• 这些日子里他们工作时间规定了白天

    These days, they restrict their exertions to daylight hours.


  • 已经获得英超踢球工作时间规定每件事目前进展顺利

    He has worked the amount of time required by the Premier League and everything is going fine.


  • 很多英国十来的青少年一些钟点工赚些零用钱,不过他们工作时间合格从事某些工作最低年龄在英国都严明的制度规定

    Many British teenagers have part-time jobs to earn a bit of money, but there are rules about how many hours they can work and what the minimum age is for certain jobs.


  • 用人单位遵守国家关于劳动者工作时间休息休假规定情况;

    The employers' abidance by provisions of the state regarding working hours, rest and vacation of the workers;


  • 上班时间灵活随意,我们的团队来说运作的非常好。但是经理们喜欢规定时间是有原因的:这样做可以给他们错觉工作时间的长短可以转化为评判表现的标准。

    But managers love to assign hours for a reason: it gives them the illusion that hours can measure performance.


  • 农场工作其他工作法律除了规定儿童不能上课时间工作,并没有其他限制。 法律没指定工作时间可以是清晨一大早或是三更半夜,也限制时间长短。

    Unlike for other jobs, the law sets no limit on how early in the morning, how late at night, or how many hours children can work in agriculture, as long as they do not work during school hours.


  • 他们认为这项条约苛刻特别是那些涉及工作时间健康安全方面的规定

    It said the treaty would be too onerous, particularly the parts regulating working hours and health and safety.


  • 人力贵,因为法律保护工人免于长期的震动受伤,严格规定他们工作时间

    They are expensive, because the law protects workers from the long-term injury caused by vibrations, restricting the hours they can work.


  • 注意到了有关弹性工作时间规定也适用吗?

    I noticed an item about flex-time. Is that a possibility for me?


  • 雇主不仅希望我们工作时间呆在办公桌旁会在规定工作时间以外打电话给我们。

    Employers expect us to be at the desk for the allotted working hours, but many now even consider contacting workers outside of core hours as the norm.


  • 作为公司弹性工作文化一部分,位于芝加哥的房地产公司TheHabitat Company便制定了电子邮件政策规定员工需要回复工作时间收到的电子邮件。

    The Habitat Company, a Chicago-based real estate firm, established an E-mail policy that responses should only be expected during business hours, as part of an overall flexible culture.


  • 当地公认休息日投标函附录规定正常工作时间以外不得现场进行任何工作除非

    No work shall be carried out on the Site on locally recognized days of rest, or outside the normal working hours stated in the Appendix to Tender, unless.


  • 乙方每天每周工作时间参照甲方有关规定

    Thee daily and the weekly working time refer to party a's relative regulations.


  • 政策旨在澄清公司工作时间假期管理规定考勤管理员工作范围和职责以及保证效率

    This policy is designed to clarify working hours and leave regulation of the company, regulate work scope and duties of the Attendance Administrator and assure efficiency.


  • 苹果份声明中表示富士康其他供应商每周平均工作时间53小时低于品牌行为准则规定60小时上限

    In a statement, Apple said the average workweek at Foxconn and its other suppliers was 53 hours, below the 60-hour limit in the brand's code of conduct.


  • 遵守公司规定的出勤程序工作时间

    Adheres to the set procedures for attendance and time keeping.


  • 甲、乙双方必须严格执行国家有关工作时间生产安全劳动保护卫生健康规定

    Both parties shall strictly observe national regulations concerned with working hours, production safety, labor protection and hygiene and health.


  • 理论分析基础进行了休息权保障实证分析,具体阐述比较了有关工作时间休息时间法律规定

    Based on the theoretical analyses, the article also make the realistic analyses of the protection of right of rest, then discusses and compares the legal rules about working time and rest time.


  • 工伤保险条例规定工作时间工作场所内受到伤害的,应该认定为工伤。

    The Regulation on work injury Insurance in PRC stipulates: those harmed in workplace and working time should be cognized work injury.


  • 合同规定验收测试除非另行约定,应当正常工作时间内在生产地进行

    Acceptance tests provided for the contract shall, unless otherwise agreed, be carried out at the place of manufacture during normal working hours.


  • 我们没有规定工作时间,看情况而

    There are no set working hours; we'll play it by ear.


  • 至于如何拆分工作时间没有严格规定

    There are no hard and fast rules for splitting the workload in a job share.


  • 如果合同规定发货进行测试除非另行约定,此测试应于工作时间内在制造地进行

    If tests before shipment are provided for in the Contract they shall, unless otherwise agreed, be carried out at the place of manufacture during normal working hours.


  • 根据有关规定企业决定延长工作时间一个协商程序

    The basis concerns a provision, the enterprise decides to lengthen working hours, want to one negotiates a program.


  • 某些国家如果工作时间上限限制没有法律上明确规定员工们工作时间超过正常工作时间与12小时加班时间之和

    In the case of those countries where laws do not limit the hours of work, workers should not be required to work on a regular basis in excess of a regular work week plus 12 hours overtime.


  • 供应商国家法律协议地方产业标准作为规定工作时间最低工资加班报酬的最低标准。

    Suppliers shall stipulate working hours and pay wages and overtime pay as a minimum in accordance with national laws and agreements, or in accordance with local industry standards.


  • 供应商国家法律协议地方产业标准作为规定工作时间最低工资加班报酬的最低标准。

    Suppliers shall stipulate working hours and pay wages and overtime pay as a minimum in accordance with national laws and agreements, or in accordance with local industry standards.


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