts, adding sodium carbonate into boiling water as part of the silk degumming process.


  • 赢得女子50游泳金牌并创造奥运会纪录德国选手布丽.斯特芬赛前决定饮食上放纵自己一下。

    Britta Steffen of Germany also decided to stray from her diet before winning the women's 50-meter swimming event in Olympic record time (24.06 seconds).


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