• 毫无代替的假期雇员没有定期工作就职

    There is no in-lieu-of holiday for employees who are not regularly scheduled to work on Inauguration Day.


  • 毫无代替的假期雇员谁没有定期工作就职日

    To be eligible for holiday pay, you must be regularly scheduled to work.


  • 就职发生一次两个半月全国选举

    Inauguration Day occurs once every four years, about two and a half months after the national election.


  • 就职日当天早上布什劳拉欢迎奥巴马夫人米歇尔入主白宫

    In the morning, the Bush and Laura welcomed Obama and his wife, Michelle, to the White House.


  • 具体费用或许会有浮动,这取决于就职当天天气到场人员的规模

    Costs could fluctuate depending on the weather on Inauguration Day and the size of the crowd that turns out.


  • 也许是由于哈里森寒冷就职这一天在外面时间太长了,他着凉了。

    Harrison caught a cold, probably from standing so long outside in the bitter weather of inaugural day.


  • 哈里森就职那天美国历史上就职日寒冷一天,哈里森没有穿大衣,也没有戴帽子

    It was the coldest inaugural day in the nation's history. But Harrison did not wear a coat or hat.


  • 尽管天气预报有100非常、非常阳光,但是观众预计有6.5万,奥巴马就职以来最多的。

    Despite the weather forecast-a hundred degrees and very, very sunny-an audience of sixty-five thousand is expected, Obama's largest since Inauguration Day.


  • 就职那天田纳西州科威尔迈克尔·鲍尔斯写信巴马先生,告诉说自己已经失去了父亲,父亲每天要抽3包,1979年死于肺癌

    On Inauguration day, Michael Powers of Pikeville, Tenn., wrote to Mr. Obama, telling him he had lost his father, a three-pack-a-day smoker, to lung cancer in 1979.


  • 1月19的州对州演讲中称“我们可以使过去难以置信,将来没什么不可信,”并一直重申就职演讲中这句话是非常聪明的。

    "We can make the old unbelievable, the new achievable," he declared in his state-of-the-state speech on January 19th, echoing what he deemed a clever line from his inaugural address.


  • 这些政策因国而即将6月16举行就职典礼的欧洲央行金融政策委员会实行宏观谨慎监管重要组成部分

    Varying such rules is a key part ofmacroprudentialregulation to be run by the Bank's new financial-policy committee, which has its inaugural meeting on June 16th.


  • 很多分析师已经跳过直接将焦点放在下个尤其是一月20巴马宣誓就职

    He said many analysts are jumping past this week and focusing on next month, especially with Barack Obama set to be sworn in as President on Jan. 20.


  • 一旦1月1就职评论家可能关注和她前任区别使用公共资金

    Once she takes office on January 1st, critics will probably focus on an area where some differentiation from her predecessor might be welcome: handling the public purse.


  • 自从2月6就职以来,制定了新的法规赋予了官僚政客更多责任,也使联邦销售税7%降到了6%。

    Since being sworn in on February 6th, he has introduced legislation to make bureaucrats and politicians more accountable and cut the federal sales tax from 7% to 6%.


  • 待到1月20巴马宣誓就职世界目光很快转向一位极富个人魅力领导人,而萨科齐届时也如梦初醒,被人遗忘。

    Come January 20th, when Barack Obama is inaugurated, Mr Sarkozy will be in for a rude shock as the world's attention turns to a new charismatic leader.


  • 所有成员(包括当选重新当选)11月27就职,任职期

    All the members (both newly elected and re-elected) will take the office on November 27 and will serve for next three years.


  • 利用即将离任议会其中含有压倒性多数的自己人)的最后月,使得1月5宣誓就职立法机关地位无关紧要

    He has used the final three months of the outgoing assembly, in which he has an overwhelming majority, to render irrelevant the incoming legislature, due to be sworn in on January 5th.


  • 1月3切尔西以及希拉里所有娘家人坐在参议院,目睹艾尔·戈尔纽约州参议员主持就职宣誓仪式

    On January 3, I sat in the Senate with Chelsea and the rest of Hillary's family as Al Gore administered the oath of office to new York's new senator.


  • 林肯对脱离联邦采取政策核心也许可以在他1861年34首次就职演说字里行间中找到

    The key to Lincoln's policy toward the states that had seceded may be found in a passage of his First Inaugural, delivered on March 4, 1861.


  • 记者问是否认为以色列加沙地带攻击120就职典礼之前结束

    He was asked if he thought the Israeli assault on Gaza might end by Inauguration Day.


  • 巴马先生得等到1月20就职不过会好好利用未来10

    Mr Obama will not take office until January 20th, but he can use the next ten weeks well.


  • 副手大卫-潘特森以3月17宣誓就职,成为纽约州第一位黑人州长

    David Paterson, his lieutenant, was sworn in as the state's first black governor on March 17th.


  • 网站内容仍然单薄博客,一个新闻中心一个1月20宣誓就职倒计时

    The site is still a little thin on content, but there's a blog, a newsroom and a countdown to the January 20 inauguration.


  • 8月3宣布就职

    He will be inaugurated on August 3rd.


  • Taylor直到1849年35宣誓就职因为宗教信仰,他拒绝在周(3月4)进行宣誓。

    Did not take the oath of office until March 5, 1849, because March 4th fell on a Sunday and Taylor declined to take the oath on Sunday because of his religious beliefs.


  • 1933年,富兰克林·罗斯福命令第73届国会3月9宣誓就职5天后,开会处理全国银行危机

    And in 1933 Franklin Delano Roosevelt ordered the 73rd Congress to meet Thursday, March 9 - five days after he had taken the oath of office - to deal with the nation's banking crisis.


  • 1933年,富兰克林·罗斯福命令第73届国会3月9宣誓就职5天后,开会处理全国银行危机

    And in 1933 Franklin Delano Roosevelt ordered the 73rd Congress to meet Thursday, March 9 - five days after he had taken the oath of office - to deal with the nation's banking crisis.


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