• 有时需用少许纯净水湿干净表面然后再干净软布擦自然晾干

    Need to dip in the wet clean soft cloth to clean the surface of ruler body with a little purified water sometimes, then dry or wait to dry naturally in it with the clean soft cloth;


  • 本文主要介绍了式数显焊接棱角度错边量检测仪、基外形成型磨削加工工艺以及砂轮修整工艺,此外,对成型磨削过程中的计算机模拟进行了分析

    This paper introduces the shape grinding process of the decides grid trough and the rule's contour and the process of grinding wheel truing, analyzes the process simulation by computer.


  • 我们离开森林时候,感觉到亚历克,就在呼吸,我转过点事情却看到足有30的地方。

    Or when we were leaving the woods I could feel Alec right behind me, almost breathing over my shoulder, so I turned to ask him something and saw he was a good 30 feet behind me.


  • 改名蝙蝠混合无人机提供6.533.2英的翼展面积。

    Renamed the Bat, the blended wing-body UAV will be offered in sizes ranging from 6.5 feet to 33.2 feet in wingspan.


  • 大卫转过回答问题时,凯利割草机推到了草坪花圃上——结果割草机所过之处,尸遍地,原本美丽的花圃留下了一条2宽的小径

    As David turned to answer the question, Kelly pushed the lawn mower right through the flower bed at the edge of the lawn — leaving a two-foot wide path leveled to the ground!


  • 这件连衣裙不合大一点的吗?。

    This dress doesn't fit me. Have you got a larger size?


  • 回合,他爆出地狱,让25里的PC暖暖——你没看错,自由动作

    On the dragon's turn, the first thing it does is burst out in an inferno of flame, searing every PC within 25 feet-a free action.


  • 所有功能于的的程序提供功能全面屏幕捕捉工具直观图像编辑器颜色选择器,调色板像素量角器十字线甚至白板

    It is an all-in-one program that provides full-featured screen capture tool, intuitive image editor, color picker, color palette, pixel ruler, protractor, crosshair and even whiteboard.


  • 就犯了这个错误靠向敞开酒桶想以鉴赏家派头一嗅,结果我差点离地高的平台下来。

    I made the mistake of leaning over an open cask to take a connoisseur's sniff, and very nearly fell backward off the platform to the floor ten feet below. It felt like a noseful of needles.


  • 伏明霞跳水动作12名决赛选手难度系数最高52.126时溅起的水花很小

    Fu Mingxia's dives had the highest degree of difficulty among the 12 finalists. Her 5-foot-2,126-pound frame made only the slightest splash as it cut the surface of the water.


  • 伏明霞跳水动作12名决赛选手难度系数最高52.126时溅起的水花很小

    Fu Mingxia's dives had the highest degree of difficulty among the 12 finalists. Her 5-foot-2,126-pound frame made only the slightest splash as it cut the surface of the water.


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