• 发明型钢外圆尖角冷弯成型方法,属于冷弯成型技术领域

    The invention discloses a cold bend forming method of an excircle sharp angle of cold bend section steel, belonging to the technical field of cold bend forming.


  • 任何尖角地方,尤其是对着的,应该装饰照片绿色大叶子植物盖上

    Any sharp corners, especially those facing you, should be covered with decorative photos or green, leafy plants.


  • 降低计算火焰尖角复杂度提出一种新的基于边界的计算火焰尖角的方法

    For lowering the complexity of computing the sharp angle, a new method based on boundary chain code is introduced.


  • 发明涉及成型制造矩形钢管方法特别是具有一个尖角的矩形钢管的制造方法。

    The invention relates to a method to make a rectangular steel pipe, specially a rectangular steel pipe with a sharp Angle by cold bend molding.


  • 胶合板材料包裹尖角外壳,壳体波纹屋顶透明塑料构成,足够光线进入

    Angular plywood arms wraps a sharp-angled shell comprising a corrugated steel roof and clear plastic sides that allow plenty of light to enter.


  • 由于楼层安排不合理这种消极能量可能聚集工作场所尖角地方,渗透在杂乱的文件中。

    This negative energy can collect up in your work space in pointed corners, through piles of clutter and because of unharmonious floor plans.


  • 一个妇人手里尖角的篮子正好站在沙斯塔后面篮子死劲儿推到沙斯塔的肩膀上,说道:“!”

    And a woman with a very edgy basket in her hands, who was just behind Shasta, pushed the basket hard against his shoulders, and said, "Now then!"


  • 已故哈佛大学文学家弗兰西斯·奥特·马提森(FrancisOttoMatthiessen)认为,怀特谋杀案余音韦伯斯特的陈词总结在霍桑的另一本著作《尖角的阁楼》(TheHouseof SevenGables)(1851)能找到痕迹。

    The late Harvard University literary scholar Francis Otto Matthiessen argued that echoes of the White murder and Webster’s summation also found their way into The House of Seven Gables (1851).


  • 小船绕过尖角

    The boat rounded the tip of the island.


  • 粽子三角形外面绿色的,尖尖的硬硬的,但是里面又软很像是一个婴儿绿毯子

    Zongzi is a triangle, the outside green, sharp and hard, but also the inside soft and white, like a green blanket wrapped a baby.


  • 巨大的肩上隆起,还有一对尖尖

    I have a massive head, a hump over my front shoulders and sharply pointed horns.


  • 他用砂纸桌子各个尖角

    He rounded off the sharp corners of the table with a piece of sandpaper.


  • 如果尖角或者类似的东西兴趣,那些同样是可能的——只需要在位编辑器改变图像

    If you're interested in angled corners or such, then they're equally possiblejust change the corner images in a bitmap editor.


  • 糟糕结构组成部分形状槽口尖角产生引起裂缝压力集中

    Worse still is the structural component's shape: notches and sharp corners create concentrations of stress that can initiate cracks.


  • 尖角处划了个口子,腕部缓慢地滴淌出来

    He stops when his hand is gashed open, and blood slowly trickles to his wrist.


  • 这种型工具播放的近距离图像是在0.4英寸的微小型显示器上反射激光形成的,使用全息摄影术保持图画尽管投影尖角上依然聚焦。

    The Light Touch casts a big image from up close by bouncing lasers off a 0.4-inch microdisplay, using techniques from holography to keep the picture in focus despite the sharp projection angle.


  • 如果要制作蓬松型的甜点,打一会儿,直至奶油有点发硬,能够形成一个尖角

    For desserts which require more body, continue beating a few seconds more until the cream is a little bit stiffer and forms soft peaks.


  • 情况不错”,只史前无脊椎动物表示,有一微小六角形小孔用来探查周围的环境。

    "Things are looking mighty fine," announced the prehistoric invertebrate, taking measure of his surroundings through a series of small, hexagonal eyelets located at the tip of his thorax.


  • 这个四个尖角紧贴着下颚胸骨,而其长度设计受害者轻微的张嘴招供

    The four sharp points snugly nestled under the chin and sternum were designed to allow the victim just enough range of motion with his mouth to murmer a confession.


  • 甚至需要是圆的 ——我们可以尖角或者有趣东西

    There's no real need for the corners to be curved even -- we could have angled corners, or something much more fancy.


  • :“从某种意义上来说,只鞋还只是冰山一角。”(他大概翼尖”)。

    "The shoe," he said, "is in a sense just the tip of the iceberg." (he probably meant to say wingtip.)


  • 现今界面都是五颜六色动态十足90年代末期苹果微软操作系统很简单,看上去灰蒙蒙的,有着箱子式的窗口尖角许多斜角

    Interfaces these days are colorful and dynamic, but in the late 1990s, both Apple's and Microsoft's operating systems were plain and gray, with boxy Windows, sharp corners, and lots of bevels.


  • 在任巴黎大学牧师期间,1959到1969年经营了邮报Lulu”。这个名字总是以一个穿着尖角灯心绒裤子拉丁区骑摩托车哭泣的黑人流浪汉的形象停留在人们的记忆之中。

    As a chaplain in the Paris universities, a post he held from 1954-69, "Lulu" was remembered in sharp black corduroys and black loafers, tearing round the Latin Quarter on a motorbike.


  • 飞机凹槽尖角最容易产生应力集中和裂纹的位置,早期的彗星飞机窗户方形的,调查发现正是这种方形窗口导致了彗星飞机的解体,因此此之后,所有客机的窗户都采用圆角过度的方式。

    The square windows on the original Comet jetliner were found to be the primary cause of its disintegration. Airliners have had windows with rounded corners ever since.


  • 飞机凹槽尖角最容易产生应力集中和裂纹的位置,早期的彗星飞机窗户方形的,调查发现正是这种方形窗口导致了彗星飞机的解体,因此此之后,所有客机的窗户都采用圆角过度的方式。

    The square windows on the original Comet jetliner were found to be the primary cause of its disintegration. Airliners have had windows with rounded corners ever since.


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