• 显然一种具有潜在危险局势

    Clearly this is a potentially dangerous situation.


  • 很难从全局上理解局势严重性

    The seriousness of the situation is difficult to appreciate in its totality.


  • 当前局势似乎不大可能继续下去

    It seems improbable that the current situation will continue.


  • 埃塞俄比亚局势特别令人担忧。

    The situation in Ethiopia in particular is worrisome.


  • 政治局势过了很长时间恢复正常

    It took time until the political situation had normalized.


  • 警察干预后局势平静了下来

    The situation calmed down when police intervened.


  • 我们以前对待局势心态不对

    We approached the situation in the wrong spirit.


  • 无法掩饰局势演变的忧虑

    He was unable to hide his unease at the way the situation was developing.


  • 人们担心局势恶化全面战争

    There are fears that the situation might deteriorate into full-scale war.


  • 印度联合国大使局势危急

    India's United Nations ambassador said the situation is desperate.


  • 先前一直暴乱局势变化无常

    There have been riots before and the situation is volatile.


  • 局势风云突变,战争一触即发

    A hair-trigger situation has been created which could lead to an outbreak of war at any time.


  • 问题局势是否了解

    The question arises as to whether or not he knew of the situation.


  • 总统昨天内阁成员审度局势

    The president reviewed the situation with his cabinet yesterday.


  • 保安部队到达使局势更加难以控制。

    The situation was further inflamed by the arrival of the security forces.


  • 努力保持局势控制

    He struggled to retain control of the situation.


  • 局势岌岌可危联合国力主谨慎行事

    The situation is dangerous, and the UN is urging caution.


  • 局势岌岌可危联合国力主谨慎行事

    The situation is dangerous and the UN is urging caution.


  • 目前局势我们来讲令人懊丧的。

    The current situation is very frustrating for us.


  • 首都局势迫使他们时刻做好军事准备

    The situation in the capital forced them to maintain military preparedness.


  • 警察到达后就控制局势

    The police arrived and took command of the situation.


  • 我们到达局势与新闻报道截然不同。

    The situation when we arrived was in marked contrast to the news reports.


  • 局势变得愈发困难起来

    The situation was becoming progressively more difficult.


  • 作为成年人可以现实地估量这个局势

    As an adult, you can assess the situation realistically.


  • 认为军事角度来看局势得到控制

    He believes that from a military standpoint, the situation is under control.


  • 政治局势持续恶化

    The political situation is steadily worsening.


  • 退一步分析局势

    I stepped back and analysed the situation.


  • 外交部长承认该国局势依然感到焦虑。

    The foreign minister admitted he was still anxious about the situation in the country.


  • 当时采取一些巧妙政治手段挽回局势

    It was going to take some deft political footwork to save the situation.


  • 局势所能控制

    The situation was beyond her control.


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