• 孩童原持有的返回机票无效时,将该孩童持有之机票交给安法24小时医疗服务中心专员处理

    If the original return-trip ticket held by the child becomes invalid, it should be handed over to the specialist of ANFA 24-hour Medical Service Center for disposal.


  • 克里斯蒂·雷尔起初共享单车很担忧承认:“高兴看到人们自行车。”

    Christian Farrell said initially he was concerned about bike-share, though, he admitted, "I was happy to see people on bikes."


  • 来自克里斯托弗大街北边西大街海滨自行车克里斯蒂·雷尔起初共享单车很担忧,承认,“开心看到人们自行车。”

    Christian Farrell of Waterfront Bicycle Shop, on West St. just north of Christopher St., said initially he was concerned about bike-share, though, he admitted, "I was happy to see people on bikes."


  • ·波尔这样球员份工作并且受过教育,当今非常罕见例外

    Players like Fabian Boll who have a job on the side and an education are a very rare exception these days.


  • :(艾瑞克·)要想成功要不彻底改造原有东西,要不发现新的处理要不就要有不同的观点。

    A. Eric Ryan: to be successful, you have to reinvent some thing, or a process, or have a point of differentiation.


  • 以后投资”,今年26岁,曾从事室内装修设计,2009年失业

    "This is my investment in the future right now," said Fabiana Lee, 26, an interior designer who lost her job in 2009.


  • 以后投资”,.今年26岁,曾从事室内装修设计,2009年失业

    This is my investment in the future right now, ” said Fabiana Lee, 26, an interior designer who lost her job in 2009.


  • 亚德:“要说整个进程速度实质内容上,都达到波利斯会议所设定目标。”

    I said that the process was not proceeding in terms of pace or content in a manner to attain or achieve the goal that was set out at the Annapolis meeting.


  • 名叫瓦·提赫拉曼·阿莫德·达阿拉,1978年1月23日出苏丹,在那里接受早期教育

    My full name is Anwar Fatihelrahman Ahmed Dafa-Alla. I was born in Port Sudan, Sudan on January 23, 1978, and got my early education there.


  • 正发(AK)党内部规定下,尔多先生不能竞选第四首相,因此除了往上爬之外别无他

    Under AK's internal rules Mr Erdogan cannot run for a fourth term as prime minister, so he has nowhere to go save upstairs.


  • 首相首席政策专家史蒂文·希尔顿任命风险资本家艾德里·比克罗夫特,他针对可以放松雇佣地区专门提交篇报告

    Steve Hilton, the prime minister's chief policy guru, commissioned a venture capitalist, Adrian Beecroft, to write a report on areas in which employment laws could be loosened.


  • 社区的女警官·多利告诉有人投诉他违反了1986年公共秩序

    WPC June Dorrian, the community beat manager, told him there had been a complaint and he was breaching the Public Order Act 1986.


  • 另外这一可以帮助搞清德特人标本骨头碎片残存DNA片段

    What is more, the method can make sense of the short fragments of DNA that are all that remain in the crumbling bones of a Neanderthal specimen.


  • 由于伦敦金属交易所等金属价格下跌智利铜矿企业加斯塔公司(Antofagasta)股价下跌2.9%,至1335便士

    Antofagasta, the owner of copper mines in Chile, declined 2.9 percent to 1,335 pence as copper, zinc and aluminum retreated on the London Metal Exchange.


  • 精矿在重力作用下呈泥浆状顺管道流向加斯塔南部较小港口科罗索(Coloso),这里脱水装船运出。

    Assisted by gravity, the concentrates are piped as slurry down to the smaller port of Coloso just south of Antofagasta, where they are dewatered for shipping.


  • 铜矿智利港口城市加斯塔(Antofagasta)东南部约170公里(约合110英里),身处海拔3050(约合10010英尺)、极度干旱的阿塔·卡马沙漠中。

    The mine is located 170 kilometers (110 miles) southeast of Chile's port city of Antofagasta, in the hyper-arid northern Atacama Desert at an elevation of 3,050 meter (10,010 feet) above sea level.


  • 铜矿智利港口城市加斯塔(Antofagasta东南部约170公里(约合110英里),身处海拔3050(约合10010英尺)、极度干旱的阿塔卡沙漠中

    The mine is located 170 kilometers (110 miles) southeast of Chile’s port city of Antofagasta, in the hyper-arid northern Atacama Desert at an elevation of 3, 050 meter (10, 010 feet) above sea level.


  • 1843年那会儿,•巴蒂斯塔•多斯•圣托斯出生于葡萄牙(Faro)。

    Juan Baptista dos Santos was born in Portugal around 1843 in the town of Faro.


  • 也许考虑古尔巴赫•图拉(GulbahorTuraeva),他是一位医生,但当他第简发表了他的个人撰写的报告之后,他却因一系列罪行判七的牢狱之灾,其中还包括了“诽谤”。

    Perhaps he was thinking of Gulbahor Turaeva, a doctor sentenced to six years for crimes includingdefamationafter providing independent reports from Andijan.


  • 美国上院类似的悬而未决作为了另外一个克隆

    A similar measure is pending in the United State Senate as second cloning bill.


  • 球队联系过,斯基受伤后,俱乐部告诉留下足球世界发生这样事情有趣。

    A couple of teams were lined up, but then Lukasz got injured and they told me to stay. It's funny how things happen in football.


  • 周三曼联以2 - 0击败了蓝星,进球的是·布兰迪约什。

    On Wednesday, the Reds beat FC Blue Stars 2-0, with goals from Febian Brandy and Josh King.


  • 一百六十提约古儿子亚历山大厄丕乃上去,佔领了托肋买,人民欢迎在那里为王

    Now in the hundred and sixtieth year Alexander the son of Antiochus, surnamed the Illustrious, came up and took Ptolemais, and they received him, and he reigned there.


  • 意大利门将今年夏天面临抉择,斯基膝盖受伤几乎要租借出去

    The Italian goalkeeper weighed up his options in the summer and was on the verge of a loan move before a knee injury sidelined Lukasz Fabianski.


  • 意大利门将今年夏天面临抉择,斯基膝盖受伤几乎要租借出去

    The Italian goalkeeper weighed up his options in the summer and was on the verge of a loan move before a knee injury sidelined Lukasz Fabianski.


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