• 盖伯瑞尔刚离开农场一天,三个跑来芭丝谢芭报告一起灾难。

    It was only twenty-four hours after Gabriel had left the farm that three men came running to report a disaster to Bathsheba.


  • 过门,卡罗把门打开了。

    Carol answered the door as soon as I knocked.


  • 萨布丽娜说完就用手指

    Hardly had Sabrina finished her words when Albert pointed a finger at her.


  • 当上妈妈佐伊·甩掉妈妈的肚子是不是太早了?

    Is it too soon for new mother Zoe Ball to run off her mummy tummy?


  • 普斯在谈到漏水泳镜时说:“跳入水中,泳镜就进满了

    Said Phelps of his leaky goggles: "I dove in and they filled right up with water.


  • 苔丝好几天里克莱老是坐在那儿聚精会神读书,读杂志或者是读他收到的邮局寄来的乐谱几乎没有注意桌子上苔丝的出现

    For several days after Tess's arrival Clare, sitting abstractedly reading from some book, periodical, or piece of music just come by post, hardly noticed that she was present at table.


  • 丹尼·拉蒙特·琼斯的摩东区的坦奇蒂中学时,学校几个街区远的一个无家可归者庇护所

    When Danny Lamont Jones showed up at Tench Tilghman Middle School in East Baltimore, he was living only a few blocks away in a homeless shelter.


  • 当时弗里茨·阿特曼结婚;她有时戴上阿黛一些钻石饰品姨父费迪南德作为结婚礼物送给她的。

    By then, she was just married to Fritz Altmann; and she sometimes wore, next to her skin, some of Adele's diamonds, which Uncle Ferdinand had given her as a wedding present.


  • 周五当天21岁生日的柯告诉主持人,获得角色那阵子大学两个星期那时正在一家干洗店里打零工赚取法定最低标准的薪水

    Colfer, whose 21st birthday is Friday, told Morgan that at the time he had been in college for a grand total of two weeks and was working in a dry cleaner at minimum wage.


  • 离开威尼斯海滩,自行车就转向内陆继续延伸。道边就是玛丽·安德湾,地方以前听说无数次从没想过它真的存在

    Right after Venice, the bike route turns inland and then runs alongside Marina del Rey, which is one of those places that I'd heard of a million times but never imagined actually existed.


  • ·韦德打下来哀鸠

    Kyle Wade holds a dove he just shot.


  • 家住纽约伊格纳西奥·马克·阿斯佩拉斯,最近注册了专利,也可以加进那个怪专利的单子里面去。

    Ignacio Marc Asperas of Melville, N.Y., is now the official holder of another patent that should qualify for that list.


  • 副不眼镜”派先生赠品解释道,“夫人,真是一个非常不错的东西,值得永久珍藏”。

    A set of stainless-steel glasses!” Mr. Pai said, showing her the bonus card she had picked.


  • 妻子詹妮·塔·科因,走路的孩子和一个没出生宝宝,在一起8年了有时候他们出去假装他们第一次约会

    Coyne and his wife, Jennie Tarr Coyne, who have a toddler and a child on the way, have been together eight years, but sometimes they go out and pretend it's their first date.


  • 如果登上飞机,就听到机长喇叭里,'架飞机有百分之十的可能坠毁,'你就不会留在里面,”莱打比方说。

    If you entered a plane and the captain said into the speaker, ‘There’s a 10 percent chance this plane will crash,’ you wouldn’t stay in it,” said Levermann.


  • 昨天凯特·米德威廉王子公布了他们的订婚网上服装销售商紧罗密布地穿迷人裙子赚钱了。

    No sooner had Kate Middleton and Prince William released their engagement photos yesterday than online clothing sellers were cashing in on the stunning white dress she wore.


  • 亚特兰大娜塔莎赛克斯个孩子的母亲她记得自己女儿西才大,开始玩丈夫iPhone

    Natasha Sykes, a mother of two in Atlanta, remembers the first time her daughter, Kelsey, then barely 2 years old, held her husband’s iPhone.


  • 5年前奥尼进联盟韦德组队战胜达拉斯

    Five years ago, Shaquille o 'neal teamed with Wade, who was in just his third season, to dispose of Dallas.


  • 格温妮丝·帕特罗昨天参加了在田纳西州纳什举行的2010年第45届乡村音乐学院奖颁奖礼上演唱了即将上映的新片-乡村情同名歌曲

    Gwyneth Paltrow attended the 2010 Country Music Awards yesterday in Nashville, Tennessee where she performed the ballad "Country Song" from her upcoming movie of the same name.


  • 2008年,来自纽约众议员韦纳史蒂夫·伊斯纽约州州长大卫·A·帕特森的身旁,后者结束了伊拉克和阿富汗的访问归来

    Representatives Weiner and Steve Israel of New York flanked Gov. David A. Paterson after returning from a trip to Iraq and Afghanistan.


  • 英特本周台北一个交易展上发布了其首个样品,宣称已经开始面对产能不足的问题(因为发布,离正式生产还有一些时间,马上就面对产能不足,说明产品抢手)。

    Intel unveiled the first examples at a trade showin Taipei this week, and said that it is already having problems meetingdemand.


  • 爵士巴斯克维庄园没有多久他们便搬到那儿了。

    They had moved there soon after Sir Charles had begun to live in Baskerville Hall.


  • 那次搜索中,特遇上帮助了虽然她们发现宝物时就偷走了。

    Talia met her during this search, and helped her, although the prize was stolen from them just as they found it.


  • 这部电影计划命名为《高蒂家族:影之下》,剧本内容特别聚焦约翰高蒂一世二世之间的关系,两个角色分别由影星约翰屈伏塔和艾帕西诺担

    The movie, set to be called Gotti: In the Shadow of My Father, will focus largely on the relationship between John Gotti Senior and Junior, and it's set to star John Travolta and Al Pacino.


  • 朱莉代表律师劳拉瓦塞表示,朱莉不要离婚后的配偶赡养费。瓦塞最近约翰尼德普打完了和艾梅伯•希德的离婚官司。

    Jolie, who is being repped by Laura Wasser, is not asking for spousal support in the divorce. Wasser most recently represented Johnny Depp in his divorce from Amber Heard.


  • 那条汇入的河流他们驶过的河流的近亲,而他们之前驶过的河就已经曼德或者岔河那么

    The new river that had joined them was a close twin to the one they had been sailing down, and that one alone had almost matched the Mander or the Trident.


  • 克莱恩·阿·兰特补充道:“事件发生时,中国认为黄海发生冲突可能性不大,因而把关注重点放在了美国地区介入。”

    "In the immediate aftermath, China believed that a conflict in the Yellow Sea was unlikely and instead focused on us involvement in the region," Ms Kleine-Ahlbrandt added.


  • 演员科林·菲斯,杰弗里·拉什海伦娜·博瀚·卡特,迈克·本,蒂莫西·司波

    Cast: Colin Firth, Eve Best, Geoffrey Rush, Guy Pearce, Helena Bonham Carter, Michael Gambon, Timothy Spall.


  • 演员科林·菲斯,杰弗里·拉什海伦娜·博瀚·卡特,迈克·本,蒂莫西·司波

    Cast: Colin Firth, Eve Best, Geoffrey Rush, Guy Pearce, Helena Bonham Carter, Michael Gambon, Timothy Spall.


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