• 关于这场暴乱报道暴露了一个被逼崩溃边缘监狱体制

    The report on the riot exposed a prison system stretched to breaking point.


  • 2008年秋天西方金融体系几近崩溃边缘

    In the autumn of 2008, Western finance almost collapsed.


  • 气候恶化崩溃边缘吗?

    Will Climate Go Over The Edge?


  • 联想正在买进的部分其实已经崩溃边缘徘徊年之久。

    The business Lenovo is buying has hovered around break-even for years.


  • 每个公共服务设施火车道路紧张到了崩溃边缘

    Every public service, from trains to roads, is strained to the breaking point.


  • 许多队员不到工资俱乐部债台高筑已达崩溃边缘

    Many footballers did not get paid and the club was up to its neck in debt.


  • 处于崩溃边缘俱乐部拒绝巴伦西亚经理提出要求

    The former Valencia manager is at a breaking point over the club's refusal to give in to his 'demands'.


  • 布什雇用了数百万美国汽车工业现在处于崩溃边缘

    Mr. Bush noted that the U. S. auto industry employs millions of people, and that it is on the brink of collapse.


  • 这个世界几乎被过度消费拖崩溃边缘,现在最急需的正是统一整合市场

    Unified markets are what a world driven to collapse by hyperconsumption is desperately going to need.


  • 及至精神崩溃边缘肖扬好不容易找到一份酒吧钢琴师工作

    Up the edge of a nervous breakdown, Xiao Yang finally found a piano bar to do the work.


  • 如果财政处于崩溃边缘那么受命挽救危机健康也处于危机边缘了。

    If finance was on the brink, so was the health of at least one of those tasked with saving it.


  • 尽管美国经济停滞不前,欧洲正处在崩溃边缘,他们每天除了一厢情愿还是一厢情愿。

    Even with the economy at stall speed and Europe on the verge of collapse, wishful thinking carries the day.


  • 也是为什么我们选择汽车产业崩溃边缘回来的原因,一举措挽救了数十万工作岗位

    That's why we chose to pull the auto industry back from the brink, saving hundreds of thousands of jobs in the process.


  • 那个一大清早打扰让你几近崩溃边缘那个电话大声粗鲁以至于你觉得血压在升高

    That person who annoyed you to the point of near rage this morning -- the one who was talking on his cell phone so loudly and so rudely that you felt your blood pressure rising?


  • 这些女性崩溃边缘其中一个原因至少黎巴嫩她们没有受到这个国家劳动法保护

    One reason the women are driven to the edge is that, in Lebanon at least, they are not given protection under the country's labour law.


  • 听到有人对自己努力做这样积极肯定疲惫崩溃边缘托德上士做出了一个反应哭了

    Upon hearing such a positive affirmation of his work, Colour Sgt Todd, tired to the point of breaking, had just one response: he cried.


  • 年前,处于崩溃边缘印度尼西亚,如今发生了翻天覆地,日渐好转SimonLong说道。

    Just a decade ago Indonesia was on the brink of catastrophe. Things have taken a dramatic turn for the better, says Simon long.


  • 一个超级科伦拜”的游戏或者像“德州电锯杀人狂电影,会不会已经崩溃边缘彻底推下去?

    Does a game like Super Columbine, or a movie like the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, supply that final push to those people already on the edge?


  • 贝尔唯一一家拒绝帮助长期资本管理公司摆脱困境的公司,后者曾是1998年濒于崩溃边缘对冲基金

    Bear had been the only big firm that refused to help out Long-Term Capital Management, a hedge fund that came close to the brink in 1998.


  • 现在,离美国汽车产业崩溃边缘摇摇欲坠时候刚刚过去几年,曾经的美国最大制造商现如今又跻身最伟大制造商行列。

    Now, just a few years after the American auto industry teetered on the brink of collapse, America’s great manufacturers of yesterday have emerged as some of the great manufacturers of today.


  • 现在有越来越多人认为并担忧环境正处于崩溃边缘这种恐惧使得许多环保人士妥协甚至他们相互之间也不愿让步。

    A growing fear that the environment is on the brink of collapse is making many greens less willing to compromise, even with each other.


  • 拉脱维亚曾经通过廉价外币贷款以及欧元挂钩促成了数年的经济繁荣景象,而如今急转直下,濒临崩溃边缘

    Years of boom, buoyed by cheap foreign-currency loans and a currency pegged to the euro, have turned to a spectacular bust.


  • 通用汽车首席执行长瓦格纳(Rick Wagoner)需要有这样一个方案,以把美国经济灾难性的崩溃边缘拯救出来。

    GM CEO Rick Wagoner said the package is needed to 'save the U.S. economy from a catastrophic collapse.'


  • 现在,离美国汽车产业崩溃边缘摇摇欲坠时候刚刚过去几年,曾经的美国最大制造商现如今又跻身最伟大制造商行列。

    Now, just a few years after the American auto industry teetered on the brink of collapse, America's great manufacturers of yesterday have emerged as some of the great manufacturers of today.


  • 去年10月全球金融系统陷入崩溃边缘时,金价其实跌了:对美元价格下降17个百分点;折算英镑8个百分点。

    Last October, when the global financial system was on the brink of collapse, the gold price actually fell: dropping 17 per cent in dollars and 8 per cent translated into sterling.


  • 巴拉克·奥巴马:“冷静睿智大胆行动创新性的思维处理处于崩溃边缘金融系统使美国经济快速下滑得以遏制。”

    BARACK OBAMA: "Ben approached a financial system on the verge of collapse with calm and wisdom, with bold action and out-of-the-box thinking that has helped put the brakes on our economic freefall."


  • 巴拉克·奥巴马:“冷静睿智大胆行动创新性的思维处理处于崩溃边缘金融系统使美国经济快速下滑得以遏制。”

    BARACK OBAMA: "Ben approached a financial system on the verge of collapse with calm and wisdom, with bold action and out-of-the-box thinking that has helped put the brakes on our economic freefall."


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