• 在为对手失望幸灾乐祸

    She was still gloating over her rival's disappointment.


  • 风度地尊重对手才能

    She has a healthy respect for her rival's talents.


  • 朝着对手头部狠狠打了一

    He administered a severe blow to his opponent's head.


  • 这个对手速度体力打败了

    The team was undone by the speed and strength of their opponents.


  • 公司奠定竞争对手的绝对优势。

    The company has established total supremacy over its rivals.


  • 公司遇到对手激烈竞争

    The company faces stiff competition from its rivals.


  • 我们可担当不起落后竞争对手的后果。

    We cannot afford to drop behind our competitors.


  • 身高成为相对于对手的先天优势

    His height gives him an inbuilt advantage over his opponent.


  • 这家公司窃取主要竞争对手合同

    The company poached the contract from their main rivals.


  • 许多关于对手严厉残酷的话。

    He said many harsh and unkind things about his opponents.


  • 是个聪明选手却缺乏对手体力

    He's an intelligent player but lacks the muscle of older competitors.


  • 失败表现得洒脱,并且赞扬对手才能

    He was magnanimous in defeat and praised his opponent's skill.


  • 他们为了获得超越竞争对手的有力条件在违犯法律

    They are breaking the law in order to obtain an advantage over their competitors.


  • 仅仅一局过后国际象棋冠军就摸清了年轻对手实力。

    After only one game, the chess champion had the measure of his young opponent.


  • 补贴使得种植者低于竞争对手价格出售压低世界价格。

    Subsidies allow growers to undercut competitors and depress world prices.


  • 他们做了一些伤害对手事。

    They did something harmful to their opponent.


  • 那位拳击手看准了机会猛击对手下颚

    The boxer saw his chance and struck out at his opponent's jaw.


  • 我们还是要小心不要过快指责对手错误论据

    We need to be careful not to accuse opponents of bad arguments too quickly.


  • 那个视为竞争对手女孩就取得的竞赛成绩表示祝贺

    The girl I viewed as a competitor congratulated me on my contest results.


  • 警告后名后卫应该足够专业,不再半个小时后同一对手球衣

    Having been cautioned, the defender should have been professional enough not to tug at the same opponent's jersey after half an hour.


  • 曾经亲眼目睹名球员比赛过程中为了应对对手全面违规封堵故意用球狠狠打

    I have also witnessed a player reacting to his opponent's international and illegal blocking by deliberately hitting him with the ball as hard as he could during the course of play.


  • 评价很大一部分指出不好论点我们需要承认对手论点,同样评价标准应用自己身上

    A large part of evaluation is calling out bad arguments, but we also need to admit good arguments by opponents and to apply the same critical standards to ourselves.


  • 总部位于旧金山Switch风险投资公司合伙人保罗·阿诺德抱怨道,“他们买下这些初创企业然后关闭”,将那些有朝一日可能会成长竞争对手的企业扼杀于摇篮。

    "They bought the seedlings and closed them down," complained Paul Arnold, a partner at San Francisco-based Switch Ventures, putting an end to businesses that might one day turn into competitors.


  • 夹住了对手的手臂

    He had him in an armlock.


  • 该党采用了一场对抗对手咄咄逼人的宣传运动

    The party adopted an aggressive propaganda campaign against its rivals.


  • 他们意识他们部分价格比竞争对手的就相应地调整了价格

    They realized that some of their prices were higher than their competitors' and revised prices accordingly.


  • 这家博物馆由于世界珍贵的艺术瑰宝出了更高的价格,从而招致竞争对手怨愤。

    The Museum has antagonized rivals by outbidding them for the world's greatest art treasures.


  • 走一步,你都必须分析情况,理解对手的行动,并从所有选择中评估哪一步是最好的。

    On every single move you have to analyze a situation, process what your opponent is doing, and evaluate the best move from among all your options.


  • 随着比赛进行这位年轻人容易躲过对手攻击

    As the fight went on, it become easier for the young man to evade the attacks.


  • 最后对手母亲出现了汤姆是个恶毒粗俗孩子命令离开

    At last the enemy's mother appeared, and called Tom a bad, vicious, vulgar child, and ordered him away.


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