• 机械密封泄漏中,轴套之间泄漏比较常见的。

    Mechanical seal leakage, the sleeve and the shaft leakage between (inter-axis leakage) is relatively common.


  • 解决反应密封泄漏问题研制了新型类c形密封环。

    To solve the problem of leakage of reaction vessel, a new C-ring for the sealing of the reaction vessel is developed.


  • 分析CZ机械密封泄漏主要原因提出了解决措施。

    An analysis on main reason for leaking of the mechanism airproof system of the CZ-model pumps is made and a resolution is put forward.


  • 植物油厂现场使用表明,大部分失效由于密封泄漏引起的。

    Most pumps used in vegetable oil plants often fail to work due to the leaking of shaft seal.


  • 针对密封泄漏情况进行全面分析提出相应措施改进方案

    The article gives all-round analysis about the leakage of liquid ammonia pumps and the proposals about the protection and improvement of sealing.


  • 根据发表密封泄漏试验数据确定了刷丝束多孔介质渗透率系数

    Based on the test data published for leaking steam flow rates of brush type seals, determined was the permeability coefficient of the porous medium of the bristle pack.


  • 基于流体动力学理论推导了电解槽密封泄漏公式分析了密封性能

    The sealing leakage ratio formula of water electric tank was deduced based on hydrodynamic theory and the sealing performance was analyzed.


  • 入口最大静水压力密封泄漏试验泄漏不得超过承包商所保证量。

    Seal leakage test on the inlet valve under a hydrostatic pressure equal to maximum static head. The leakage shall not exceed the amount guaranteed by the Contractor.


  • 台泵运转过程中均见有机械密封泄漏现象发生,也未见有异常振动噪声

    No mechanical seal leakage or abnormal vibration or noise occurred to the two pumps during operation.


  • 分析催化裂化装置密封泄漏主要介质原因途径提出相应预防治理措施

    Major media, the cause and the approach of static seal leakage were analyzed in FCC plant. Corresponding preventive and treating measures were put forwards.


  • 目前存在循环抽空、液氨产品外观不合格(颜色发红)、液氨外送泵密封泄漏问题

    There were some new problems such as the easy exhaustion of the liquid ammonia circulating pump and the appearance of liquid ammonia product was off specification.


  • 机械密封动力学性能密封系统稳定性很大影响微小振动导致密封泄漏增加端面磨损加剧

    The dynamic performance of mechanical seal has significant influence on sealing system stability, small vibration can cause sealing leakage increasing and end face excessive wear.


  • 一定法兰连接螺栓紧力作用下,法兰密封泄漏明显减少从而解决热交换器封头法兰密封失效问题。

    Under certain pre - tension from flange joint bolt, leakage of flange sealing had an obvious decrease, thus resolving sealing failure in cover flange of heat exchange.


  • 介绍了指尖密封基本结构根据指尖密封结构特点提出了指尖密封泄漏流动数学模型计算模型。

    The Basic structures of finger seal were introduced, and according to the features of finger seal structure, the mathematic model and calculating model of finger seal leakage flow were set up.


  • 摘要针对闸阀阀杆填料密封泄漏问题,提出正确选择密封填料的材料改进闸阀填料压盖密封结构技术改进措施

    In allusion to the leaking of packing of gate valve, this paper presents technical improvement measures in properly selecting packing material and varying the structure of packing assembly.


  • 新型液压支柱采用密封补偿密封紧等密封方式,可减少密封泄漏而造成的冒顶等事故隐患,减少密封更换次数维修次数。

    The new type hydraulic prop reduces the accidents due to the seal leaking by using seal-compensation and seal-swelling, and reduces seal change times and maintenance times.


  • 失败的教训:1986年1月刚刚发射过后一个固体火箭助推器O型圈密封泄漏导致爆炸,使我们失去了挑战者7名宇航员

    There have been two failures: The shuttle Challenger and seven astronauts were lost just after launch in January 1986 due to an O-ring seal leak in a solid rocket booster that led to an explosion.


  • 为了严格密封防止空气泄漏房子配备小型双层玻璃窗户其他几种节能的设备。

    Tightly sealed to prevent air leaks, the house was equipped with small double-paned windows and several other energy-saving features.


  • 最后查出泄漏由于密封破裂所致。

    The leak was eventually traced to a broken seal.


  • 通过改善伤口绷带周围密封减少空气泄漏佐罗西克采用一种手摇抽气机,将抽气机能量的需要14削减80微瓦(1微瓦等于百万分之一瓦)。

    By improving the seal around the wound dressing to reduce air leaks, Zurovcik cut the pump's power requirements from about 14 watts to 80 microwatts, which comes from a hand pump.


  • 密封公交车如果燃气发生泄漏达到一定密度火花引燃就可能造成一场大火

    A gas leak aboard a sealed bus could cause a major fire if it grew dense enough and was ignited by a spark.


  • 阻塞线泄漏导致测试延期,该测试旨在保障油井可以承受顶部压力

    A leaking choke line has added delay to tests designed to make sure the well can tolerate the pressures engendered by a firm seal on the top.


  • 执行第一太空行走的任务时,又是碰到空气泄漏,又是碰到材料意外硬化——后者把他压密封几乎丧命。

    He performed the first space walk on his mission, but experienced both air leaks and material unexpected stiffening — the latter of which made cramming himself back in the capsule a very near thing.


  • 工程师被迫海洋中倒入11500吨辐射的,以便新的冷冻腾出空间4月6日泄漏已经密封好了。

    The leak was sealed on April 6th as engineers were forced to dump 11,500 tonnes of less contaminated water into the ocean to make room for fresh coolant.


  • 工程师被迫海洋中倒入11500吨辐射的,以便新的冷冻液腾出空间,4月6日泄漏已经密封好了。

    The leak was sealed on April 6th as engineers were forced to dump 11, 500 tonnes of less contaminated water into the ocean to make room for fresh coolant.


  • 热交换器的密封风机以确保没有烟气泄漏环境中

    The GGH seal air fan ensures zero leakage of the raw gas to the environment.


  • 热交换器的密封风机以确保没有烟气泄漏环境中

    The GGH seal air fan ensures zero leakage of the raw gas to the environment.


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