• 正在参加委员会委员竞选

    She is putting up for election to the committee.


  • 任命委员会委员

    I have been nominated to the committee.


  • 管理委员会委员

    She's on the management committee.


  • 1992年提名成为麦当劳面包委员会委员之后,不可思议的是,幸运时刻来了

    Her lucky moment came, strangely enough, after she was nominated in 1992 to be on the McDonald's bun committee.


  • 现有委员组成一个临时委员会

    A pro tem committee was formed from existing members.


  • 担任委员会委员超过25

    He has clocked up more than 25 years on the committee.


  • Romanow委员会Kirby卫生保健委员会——更不用说其他专家给出报告了——都建议建立一个全国性药品机构

    Both the Romanow Commission and the Kirby committee on health care—to say nothing of reports from other expertsrecommended the creation of a national drug agency.


  • 应邀担任许多委员会委员

    He was asked to sit on numerous committees.


  • 引人注意的规划委员会没有一个女性委员

    Women were conspicuously absent from the planning committee.


  • 任何提案委员会其他委员附议

    Any proposal must be seconded by two other members of the committee.


  • 草案提交给英国内政部皇家贵宾执行委员会审批委员会负责监督王室安保政策资金

    The draft will be sent for approval to the Home Office's Royal and VIP Executive Committee, which oversees the policy and funding of royal security.


  • 法登是联邦顾问委员会主席,该委员会专家被派份关于政府20世纪五六十年代人类进行辐射实验历史伦理报告

    Faden chairperson of the federal advisory committee of experts they assigned to do a report on the history and ethics of the government's radiation experiments on humans in the 1950's and 1960's.


  • 我们没有料到委员会同意重建医院所以我们得知委员会最终同意重建时,我们吃了一惊。

    We hadn't quite expected the committee to agree to rebuild the hospital, so we were taken aback when we got to know that it had finally agreed.


  • 同时,最高法院驳回联邦通信委员会试图阻止所有关于网络中立性规定的企图,同时保留委员会先发制人的权力,以防止个别州的法律破坏秩序

    In the meantime, the court threw out the FCC's attempt to block all state rules on net neutrality, while preserving the commissions' power to preempt individual state laws that undermine its order.


  • 欧盟委员Charlie McCreevy警告国际会计准则委员会,称不是生活政治真空中”,而是“生活在真实世界中”。

    Charlie McCreevy, a European commissioner, warned the IASB that it did "not live in a political vacuum" but "in the real word".


  • 2006年,国际捕鲸委员会科学委员会其它组织估计格陵兰岛和冰岛之间水域有20,00030,000头长须鲸。

    The International Whaling Commission's scientific committee and other groups estimated in 2006 that 20, 000 to 30, 000 members of the species are in waters between Greenland and Iceland.


  • 任澳门基本法咨询委员会常务委员

    Once a member of the Standing Committee of the Consultative Committee for the Basic Law of MSAR.


  • 例如如果执掌称为“项目管理委员会(PMC) ”委员会那么可以将“PM C ”作为输入评审的数据。

    For instance, if your steering committee is called a "Project Management committee (PMC)," then enter "PMC" as a value in the appropriate review column.


  • 规定竞赛委员会采纳委员会30支球队代表组成

    The guidelines were adopted by the competition committee, which has representatives from all 30 teams.


  • 布鲁塞尔委员会(欧洲委员会)任务保持所有经济增长有利可控因素

    The task of the Brussels commission is to sustain whatever it controls that contributes to Europe's economic growth.


  • 块白色书写板上标有当天十来个行程安排使用诸如拓展联络这样的措辞,由此和委员会小组委员会联系。

    There's a whiteboard with the schedule of a dozen or so committee meetings that day. They use words like "outreach" and "liaison" and combinations thereof for their committees (and sub-committees).


  • 最终成绩考试委员会进行确认,该委员会包括所有模块阅卷人和授课老师。

    The final marks are determined by an Assessment Board, consisting of all the examiners and tutors for the module.


  • 我们特别委员会表示满意,特别委员会工作应该受到鼓励。

    We wish to express our satisfaction at this to the Special Committee, whose activities deserve to be encouraged.


  • 毕竟董事会拥有审计委员会薪酬委员会

    After all, boards have audit committees and compensation committees.


  • 理想情况下这个委员会应该企业级治理委员会委员会

    This committee ideally should be a subcommittee of an enterprise level governance committee.


  • 沃思将薪酬委员会任职,委员会需要处理股东投票否决公司薪酬安排时提出的种种问题

    Whitworth will serve on the compensation committee, which will need to address shareholder concerns raised in this year's vote against the company's pay practices.


  • 附属委员会所有委员会发布了一项法规要求国土安全部情报产品方面最大程度利用开源数据

    The subcommittee also sent the full committee legislation that would require DHS to make greater use of open-source data for intelligence products.


  • 普尔·穆罕默迪领导着一个委员会,这个委员会旨在减弱国际制裁伊朗冲击

    Mr Pour-Mohammadi heads a committee set up to soften the impact of international sanctions against Iran.


  • 他们反应刺激了英国下议院媒体委员会,该委员会开始考虑这部法律是否需要修改:此事应该立刻提上议程了。

    Their concern has pricked the House of Commons media committee to look at whether the law needs changing: it is due to report shortly.


  • 上个月众议院委员会参议院委员会分别举行听证会

    House and Senate committees have held hearings in the past month.


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