• 望远镜一样,一个曲面聚集太阳光

    Like a telescope, it has a curved mirror to collect the sunlight.


  • 我们愿意申明巨大的价值并望其能被记录在案。

    We're willing to state for the record that it has enormous value.


  • 教会不惜一切避开丑闻大家都知道的是钱。

    The church will do anything to avoid scandal – and everyone knows it has deep pockets.


  • 虽然萨德嗓音从技巧上讲不是很出色,一种独特的音质

    While Sade's voice isn't technically brilliant it has a quality which is unmistakable.


  • 可供阅读的英文法文德文意大利文版本,通向相关旅游网站链接

    Available in English, French, German and Italian, it has links to other relevant tourism sites.


  • 因为最好服务

    Because it has the best service.


  • 一种桔子味道质地光滑

    It has an orange flavour and smooth texture.


  • 起初可能觉得无法抗拒

    You may find it somewhat overwhelming at first.


  • 嚯,原以为多么严重呢!

    Whew—and I thought it was serious!


  • 通货膨胀引入他国。

    It has exported inflation at times.


  • 条又又粗、长满刚毛尾巴

    It has a short stumpy tail covered with bristles.


  • 点儿—不可思议明白意思吗?

    It was like—weird. Know what I mean?


  • 助于引发共同人道主义精神

    It helps engender a sense of common humanity.


  • 多种颜色可供选择

    It's available in a choice of colours.


  • 我们以前从未见过丝毫相似的东西

    We had never seen anything remotely like it before.


  • 菜里辣椒味道,

    You can taste the green chilli in the dish but it is a little sweet.


  • 3条腿的末端一个爪子

    It has three pairs of legs, each ending in a large claw.


  • 我们不得不吹风机退回商店因为残损

    We had to return the hairdryer to the store because it was faulty.


  • 这个城市也许开始沉闷活力激情

    The city might be grim at first, but there is a vibrancy and excitement.


  • 工程师联合会满意这个提议种族主义味道

    The engineers' union was unhappy with the motion, saying it smacked of racism.


  • 喜欢这间起居室着深色木构件东方地毯厚实的家具

    I love the living room, with its dark woodwork, oriental rugs, and chunky furniture.


  • 这种令人惊讶的难以患上因为大多数一种先天的免疫力。

    This disease is surprisingly difficult to catch, as most people have a natural resistance to it.


  • 十集。

    It has ten episodes.


  • 7米多高。

    It was more than 7 meters high.


  • 情感价值。

    It has sentimental value.


  • 生就像一个故事。重要的不是它有多长,而是它有多好。

    Life is like a story. What matters is not how long it is but how good it is.


  • 可以折叠翅膀

    It has wings that can fold.


  • 悠久历史

    It has a long history.


  • 美丽的翅膀

    It has beautiful wings.


  • 大大的膝盖

    It has big knees.


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