• 第三阶段学历培训学历培训交织进行且重点逐渐后移

    The third period is interwoven with the training for certificates and not for certificates and gradually moves on the latter.


  • 人们可以获得各种不同外语证书学历培训,例如:再教育社区大学、语言教科书DVDCD

    There are several different kinds of foreign language certificate and degree programs available, from continuing education and community college classes to instructional books, DVDs, and CDs.


  • 学历培训智力创造力以及经历都各不相同,它们结合就能形成独特的技能

    Degrees, training, intelligence, creativity, and experience all matter, but they combine to craft distinctly specific skill sets.


  • 某些领域深入学术培训必需的,这样一来学历价值很高

    To work in some areas, further academic training is required, so a degree will prove to be of great value.


  • 他们中大多数人不仅仅有大学学历硕士学历辅导方面有专门的培训证书

    Most not only have college degrees but also master's degrees, as well as special training and certification in counseling.


  • 戈夫先生已经宣布了一些计划限制使用公共资金培训学历毕业生成为教师由于经济不景气这样申请人不在少数。

    Mr Gove had already announced plans to restrict public funding for teacher training to graduates with a good degree: thanks to the economic downturn, such applicants are in plentiful supply.


  • 培训要求:想成为殡仪业者必须获得大专学历修得同等学分,然后通过或国家委员会执业资格考试,还要再做上13年的实习生

    Training: Aspiring morticians must complete an Associate Degree, or equivalent credits, pass a state or national board licensing licensing examination, and spend one to three years as an apprentice.


  • 参加培训取得更高的学历那些经得起时间考验技能武装自己吧

    Take a class or even get an advanced degree to arm yourself with skills that are more enduring.


  • 培训要求高中文凭同等学历大多数地方会提供在职培训有些州则要求他们害虫防治技术员得到正规资格证书

    Training: High school diploma or equivalent. Most places provide on-the-job training, and some states require that their pest control technicians get formally licensed.


  • 话说,拿到本科学历固然令人高兴女儿接受这个领域培训对她来说更加有用。

    In other words, although a bachelor's degree is a great thing to have, your daughter could do a lot worse than to get trained in this field.


  • 传统学历教育没有我们造就好的那么企业有必要企业员工培训时补

    Traditional academic education did not give us a good barrel to create the end, then it is necessary for this enterprise on the employees that make up training courses.


  • 结论存在主要问题包括学历层次较低工作任务重、压力职称评定培训学习机会较少等。

    CONCLUSIONS: The existing problems mainly include lower academic levels, heavy work burden, high pressure, difficult title evaluation, and less training opportunities.


  • 有关本人学历业务培训概要连同封信一同呈上。

    You will find Enclosed an outline of my education and business training and copies of two letters of recommendation.


  • 所有培训证书学历证书都应该放在公文包最后一部分

    Use the final section of the portfolio to incorporate all your training certificates and degrees.


  • 至于持有本地学历申请人须付上列明修读学位师资培训(适用)课程主修副修科目证明文件副本

    For applicants holding local qualifications, please also attach copies of the documents stating the major and minor subjects studied in their degree and teacher training (as appropriate) courses.


  • 终身教育信息社会基础保障学历教育在岗培训和终身学习成为应对社会变化的法宝。

    Lifelong education is the basis and guarantee of information society. It is countermeasure against social change to academic skill, job train and lifelong learn.


  • 参加培训取得更高学历那些经得起时间考验技术武装自己吧

    Take a class or event get an advanced degree to arm yourself with skills that are more enduring.


  • 最低学历要求通常要求所受正规教育最低学历接受过同等培训满足工作职责需要。

    Minimum education refers to the minimum level of formal education or equivalent training normally required for the satisfactory performance of the duties of the Job.


  • 继续教育形式,则主要是在岗培训学历教育与职务教育相结合、坚持开展理论研究活动等。

    The continuing education shape principally involve on-the-job training , record of formal schooling education one another unites against duties education , adhering to theory research .


  • 大专及大专以上学历,均参加服务方面的专业培训

    Attendant, with college degree or above. They take part in professional training on yacht services.


  • 具有职高以上同等学历受过空调制冷专业培训。持有国家技术监督、劳动部门签发的有效操作证件。

    Has the professional high school or the same lever school record, and has received the air conditioning refrigeration professional training.


  • 少量干部进行学历教育外,绝大多数干部知识更新主要通过短期培训解决

    Except for a small number of cadres who have to take academic credentials education, the overwhelming majority of cadres would update their knowledge mainly through short-term training.


  • 本科以上学历相关工程行业培训,或同等学历相关工作经验

    Bachelor degree or above in engineering discipline, or the equivalent knowledge and experience required.


  • 经济危机中,现金稳定充裕学历教育职业培训更受宠爱

    Especially during the time of the financial crisis, markets in diploma education and vocation training are highly favored by investors because of the stable cash flow.


  • ③从事全科医疗时间。④绝大多数是中级职称,个别区初级职称比重偏大。⑤接受全科医学培训有关全科医疗的知识掌握不够。结论:急需培养学历的中青年全科医疗人才。

    Results: Of these data, aging, lower educational background, short period of the working, high rate of the middle or primary professional title, inadequate training and relevant knowledge were found.


  • ③从事全科医疗时间。④绝大多数是中级职称,个别区初级职称比重偏大。⑤接受全科医学培训有关全科医疗的知识掌握不够。结论:急需培养学历的中青年全科医疗人才。

    Results: Of these data, aging, lower educational background, short period of the working, high rate of the middle or primary professional title, inadequate training and relevant knowledge were found.


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