• 根据隐私权信息中心报告说,这些攻击今年几百起在线安全侵入之一危及2200万用户的数据信息。

    These attacks are among the hundreds of online security breaches this year alone, compromising data of more than 22 million people, according to the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse.


  • 问题多数网络安全侵入——包括国家发动的侵入——利用是已知漏洞比如针对漏洞的补丁尚未开发应用

    The trouble is that most cyber security breachesincluding those by nationsexploit known vulnerabilities, such as where a patch was either not developed or deployed.


  • 以色列他们自己的安全障碍渐渐侵入西岸帮助将歹徒于门外。

    Israelis say their own security barrier, biting into the West Bank, has helped keep miscreants out.


  • 蒸发会使得温度下降几度使得里面那个罐子温度下降,有助于保持食品安全,而不有害细菌侵入

    The evaporation process creates a drop in temperature of several degrees. This cools the inner pot and helps keep food safe from harmful bacteria.


  • 帮助确保通道相当安全侵入

    This will help to ensure that the communication channel will be reasonably secure from intrusion.


  • 其它情况下,常规医疗紧急情况下和安全地非侵入式的、非药物的疗法失败的情况下被使用。

    In other cases, "conventional" medicine is only needed in emergencies or when the safer non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical methods fail.


  • SQLInjection攻击应用程序开发人员紧密相关,因为它们用于侵入据推测是安全系统窃取更改销毁数据

    SQL injection attacks are a serious concern for application developers as they can be used to break into supposedly secure systems and steal, alter, or destroy data.


  • 研究人员声称:”考虑DBS [对治疗难治性抑郁症]的侵入实验性尤其重要获取长期有效安全数据

    Given the invasive and experimental nature of DBS for [treatment-resistant depression], it is particularly important to obtain long-term effectiveness and safety data, ” said the researchers.


  • 许多情况下适当选择侵入式的、非药物治疗方法加上改变生活方式可以完全地并且安全治愈身体的疼痛一些慢性病

    In many cases, properly chosen non-invasive and non-pharmaceutical healing techniques plus properly chosen lifestyle changes can completely and safely heal both acute and chronic illnesses.


  • 如果试试能否侵入自己防卫系统,又如何确信安全可靠的?

    If you don't explore whether you can penetrate your own defenses, how can you know they're secure?


  • 近期,计算机安全公司RSA(美国EMC分公司)网络遭到非法侵入侵入者目的像是窃取公司安全ID秘密系统。

    Recently the computer-security company RSA (a division of EMC) was penetrated by an intrusion which appears to have stolen the secret sauce behind the company's SecureID.


  • 同样如果系统侵入受到破坏那么数据库数据库访问信息存储正在运行Web服务器机器上会引发安全问题

    Similarly, storing the database or database-access information on the machine on which the Web server is running can introduce security problems if that system is penetrated and compromised.


  • 没有安全装备的情况下操作,有毒金属可能侵入血液肺部引起严重的中毒

    When handled without safety equipment, the toxic metal can be absorbed into the bloodstream or lungs, causing serious damage.


  • 网络安全公司科利斯公司比利·里奥斯,“有些医疗设备刚好存在着很容易侵入的缺陷。”

    "There are just super simple flaws in some medical devices," says Billy Rios of Qualys, a cyber-security firm.


  • 自我无意识侵入安全或者被权力欲驱使,或者任何可能情况

    When the ego gets invaded by contents from the unconscious, when it's in the grip of other complexes, it becomes insecure or power-driven, or whatever the case may be.


  • 颈动脉超声安全、有效、非侵入评价临床亚临床动脉粥样硬化一种检测手段

    Carotid ultrasound is a safe, noninvasive, and relatively inexpensive means of assessing clinical and subclinical atherosclerosis.


  • 机场传送作为机场中的重点安全区域,对其进行侵入者的实时检测十分必要的。

    Delivery warehouse in airports is an important security area and it is very necessary to detect the inside invaders.


  • ECT技术具有侵入结构简单成本响应速度快安全性能好(非辐射)、适用范围广等优点

    ECT technique has the advantage of being non-intrusive, simple in structure, fast in response, low in cost, wide in application and good in security (non - radiation).


  • 访问控制成为众多安全机制中的一个研究热点目标防止非法用户侵入或者合法用户系统资源非法使用

    Access control becomes a research hotspot in the multitudinous security mechanism, whose goal is to prevent invasion of illegal users or illegal usage of the system resources by legitimate users.


  • 超声波FDA认可一种安全侵入诊断实验项目,利用声波测量大动脉血管中的血液流速

    Ultrasound is a safe, non-invasive, FDA approved diagnostic test that USES sound waves to measure blood-flow velocity in large arteries.


  • 现在已经证实安全问题,未通过验证的远端攻击可能利用此问题侵入系统取得该系统的控制权

    A security issue has been identified that could allow an attacker to compromise your Windows-based system and gain control over it.


  • 强度聚焦超声(HIFU)种新兴侵入局部治疗技术以其治疗中安全有效、无创的优点被医学界所关注

    High intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) is a new kind of local non-invasion treatment technology. This treatment gets medical attention because it is safe, effective and non-invasive.


  • 为了防止内部网络敏感信息的泄漏、外部不良信息的侵入外部的非法攻击必要研制一套信息内容安全监测系统

    It is necessary that we study a monitoring system for information security to protect against letting out a secret from Intranet, harmful information intruding and attacking from Internet.


  • 仿真结果表明改进方案减小车门侵入明显降低假人损伤值,显著提高轿车侧面碰撞安全

    The simulation results show that the intrusion of the door and the passenger injury parameters are decreased significantly, and so, the side impact safety of the car can be improved.


  • 移动存储介质安全——威胁可以通过移动存储介质U盘等侵入电脑

    Removable media Security - Threats can enter your PC from removable media such as USB thumb drives.


  • 研究一种用于油气管道安全分布式光纤预警系统侵入事件识别方法。

    In this paper, we define sustainable developing oil and gas resource security system, and set up its evaluation model and evaluation index system.


  • 研究一种用于油气管道安全分布式光纤预警系统侵入事件识别方法。

    In this paper, we define sustainable developing oil and gas resource security system, and set up its evaluation model and evaluation index system.


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