• 我们此行的目的地有“印度之称的列布-帕沙。

    Our destination was Lebuh Pasar, commonly known as "Little India".


  • 鹦鹉玛尼是新加坡沿龙岗前行印度一位占星家的“助手”,它预测全部四分之一决赛西班牙对德国半决赛的获胜球队。

    Mani, an astrologer's "assistant" in Singapore's "Little India" along Serangoon Road had also picked the right winners for all the quarter-final ties and the Spain-Germany semi-final.


  • 印度不到一二英尺高,原先引入波多黎各夏威夷群岛,是为了保护甘蔗免受老鼠和蛇的伤害,结果,猫鼬没有起到控制物种拥挤的作用,其危害却迅速地远远超过预期的野生动物危害。

    The small Indian mongoose, reaching no more than a foot or two inheight, was originally brought to Puerto Rico and the Hawaiian islandsto protect sugar cane fields from rat and snake damage.


  • 这个旅馆礼品店备有优质印度工艺品其他杂品

    The inn gift shop stocks quality Indian crafts and sundries.


  • 尽管中国人均生活标准仍然美国六分之一,而印度的则是十四分之一,购买力差异汇率下,但是其中差距已经变得多了并且正在快速地消失

    Average living standards in China are still only a sixth and in India a fourteenth of those in America at PPP exchange rates, but the gap is already much smaller than it was and is closing fast.


  • 对于印度中国这两个日渐稀缺淡水资源消费大国,争夺主要发自国内——尽管只是面积地区。

    With India and China, both prodigious consumers of ever-scarcer fresh water, the rivalries are mostly, though not entirely, internal.


  • 愿意此地冒险大都是来自印度的轻型木制货船,这些船基本上是些老掉牙的陈年古董。

    Just about the only ships willing to risk the voyage are small, wooden, putt-putt freighters from India, essentially floating jalopies from another era.


  • 座巴拉吉塑像一边,巴拉吉印度受人尊崇女神,懒懒的坐在紧贴吧台的角落里,品味当地闻名的特色类的食物

    A small statue of Balaji, a deity worshiped in southern India, sat snugly on the counter. And the food was rich with the crepe-like dosas for which the region is known.


  • 印度锻造师似乎时间非常充裕,因为他们使用非常锻锤

    Ancient Indian blacksmiths had small hammers and seemed to have a plenty of time.


  • 幸亏有了中国扬子鳄奥里诺科河鳄鱼得以开始复苏不过暹罗和“惊奇”印度鳄至今濒危边缘艰难复苏。

    Thanks to him, the Chinese alligator and the Orinoco crocodile were just beginning to recover; but the Siamese crocodile and the “amazing” slim-nosed gharial of India were still right on the edge.


  • 烟叶也是印度财政不统一一个例子

    But the leaf is also a small example of India's fiscal fragmentation.


  • 印度北部、尼日利亚北部以及阿富汗巴基斯坦边界地区脊灰持续面积传播提出了重要流行病学挑战

    Persistent pockets of polio transmission in northern India, northern Nigeria and the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan are key epidemiological challenges.


  • 意味着印度巴西队私人银行尽管中国银行,但是可能海外扩展上更容易

    That means India's and Brazil's private banks, although smaller than China's, may have an easier time expanding abroad.


  • 估计2010年,亚洲经济体增长将近4%,如果中国印度列入其中将接近7%。

    In 2010, he reckons, the smaller Asian economies could grow by almost 4%, or close to 7% once China and India are added in.


  • 公司目前印度这款摩托车造成的污染

    The firm claims that the car produces less pollution than some two-wheelers produced in India today.


  • 拉丁天后、多项格莱美奖获得者夏奇上周六抵达印度孟买,并首次在此举办了的“抖胯”演唱会。

    Latin American multiple Grammy award singer Shakira arrived in Mumbai Saturday for her first hip-shaking Indian performance.


  • 尼泊尔印度公司于尼泊尔边界竞争导致英国―尼泊尔战争(1815C16) 。 尼泊尔战败

    Rivalry between Nepal and the British East India Company over the annexation of minor states bordering Nepal led to the Anglo-Nepalese War (1815C16), in which Nepal suffered a complete rout.


  • 上世纪70年代早期新德里我家基本那种经典印度风靡一时的流行踏板代步

    In New Delhi in the early 1970s, my family traveled by scooter in the classic, death-defying Indian fashion.


  • 我们发运贵方所订购印度地毯预计下周5抵达贵港。

    We have dispatched your order for Indian rugs which are scheduled to arrived at your port next Friday.


  • 印度喀拉拉Chembra峰顶,2100m高度因为的奇怪形状游人追寻的一个自然

    At the Chembra peak, in Kerala, in India, at 2100 m of altitude, there is a small natural lake that is very sought-after by tourist for its peculiar shape: a heart (picture at Google Maps).


  • 他们有些出售松香甘松香,还有来自印度岛屿奇异香水浓稠没药玫瑰油,以及如一枚钉子样的丁香

    Some of them sell galbanum and nard, and curious perfumes from the islands of the Indian Sea, and the thick oil of red roses and myrrh and little nail-shaped cloves.


  • 所在渔村位于印度南部的塔米尔-省,大约个月之前致命巨浪横扫了这里的一切。塔米尔-那都省是印度受灾最为严重地区

    Almost six months ago, the killer waves had destroyed everything in her small fishing community in India's southern state of Tamil Nadu, which had borne the brunt of the disaster in the country.


  • 烹调加上莱姆粉煮印度香米饭也好吃印度很盛行。 依口味汤匙莱姆刚刚好。

    And it’s delicious when added to the cooking liquid for basmatirice, as is sometimes done in Northern India;to my taste, one-half teaspoon or so per cup of dry rice is about right.


  • 意味着印度巴西队私人银行尽管中国的银行,但是可能海外扩展上更容易

    That means India’s and Brazil’s private banks, although smaller than China’s, may have an easier time expanding abroad.


  • 印度尼西亚菲律宾香烟“口红包形式销售,极力捕捉高档化妆品魅力

    In Indonesia and the Philippines cigarettes are sold in small "lipstick packs" that seek to capture the glamour of high-end cosmetics.


  • 很多古人(印度)不仅努力理解无限认为无限大无限不同分类定义重要。

    Here's a group of ancient people (ancient Indians) trying not only to comprehend the infinite but somehow thought it important to name so many divisions of infinitely large and small.


  • 现在没有印度公司能募集几十亿美元的资金而大惊了。

    Now no one blinks when Indian companies raise billions of dollars.


  • 现在没有印度公司能募集几十亿美元的资金而大惊了。

    Now no one blinks when Indian companies raise billions of dollars.


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