• 一个奥妙的观光

    It was such a wonderful trip.


  • 这个奥妙更新使人类世界都得以转化

    Sacred Scripture calls this mysterious renewal, which will transform humanity and the world, "new heavens and a new earth."


  • 没有任何奥妙公式神秘心境毫不费力地提出好的设计方案

    There are no esoteric formulas or secret states of mind that produce good designs effortlessly.


  • 我们更下维度中的一员,目下现古召唤您们减进我们此次奥妙冒险之旅。

    We of the higher Dimensions are calling to you to join us in the most wondrous adventure.


  • 时光开始刻苦地钻研陶瓷工艺奥妙那天起,神秘消失了

    In turn, time from people began studying hard in the ceramic process each day, the secret to seven heavy but mysteriously disappeared.


  • 如果看到手指看到许多白色光带双手指尖环绕,你只是看到了你奥妙身体

    If you look at your fingers and you see that many white strips are touching each other from both hands' fingers, then you are seeing your etheric body.


  • 蓬莱这座古老海滨小城,依崖临海、清丽奥妙地貌名闻遐尔,素有“人间仙境”之称

    Penglai, an ancient seaside city called fairyland on earth, is of great fame with its seashore location and picturesque scenery.


  • 关于一点,我们首先指出只有对于抽象同一性原则知性来说,神秘的真理才是神奇奥妙的

    On which we first of all remark that there is mystery in the mystical, only however for the understanding which is ruled by the principle of abstract identity;


  • 没有任何奥妙公式神秘心境可毫不费力地提出好的设计方案。设计方案决不是只用铅笔上画画就可提出来的。

    There are no esoteric formulas or secret states of mind that produce good designs effortlessly and designs are not created by only moving a pencil around on a piece of paper.


  • 奥妙的蚀刻标志背带轻松地之间的差别小时分钟彩色发光二极管设计实际上易于浏览-尤其是晚上

    Subtle etched markings on the strap allow you to distinguish easily between hours and minutes, however, with multi-colored LEDs, this design is really easy to read - especially at night!


  • 发现其中奥妙过程表面上看也是一种求爱的过程。除了包办婚姻中,主要的目的清楚怎样经营婚姻,而不是不要结婚。 。

    That process of discovery is ostensibly the fun of courtship, too, except that in arranged marriage the goal is to figure out how to be married, not whether to marry.


  • 不难明白其中奥妙

    It's not difficult to see what's behind it.


  • 他俩都是把熨斗面颊某种微妙的心灵反应来测量温度的。马丁办法很欣赏明白其中奥妙

    They went wholly by holding the irons close to their cheeks, gauging the heat by some secret mental process that Martin admired but could not understand.


  • 主张如果我们实现“无为而治”,所有东西回到原位。禁止洋洋自得,做到无求,方可体察自然奥妙所在。

    He argues that everything will fall into place if we practice "not-doing", withholding our own assertiveness, being constantly without desire so as to observe the subtlety of nature.


  • 梅耶先生认为英国莫名其妙地丢失了使家族企业保持代以上奥妙

    Mr Mayer believes that somehow the British have lost the secret of keeping family firms going as such for more than two generations.


  • 认为其中的奥妙在于这种削弱是与每个突触原有的强度成比例的。 因此人苏醒时每个突触的相对强度不变的,所有的突触强度之睡前都减弱了

    others, but all synapses are weaker than they were when he went to sleep.


  • 让我们来探索包容原则奥妙允许我们忘记社交行为中根深蒂固的那种“他们“我们”之间对立

    Let's explore the inclusion principle, which allows us to forget about the dichotomy between "them" and "us" so deeply ingrained in our social interactions.


  • 为什么一个伟大的指挥家乐谱上做记号——甚至每次研究都会重复标记——其中奥妙正是应该书上记号原因

    The reason why a great conductor makes notations on his musical scores-marks them up again and again each time he returns to study them-is the reason why you should mark your books.


  • 对个中奥妙知道得清清楚楚,10%的小费。

    I knew exactly what was happening and wanted to tip her 10%.


  • 奥妙在于能将董事会平衡到什么程度——要拥有真正具备深度经验,还要拥有充满梦想创造性的人,以及堪称名副其实的优秀外交家的人。

    It's about how well you balance the board - having someone with real depth of experience... Someone else who is visionary and creative, and someone else who is a really good ambassador.


  • 要是大学,我肯定不知道网络奥妙不到灵感梦想也不会实现了。

    Had I not gone to college, I never would have found the network, inspiration, or know how to make my dream come true.


  • 这样他们可以贴近先进科学技术,去探索科学技术的奥妙

    By getting closer to the advanced science and technologies in this way, people can probe into their secret mysteries.


  • 可是这里面的奥妙是可想而知的,大家都非常骄傲,他所以没郎格太太说话,或许是因为听到朗格太太连马车也没有一部,临时雇了车子参加跳舞会吧。

    But I can guess how it was; every body says that he is ate up with pride, and I dare say he had heard somehow that Mrs. Long does not keep a carriage, and had come to the ball in a hack chaise.


  • 经过数不清艰苦努力一连串的疯狂尝试终于找到了其中的奥妙

    Well, after a lot of hard work and trying all kinds of crazy things, I finally figured it all out.


  • 花费多长时间明白其中奥妙无关紧要的,因为不论怎样时间总是在一刻不停流逝

    How long it takes you to figure it out is irrelevant because the time is going to pass anyway.


  • 花费多长时间明白其中奥妙无关紧要的,因为不论怎样时间总是在一刻不停流逝

    How long it takes you to figure it out is irrelevant because the time is going to pass anyway.


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