• 采用时间控制变形控制功率峰值控制三种控制方式实现了焊接过程的自动控制

    Three control modes have been worked out, such as time-control, deformation-control and power-peak control. Each model realizes automatic control in linear friction welding.


  • 分析团队用户一起工作捕捉产生最差性能关键情况比如数据峰值或者关键控制画面

    Analysis team: Work with the users to capture the key use cases that drive the worst-case performance conditions, such as the peak data load or most critical control scenario.


  • 9小时反应堆安全壳发生氢气爆炸,随着巨响控制仪表盘显示出压力峰值

    9 hr Hydrogen explodes within the containment structure, causing a pressure spike on the control room gauges and an audible thud.


  • 上世纪70年代以来,美联储失业率达到峰值平均过了14个月收紧经济控制

    Since the 1970s, the Fed has waited 14 months, on average, after unemployment topped out to tighten the screws on the economy.


  • 文章阐述斩波调速原理指出峰值电流大小影响元器件寿命所以必要瞬时电流的大小进行控制

    It is pointed out, while expounding the principle of chopper speed variation, that the value of peak current can affect the service life of components and so it is necessary to control.


  • 换流器控制系统过电压第一峰值没有影响以后峰值控制作用

    The Converter Control system has no effect on the first crest overvoltage but may have effect on the following crest overvoltage.


  • 阐述峰值电流控制不稳定性原因

    Instability and reasons of peak current control are also expatiated.


  • 介绍了峰值电流控制开关电源原理优点

    Principles and virtues of switching power supply of peak current control are presented.


  • 提出了两种模拟二极管正向导通输入输出特性的数学函数,进行数字序列峰值因数控制

    Two input-output soft-clip functions that mimic the diode full-wave soft clipping have been designed to control the peak factor of digital sequences.


  • 快速低损耗控制雪崩整流重复峰值反向电压150V平均正向电流2.4A

    Ultra fast low-loss controlled avalanche rectifier. Repetitive peak reverse voltage 150 V. Average forward current 2.4 A.


  • 自动亮度控制硬件系统作为设计另一个环节,利用FPGA完成了峰值测光区域测光设计。

    The automatic brightness control system is another design. The design includes the average and peak area exposure measurement using FPGA.


  • 输入为同峰值速率突发信源的突发级损失系统AT M网络资源分配呼叫允许控制研究中的一种重要排队模型

    Burst-level loss system input by bursty bursty with the same peak rate is an important queueing model in the study of resources allocation and call admission control in ATM networks.


  • 介绍峰值电流控制开关电源原理特点

    This paper presents the principles and features of switching power supply in the peak current control.


  • 随着节点相对刚度的增加,结构地震作用下的峰值加速度反应输入地震波能量分布特征的控制,分布规律非常复杂

    The peak acceleration responses are fully controlled by the relative stiffness ratio and the input seismic excitation, and their distributions are quite complicated.


  • 传统方法采用绿蓝色多层叠合产生白光难以控制基色峰值强度

    Conventionally, red, green and blue (RGB) -emitting materials are simultaneously used to obtain white emission in OLED, but it is difficult to control the intensity of each RGB peak.


  • 提出了一种基于临界电流模式峰值电流控制技术实现开关电源的功率因数校正任务

    A critical current mode based on the peak current control technology to achieve switching power supply power factor correction task is proposed.


  • 结果表明被动控制使得沿模型表面马赫数峰值压力梯度明显减小激波减弱

    The results indicate that passive control technique can reduce peak Mach number on the surface of the airfoil and reduce the adverse pressure gradient, shock is also weakened.


  • ATS616齿轮齿传感器峰值侦测器件,其使用自动增益控制集成电容器,在即便是很工作速度情况也能提供相当精确的齿轮边缘检测

    The ATS616 gear-tooth sensor is a peak-detecting device that uses automatic gain control and an integrated capacitor to provide extremely accurate gear edge detection down to low operating speeds.


  • 为了进行电源系统分析设计,本文建立了电压模式峰值电流模式控制逆变弧焊电源数学模型,并用计算机进行分析。

    In order analyze and design the power supply system, the system models which control by two above-mentioned control modes are established and analyzed by computer.


  • 基于岩石爆破损伤影响范围控制质点峰值振动速度判据,就临近岩石边坡开挖轮廓面的爆破开挖设计方法进行了探讨。

    Basen on the criteria of the peak particle velocity(PPV) for blast-induced damage, the design approach for excavation blasting near contour of rock slope is discussed.


  • 作为水利水电工程中的应用,以压力峰值最小作为控制目标建立优化数学模型

    The optimal mathematical model, hi which the control aim is to make the peek value of water hammer smallest, is set up for the application in hydraulic and hydropower engineering.


  • 无功补偿可以提高功率因数变压器经济运行可以最大限度地降低变压器的电能损耗需量控制能够降低企业最大峰值负荷降低生产成本

    It concludes that reactive compensation can increase power factor. Economical transformer operation can decrease energy loss. Power demand control can shed maximum peak load and lower productive cost.


  • 详细介绍PWM峰值电流模式控制中的斜波补偿技术原理

    The paper introduces the theory of slope compensation in the current-mode of control of PWM mode in detail.


  • 论述峰值电流控制平均电流控制工作原理及电路的主要特点

    The paper presented here describes the configuration characteristic of peak current-controlled and average current-controlled models.


  • 控制成型残余应力峰值合缝预焊后管口椭圆度的角度出发综合考虑,将管坯成型椭圆较为合理。

    It is reasonable takes shape the unfinished piping to the flat ellipse for reduce the remaining stress peak value and ellipticity.


  • 同时着重分析峰值电流控制模式下,由于电流扰动空比扰动导致系统占空比大于50%情况下而出现次谐波振荡原因。

    And then, we mainly discuss the peak current controlling mode and the sub-harmonic oscillation when the duty cycle exceeds 50%.


  • 简要分析了峰值电流控制模式升压变换器不稳定性及其原因阐述斜坡补偿基本原理设计问题

    Instability and reasons of peak current controlled BOOST converter are simply analyzed, basic principles of slope compensation and design problems are also expatiated.


  • 结果显示气流改变主要电弧瞬时功率控制最大流量不是发生压力峰值时刻而是出现电流过零时

    It is found that the gas flow is mainly controlled by instantaneous arc power and the maximum of gas flow appears not at peak pressure, but at current zero.


  • 峰值时间糊化温度、糊化值、糊化时间胚乳基因型的控制

    Peak time, pasting temperature, pasting and pasting time were controlled by endospermic genes.


  • 峰值时间糊化温度、糊化值、糊化时间胚乳基因型的控制

    Peak time, pasting temperature, pasting and pasting time were controlled by endospermic genes.


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