• 模式模拟出定常温度实际大气相近

    The simulated steady temperature field is very close to that of the real atmosphere.


  • 暴雨期间实际大气高层分量很强

    During the rainstorm, the baroclinic component of the real atmospheric flow fields was very strong over high levels.


  • CO激光监测大气微量气体污染气体时,必须根据实际大气状况,进行必要水汽订正

    When monitor trace gases of the atmosphere or pollution gases by means of co laser, one must correct for water vapor attenuation according to the actual condition of the atmosphere.


  • 给出均匀介质非均匀介质(实际大气)情况下斯托克斯光强脉冲间隔传输距离天顶角变化的函数关系。

    The solutions describe stokes intensity as a function of inter pulse spacing, distance and zenith Angle in a uniform medium and in nonuniform medium (atmosphere).


  • 我们实际改变地球大气化学成分

    We have literally altered the chemistry of our planet's atmosphere.


  • 过去大气中的二氧化碳的增加提高温度实际驱动产生更多植物物种,其数量远远大于灭绝的物种数量。

    In the past, rising atmospheric carbon dioxide and higher temperatures actually drove the evolution of far greater Numbers of new rainforest plant species than were wiped out.


  • 至少从某些方面来说我们知道世界都乱了套:我们行动好像没有尽头实际有限的:化石燃料大气空间吸收她们的排放物

    We all know, or at least sense, that the world is upside down: we act as if there is no end to what is actually finite: fossil fuels and the atmospheric space to absorb their emissions.


  • 大气外部边缘处由于大气已经远远地延伸到太空实际意味着正在冷却。

    At the outside edge of the atmosphere, that actually means that it's getting colder because it's pushed farther out into space.


  • 人们已经看到月球反射我们地球辐射可以实际观察大气中的甲烷臭氧

    People have looked at Earth's radiation reflected back to us from the moon, and you can actually observe the oxygen and methane and ozone in our atmosphere.


  • 理论上大气二氧化碳含量增多使作物生长加快实际还要土壤中所含氮成分多少。

    In theory extra carbon dioxide in the atmosphere should help plants grow faster, though whether this actually happens may also depend on the amount of nitrogen in the soil.


  • 实际残存大气太空缓慢逃逸。

    In fact, the vestigial atmosphere is still slowly dissipating into space.


  • 查德威克实际,那些细小的尘土颗粒高高地大气当中,从而地球长途跋涉。

    Chadwick: The finest portion will actually... can be lofted high enough into the atmosphere so that it will start to move long distances around the planet.


  • 实际,其中9位专家认为大气出现这种根本状态变化可能性至少是90%,甚至更大

    In fact, nine of the experts judged the probability of such a "basic state change" in the atmosphere to be at least 90 percent, or more.


  • 几个世纪以来,科学家一直认为彗星地球大气内运行。但是在1577年,丹麦天文学家第谷·布拉赫进行的观测揭示出,彗星实际运行在比月亮的地方。

    For centuries, scientists thought comets traveled in the Earth's atmosphere, but in 1577, observations made by Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe revealed they actually traveled far beyond the moon.


  • 另外太阳逼近地平线时,地球大气折射太阳光线,这时太阳看起来实际高度要一些因此,我们所看到的日出要比太阳实际升起时间早几分钟。

    Plus, Earth's atmosphere bends the sunlight when it's close to the horizon, so the golden orb appears a little higher in the sky than it really is.


  • 克鲁特博士提出并认可了一项较为实际的方案,就是大气层的上层散布大量的微小粒子反射太阳光线

    A less exotic approach, endorsed by Dr Crutzen, would be to spread tiny particles in the upper atmosphere to reflect the sun's rays.


  • 水泵不是实际确切的说,水泵产生非完全的真空,然后大气压力通过吸管推进水泵中。

    Pumps do not actually suck ; rather , pumps create a partial vacuum into which atmospheric pressure pushes water via the suction pipework.


  • 美国国家海洋大气BenMiller他的同事最近发表一项研究发现2006至2009年间排放量实际下降了约40%。

    A study by Ben Miller of America's National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and colleagues published recently found that in fact emissions fell by 40% or so between 2006 and 2009.


  • 生态系统中只有5%的进入了烟中,试图阻止这些时,实际上它不是人们想象中的对大气严重碳冲击。

    When you talk about trying to prevent that, it's not as big a carbon pulse to the atmosphere as people think.


  • 充气式航天器不是什么新颖想法NASA第一通讯卫星回声1号实际就是一个30米的聚酯薄膜大气,它是用来发射来自地面无线电广播的。

    The idea of inflatable spacecraft is not new. The Echo I - NASA's first communication satellite - was essentially 100-foot-wide Mylar balloon that reflected radio transmissions from the ground.


  • 通过分析白色浮石地球化学线索研究小组发现,“千喷发实际大气排放大量大约45兆吨。

    By analyzing the white pumice for geochemical clues, the team found that the Millennium Eruption actually emitted a large amount of sulfur into the atmosphere: an estimated 45 megatons.


  • 实际地光通信系统发射光束高斯型的情况下,跟瞄误差大气闪烁星地激光链路中的主要信道噪声源

    The transmitter beam is Gaussian for real satellite-ground laser communication system. The pointing jitter and atmospheric scintillation are the main noise sources for satellite-ground laser link.


  • 实际谷神星可能冰层覆盖而且大气稀薄

    Indeed, Ceres may have ice caps and a thin atmosphere.


  • 本文对安太堡矿区大气污染现状进行了初步分析并结合矿区实际提出了防治措施

    This paper analyzes the atmospheric pollution status in Antaibao coal mine area and puts forward the control measure considering its actual condition.


  • 假设温度飞机实际起飞质量确定相当大气温度。

    Assumed temperature is the equivalent ambient air temperature determined by the actual takeoff mass of an aircraft.


  • 基于大气传输模型,采用光线传输实际轨迹顶角进行修正处理,得出天顶角发射传输高度的变化复杂函数

    Based on the atmospheric transmission model, through the actual ray track, the zenith Angle is revised, which is a complicated function with launch Angle and altitude.


  • 基于大气传输模型,采用光线传输实际轨迹顶角进行修正处理,得出天顶角发射传输高度的变化复杂函数

    Based on the atmospheric transmission model, through the actual ray track, the zenith Angle is revised, which is a complicated function with launch Angle and altitude.


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