• 基于MRP参数研究了卫星姿态跟踪问题

    The problem of attitude tracking maneuvers of satellite is studied with MRPs.


  • 许多空间飞行任务要求航天器姿态跟踪控制

    The attitude tracking control of spacecraft is demanded in many missions.


  • 研究了姿态稳定姿态机动姿态跟踪问题。

    The attitude stabilization, attitude maneuver, and attitude track for the reconfigurable spacecrafts are studied.


  • 研究了具有参数不确定外部干扰飞艇姿态跟踪控制问题

    The attitude tracking control problem for an airship with parameter uncertainties and external disturbances was considered.


  • 研究了具有参数不确定性外部干扰卫星姿态跟踪控制问题

    The attitude tracking control problem for a satellite with parameter uncertainties and external disturbances is considered in this paper.


  • 系统视觉部分主要完成机器人姿态跟踪捕获目标识别定位

    The vision part of the system tracks the gestures of the robot and at the same time hunts the target to identify its location.


  • 检验大部分提出单个刚体姿态跟踪多个刚体姿态同步控制算法。

    Most of the proposed control laws, from single rigid body attitude tracking to multiple rigid bodies attitude synchronization, are verified.


  • 讨论其滑模面的构造方法和解耦控制条件,在姿态控制保证了姿态跟踪期望值。

    As to the attitude stablization of reentry vehicle with parameter uncertainties, its variable structure decoupling control law is designed and simulation results are given.


  • 理论分析仿真研究表明控制律具有姿态跟踪精度高实时计算便于工程实现等优点

    Theoretical analysis and the simulation results show that this method has the advantages of good attitude tracking accuracy, less real time calculations and easy realization.


  • 针对存在不确定惯量矩阵干扰刚体航天器姿态跟踪系统提出了一种自适应滑模控制方法

    For rigid spacecraft attitude tracking system with uncertain inertia matrix and external disturbances, an adaptive sliding mode approach is presented.


  • 诊断故障时,重构控制参数对系统进行补偿控制,使得故障下飞行器姿态跟踪精度得以维持

    Once a fault is detected and isolated, controller parameters can be reconfigured to compensate the loss of performance and keep the good attitude tracking accuracy of the spacecraft.


  • 诊断故障时,重构控制参数对系统进行补偿控制,使得故障下飞行器姿态跟踪精度得以维持

    Once a fault is detected and isolated, controller parameters can be reconfigured to compensate the loss of performance and to keep the good attitude tracking accuracy of the spacecraft.


  • 理论分析仿真研究表明提出控制方法具有姿态跟踪精度高实时计算量小,便于工程实现等优点。

    Theoretical analysis and simulation results show that the proposed control method has high tracking accuracy and low computation load and is easy for application.


  • 赵刚强陈岭, 陈根才。 基于配多层外观模型头部姿态跟踪。 浙大学报(工学版)。

    G. Q. Zhao, L. Chen, G. C. Chen. 3D head tracking using SIFT-based registration and scale invariant view-based appearance model. Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2008.


  • 进一步降低算法耗费定义计算周期多个层次,最终给出实时参考姿态指令,用以实现参考轨迹姿态跟踪控制

    To further reduce calculation cost, multiple computing cycles were defined. The output reference attitude command was used to realize the attitude tracking control of reference attitude trajectory.


  • 使得姿态跟踪误差系统不仅有限时间内任意状态到达滑动面,而且可在有限时间内沿滑动面收敛,并给出了严格的数学证明。

    The tracking error system can not only be controlled to the sliding manifold from any initial state in finitetime but also converge to zero along the sliding manifold in finitetime.


  • 完整联成像制导系统包括图像获取,运动目标的检测、跟踪,制导规律,姿态控制等五大方面。

    The whole strap-down imaging guidance system contains the acquisition of image, the detection and tracking of moving target, the guidance law, and the attitude control.


  • 本文把方法应用无人直升机给出适应姿态控制系统跟踪控制器设计方法。

    This method is applied to an unmanned helicopter, and the design of an adaptive attitude controller and a trajectory-tracking controller are presented.


  • 最后利用设计PID控制器实现纵向姿态跟踪控制达到直升机纵向稳定控制的目的。

    Finally, we use the designed PID controller to realize the longitudinal attitude tracking control of the helicopter.


  • 人脸问题主要包括:人脸检测、人脸跟踪、人脸识别以及衍生出来姿态表情分析四个应用领域。

    Human face problems consist of four parts: human face detection, human face tracking, human face recognition and the derived analysis of pose and expression.


  • 人脸问题主要包括:人脸检测、人脸跟踪、人脸识别以及衍生出来的姿态表情分析四个应用领域。

    Human face problems consist of four parts: human face detection, human face tracking, identification of human face and the interrelated pose and expression.


  • 本文最后设计了直升机模糊pd轨迹跟踪控制器姿态控制器结合,完成对整个飞行控制系统的设计。

    Finally, the dissertation designed the fuzzy PD controller of trajectory tracking, which is combined with attitude Angle controller, so that the whole flight controller is completed.


  • 文章提出了一种基于肤色模型结合椭圆环模板进行人脸跟踪姿态估计算法

    This paper presents an algorithm for facial tracking and pose estimation based on skin color model and elliptical template.


  • 结合后退设计方法适应控制理论,对载体姿态可控空间机器人系统提出了一种自适应跟踪控制算法。

    An adaptive control scheme is developed for the tracking control of space robots with an attitude controlled base by combining the back-stepping design approach and adaptive control theory.


  • 姿态随动稳定跟踪天线平台控制算法采用位置前馈速度位置反馈控制。

    The control algorithm of attitude follow-up stabilization and tracking antenna platform adopts position feed-forward control, speed control and position feedback control.


  • 虚拟现实系统计算机仿真系统广泛采用电磁跟踪系统测量用户头部手部位置姿态实现人机交互

    Electromagnetic tracking systems are widely used in Virtual Reality and computer simulation system to measure the attitude and position of the users hand or head to perform Human-Computer Interaction.


  • 组试验结果表明算法对光照变化姿态变化部分完全遮挡跟踪具有较强的鲁棒性。

    Numerous experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can track targets well under illumination changes, large pose variations, and partial or full occlusions.


  • 可以成功地用于检测环境温度,真实姿态如果电路板设计跟踪环境温度。

    It can be successfully used to sense ambient temperature if the circuit board is designed to track the ambient temperature.


  • 广泛应用人脸跟踪、人脸识别姿态识别、表情识别、头部像压缩重构脸部动画领域

    It finds applications in various areas, such as face detection, face recognition, gesture recognition, expression recognition, face image compression and reconstruction, and face cartoon.


  • 文中通过研究无人机纵向航迹跟踪横侧向协调转弯控制使得无人机可以以下姿态沿预定的航迹飞行

    The UAV can fly along the scheduled fight path with correct attitude by the research of the control law of portrait flight track and transverse coordinated turn.


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