• 目的探讨血管造影患者诊断价值

    Objective To explore the diagnostic value of angiography in small kidney patients.


  • 目的探讨保留单位手术治疗早期临床效果

    Objective To evaluate the clinical effects of nephron-sparing surgery in patients with early-stage small renal cell carcinoma.


  • 方法32临床诊为动脉狭窄原因不明患者进行血管造影。

    Methods Angiographies were performed in 32 patients with small kidney of unknown etiology or with suspected renal arterial stenosis (RAS).


  • 随着发现率增加包括腹腔镜保留单位手术射频消融、 冷冻治疗等在内的保留单位的微创治疗得到更加广泛应用

    With the increased detection of small renal tumors, minimally invasive treatment of nephron sparing surgery, including Laparoscopic partial nephrectomy and renal ablation has been widespread used.


  • 单元包含毛细血管丛()一个(管),进而引导更粗大收集管。

    Each nephron contains a tuft of capillary blood vessels (glomerulus) and tiny tubules that lead to larger collecting tubes.


  • 因为他们非常,但是他们食用大量奶粉

    Because the kidney is very small and they drink a lot of milk powder.


  • 细胞癌瘤巨大,伴发囊肿形成、局出血坏死

    This large renal cell carcinoma shows cyst formation and foci of hemorrhage and necrosis.


  • 本书中有时也能发现我们赠送给读者礼品”,一些大体标本观察例如先天性缺如患者上腺圆形不是成角的。

    Some gross observations occasionally will be found as lagniappe, such as the notation that in patients with congenital absence of a kidney, the ipsilateral adrenal will be round rather than angulated.


  • 2表达主要定位于上皮细胞尤其管),可见于毛细血管、间质浸润细胞和成纤维细胞

    Par-2mainly expressed in renal tubular epithelial cells especially in proximal tubular cells. it also located in renal capillary ansa interstitial infiltrate cells and fibroblast.


  • 纤维蛋白血栓心脏以及其它器官动脉形成引起组织缺血

    Small fibrin thrombi can form in small arteries of brain, heart, lungs, kidneys, and other organs to produce ischemic tissue damage.


  • 细胞管上皮细胞肿胀颗粒变性透明变性,局部细胞溶解,出现坏死病灶

    The cells of the liver and proximal convoluted tubules of kidney showed swell and granular degeneration or hyaline degeneration, in which some cells dissolved and necrotic foci were observed.


  • 结论选择性动脉栓塞治疗损伤出血创伤疗效肯定,一种安全有效的治疗方法

    Conclusion:Selective renal artery embolization in treating renal injury hemorrhage is , with good hemastatic efficacy and less aggression, effective ad safe method.


  • 观察所见,5已有体发生,首先分化成造血干细胞造血干细胞的诱导下形成毛细血管囊。

    The result showed that the renal corpuscle had generated at the age of 5th week. First mesenchymal proper order the capillary of the glomerulus and the renal capsule were induced by the stem cells.


  • 结论脏黏液性状和细胞一种低度恶性肿瘤,肿瘤细胞核圆形梭形,异型性很可能来源于远端单位。

    Conclusion:MTASCC of the kidney is a distinctive low-grade renal neoplasm probably arising from distal nephron. The nucleus of tumor cells are round or spindle with less atypia.


  • 前人铅中毒动物管上皮细胞发现有核内包涵体。

    Intranuclear inclusions were found in epithelial cells of renal proximal convoluted tubules in lead - poisoning animals.


  • 病理分期、瘤体早期发现尽早行根治性切除术偶发性患者预后较好的重要因素

    Low pathological staging, small size, early diagnosis and radical nephrectomy are the most important factors of better prognosis of incidental renal carcinoma.


  • 结论老年肿瘤(一侧肿瘤一侧肿瘤)患者半保守治疗安全有效

    Conclusions:Conservative management is safe and effective for elder patients with bilateral renal masses(one big and one small).


  • 上皮细胞线粒体发生肿胀内皮细胞脱落等病变。

    Swelling of epithelial cells and mitochondria and drop of epithelial cells could occur in renal proximal convoluted tubules.


  • 资料分析发现偶发具有肿瘤体积病理分期低、生长局限术后远期生存率特点

    By studying these cases, we found that renal incidental carcinoma had some characteristics including small tumor size, early pathological stage, localized growth and high long-time survival rate.


  • 临床上尿脱水可能主要与集合管上皮细胞凋亡有关

    The polyuria and dehydration of ill rabbits in clinic were related to renal epithelium apoptosis of distal convoluted renal tubule and collecting duct.


  • 剂量引起超微结构的早期变化呈明显的剂量效应关系,具有可逆性

    Conclusion Ultrastructural changes in renal proximal tubules induced by low dose of cadmium had a dose response relationship, and were possibly reversible.


  • 结论选用毒性造影剂、控制造影剂的剂量水化能够使老年人安全使用造影剂。

    Conclusions The elderly could safely use contrast media with low toxicity to kidney and proper dosage and hydration.


  • 目的探讨庆大霉素实验性大鼠近端上皮细胞凋亡影响

    Objective to discuss the effects of gentamicin nephrotoxicity on the apoptosis of proximal tubule epithelial cells of rats.


  • 目的探讨实质肿瘤性质及其生物学行为临床进一步治疗预后判断提供病理学依据

    Objective To investigate the degree of malignancy and the biological behavior of small renal tumors and provide a pathological basis for clinicians in determination of further treatment and prognosis.


  • 结论选择性动脉栓塞治疗损伤出血创伤安全疗效确切,能避免外科手术

    Conclusion Selective renal artery embolization is effective and safe in treating renal injury hemorrhage, with less invasion, less complications and avoiding renal operations.


  • 结论手术方法创伤并发症,效果好,输尿管肿瘤有效手术方法之一。

    Conclusions the modified surgical technique is effective for the treatment of pelvic and ureteral cancer with less trauma to the patient and fewer complication.


  • 组织PD GFAIGF1表达主要集中在管、远上皮细胞毛细血管上皮细胞。

    The expression of PDGF a was mainly found in the renal distal tubule and epithelial cells of distal straight tubule and glomerulus capillary, but IGF 1 in transplanting artery equal expressed.


  • 组织PD GFAIGF1表达主要集中在管、远上皮细胞毛细血管上皮细胞。

    The expression of PDGF a was mainly found in the renal distal tubule and epithelial cells of distal straight tubule and glomerulus capillary, but IGF 1 in transplanting artery equal expressed.


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