• 德国市场影响股票价格出现下跌

    Share prices slipped in sympathy with the German market.


  • 长远来看,其他趋势市场影响更大

    In the long run, other trends may shape markets more.


  • 关税调整金属市场影响几何

    What is the influence of tariff adjustment on metal markets?


  • 单一航空公司难以形成整体市场影响

    A single airline is difficult to form the impact on the overall market.


  • 部分由于版权限制,e -speak未能造成很大市场影响

    Due in part to its proprietary requirements, e-speak failed to make much of a market impact.


  • 我们重点继续专注于“补丁小子”商业模式泽西费城市场影响

    We will continue to focus on the growth of the Patch Boys business model in South Jersey and the Philadelphia market.


  • 市场影响最大的应该中央汇金股份公司股份二级市场地位

    The greatest impact on the market should be said that Central Huijin Company's holdings of shares in the secondary market position.


  • 因此,如何认识中国证券市场影响收益率风险因素无疑具有重要理论意义现实意义。

    No doubted, it has the very important theoretical and practical significance in how to analyze the risk factors that affect the stock return of the China's security market.


  • 发现,手机的覆盖使不同市场价格差异至少缩小了6.4%,偏远难以企及市场影响更大

    She found that it reduced price variations between one market and another by at least 6.4%, and more in remote and hard-to-reach markets.


  • 3月一次分析师会议上英特尔总裁宣布公司现在大部分业务来自海外,而受美国市场影响较小。

    In a meeting with analysts in March, Intel executives told their audience that much of the company's business now comes from overseas, with should lessen its reliance on the U.S. market.


  • 由于航空公司现金流流量较大结构复杂,且市场影响因素敏感,现金流管理具有一定特殊性。

    The airlines cashflow demonstrates unique characteristics in terms of the large size of its cashflow and its complex structure with its sensitivity to market factors.


  • 我们认为是一个长期政策短期效果有限; 对商品房市场影响有限;有利于城市化进程加快

    We believe the policy has limited short-term effects as it aims long-term development, and minor impacts on property market, but could help to accelerate urbanization process.


  • 美国证券市场人民币升值升值预期通过不同的机制其证券市场影响效果的强弱方向不同的。

    Taking American securities market as an example, the influence extent and direction of RMB appreciation and appreciation expectation will be different through different mechanisms.


  • 国有股上市流通市场影响大小,取决于国有股价格数量两者结合决定了国有股上市后的除权价格。

    The influence produced by the circulation of listed state-owned shares over market lies in the price and amount of state stock, both of which determine the divided-weight price of listed state stock.


  • 文章利用中国职工股上市数据上市公司内部人在其股份上市交易中的自利行为及其市场影响进行了研究。

    Using the data from China's market of employee shares, this paper investigates the corporate insiders' strategic behaviors and the corresponding market impact.


  • 巨大的市场影响成本搜寻成本延迟成本,对于信息披露特殊要求,使得机构投资者选择大宗交易制度

    Huge markets will influence, search for and defer the cost. Owing to the special demand to the information revealing, institutional investors have to choose bulk transfer system.


  • 克里目前市场局势还不足以阻挡他们上市的步伐——就算他们7月上市可能无法达到预期的市场影响

    Killian says that the market would have to get much worse to slow them down — even though they might not make the impact they would have if they'd listed in July.


  • 披露,由于经济萧条对就业市场影响深远未来几个月内即将走出大学校园的多数学生并不指望找到体面的工作。

    The majority of students leaving university in coming months do not expect to land decent jobs, it was revealed, as the recession continues to have a "profound effect" on the employment market.


  • 本文主要市场影响市场影响存量损失和流量损失两个方面,从经济学角度灾害损失内涵进行深入探讨。

    This paper argues the basic connotation of disaster losses estimation in the perspective of economics based on rules including market or non-market effects and stock or flow.


  • 通过当前外贸支线运输市场影响因素了解,进行客户需求情况调查总结码头业务拓展客户最为关注服务特征

    Base on the understand of foreign trade feeder line transportation market and customer requirement survey, make out the most important characteristics in customer-concerned service.


  • 这些似乎自从金融危机以来已经变得更为尖锐由于没有大量存款基础以及大型母公司支持已经被证明容易受到变化无常借贷市场影响

    These seem to have become sharper since the crisis, given that firms without large deposit bases or big parent companies were shown to be more vulnerable to fickle borrowing markets.


  • 尽管市场一直疲软,房价持续偏高然而需求的减少还是二手房价格产生影响

    Although the market has been flat, residential property costs remain high. Nevertheless, the fall-off in demand has had an impact on resale values.


  • 虽然人们体重自我认知影响自尊心心理健康健康行为但是普通人对体重的自我认知劳动力市场结果之间没有关联。 

    We found no relationship between the average person's self-perception of weight and labor market outcomes, although self-perceived weight can influence self-esteem, mental health and health behaviors.


  • 体系中,奶农国际商品市场牛奶价格剧烈波动影响

    In the grass-fed system, farmers are also not subject to the wildly fluctuating milk prices of the international commodity market.


  • 体系中,奶农国际商品市场牛奶价格剧烈波动影响

    In the grass-fed system, farmers are also not subject to the wildly fluctuating milk prices of the international commodity market.


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