• (据说过去的一里,马基·已经毙掉了三个造型设计方案)。

    (Marchionne is said to have killed three styling proposals in the past year and a half).


  • 如果马尔基·尼能实现的目标,他创造出一家全新企业包括菲亚特汽车公司(法拉玛莎拉蒂除外或是包括上述两家公司但菲亚特集团其他部分除外)、克莱斯勒通用汽车欧洲分公司。

    If Mr Marchionne pulls it off, he will create a new company consisting of Fiat Auto (without Ferrari and Maserati or the rest of the Fiat Group), Chrysler and GM Europe.


  • 现在菲亚特500款失败车型可能为时过早,不过惨淡开局CEO西尔··马基·扩张美国市场的计划上了阴影

    It may be too early to call the 500 a flop, but a lackluster start has cast a shadow over CEO Sergio Marchionne's grand plans to expand in the U.S..


  • 当天,巴马祖辈生活过尼扬扎的首府基木苏,位母亲在当地省立总医院下一对龙凤胎,并给两个孩子取名为“巴马”米歇尔”。

    In the New Nyanza provincial general hospital in Kisumu, the capital of the region which is home to Barack Obama's ancestral village, a woman gave birth to twins she named Obama and Michelle.


  • 作为回报,马尔基·已经承诺关闭欧宝德国三大主要的汽车组装工厂尽管有人担心欧宝在比利时英国的工厂将被关闭。

    In return, Mr Marchionne has promised to keep open Opel's three main assembly plants in Germany, although there are fears for factories in Belgium and Britain.


  • 危地马拉朋友基尼玛雅山上拥有座可以俯瞰。杜尓斯河的高塔

    My Guatemalan friend, Eugenio, owns a Maya hill tower overlooking the Rio Dulce. "the track's bad," he warned.


  • 纽约州基斯科的沙伦·尼尔是一婚姻治疗师,她过去四个病例,都夫妻分居留在同一所房子的。

    Sharon O’Neill, a marriage therapist in Mount Kisco, N.Y., has seen four cases in the last two years in which couples separated but stayedin the same home.


  • 马尔·基认为行业已经长时间入不敷出了。

    Mr Marchionne thinks it has been living beyond its means for too long.


  • 马基2004年收购了麻烦重重的克莱斯勒,然后迅速让起死回生,成为汽车业最经典成功故事之一。

    Marchionne took over the troubled automaker in 2004 and quickly turned it into one of the auto industry's brightest success stories.


  • 赫基观点高盛集团的吉姆·尼尔的观点截然相反。

    Mr Hickey's view is poles apart from Jim o 'neill at Goldman Sachs.


  • 马尔·基2004获得任命后,菲亚特他的掌管下实现了近乎奇迹的逆转。他克莱斯勒身上看到了同样实现逆转的机会

    Having presided over a near-miraculous turnaround at Fiat since being appointed in 2004, Mr Marchionne saw in Chrysler an opportunity to apply the same lessons.


  • 拉基其他追随者包括胡德堡枪击者尼达尔。马里克·哈桑圣诞节爆炸案犯阿卜杜勒·穆塔拉布克,时代广场恐怖案犯费萨尔·哈扎德。

    Al-Awlaki's other followers include the Fort Hood shooter Nidal Malik Hasan, the Christmas Day bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, and the Times Square bomber Faisal Shahzad.


  • 部分是由于菲亚特通用汽车合作经历马尔基·欧宝是极为合适的合作对象。

    Partly because of Fiat's Shared history with GM, Mr Marchionne says that Opel fits perfectly.


  • 然而眼下塞尔吉·马尔·基毫无疑问是世界所有汽车制造企业总裁被人谈论最多的。

    But right now Sergio Marchionne is without question the most talked-about car executive in the world.


  • 其他人认为融合三种不同的文化若干个不那么出名品牌即便对于像马尔基这样极端自信的人来说也是不可能完成的任务。

    Others think that amalgamating three different cultures and several less-than-stellar brands is beyond even the formidably self-confident Mr Marchionne.


  • 马尔·基理解这样担忧认为这是多余的。

    Mr Marchionne understands the concern, but rejects it.


  • 马尔·基认为关键在于汽车销量必须达到足够的水平——每个车型平台每年大约为100万辆——来降低生产成本

    Critically, Mr Marchionne says, you need to sell in sufficient volume-about 1m a year on each platform-to drive down costs.


  • 正像马尔·基尼说那样:“他们所有没有的东西(包括某些永远需要的东西)拥有所有他们没有却需要的东西。”

    As Mr Marchionne put it: "they have everything I don't have (including some I will never need) and I have everything they don't have and need."


  • 布罗基博内拉还有塞尔·吉尼不错他们现在没有很多比赛,但是他们表现出他们能够一直得很为什么他们使用

    Brocchi, Bonera, and Serginho all did well, they haven't played a lot until now but they showed they can always do well, that's why they will be used more.


  • 交易首先浮出水面。菲尼克斯太阳队交易来鲨鱼尼尔作为响应,达拉斯小牛队也紧跟着交易来贾森·基德

    The big ones fell first. The Phoenix Suns answered by trading for Shaquille o 'neal. The Dallas Mavericks took a deep breath and acquired Jason Kidd.


  • 其他消息马尔基尼、特雷泽盖图多尔帕罗扎内蒂莱罗塔列兰特仍然养伤中,不会接下来一周里面进入比赛名单。

    In other related news, Marchionni, Trezeuget, Tudor, Paro, Zanetti, Giannichedda, Legrottaglie and Mirante are still injured for the Bianconeri and will not be available for the next upcoming weeks.


  • 佛罗伦萨展开交易希望能够通过交换马尔·基尼带到紫百合。

    Fiorentina are open to the deal and are keen for Marco Marchionni to move to Florence in exchange.


  • 意大利后卫乔治。基利尼认为曼联内曼尼亚·维迪奇世界上最好中卫

    Italian defender Giorgio Chiellini thinks United's Nemanja Vidic is the best centre-back in the world.


  • 马尔·基尼最近终于摆脱伤病困扰现在很可能成为尤文台机器一个额外的加速齿轮

    Marchionni has finally shakes off his injury troubles and can now concentrate on adding an extra gear to the Juventus promotion machine.


  • 老妇已经宣布他们准备卖掉马尔基·尼,但要合适的转会费。

    The Old Lady have already announced that they are prepared to sell Marchionni if a reasonable offer is made.


  • Mayo大不到10天,表现得预期要好湖人了这位小将基德或者尼尔更好,长期优势明显

    Mayo, Bynum is ahead of schedule and the Lakers are better right now with him than they would be with a Jason Kidd or Jermaine O'Neal and the long-term advantages are bluntly obvious.


  • 那你觉得耐力刺拳敏捷跟对方周旋伺机进攻,还是那种喜欢重拳的类型,像曼尼-帕奎里基-哈顿的重拳?

    MT: So are you more of an endurance fighter, where you're using your jab and your quickness to wear someone down, or are you trying to set up the haymaker like Manny Pacquiao put on Ricky Hatton?


  • 但是如果我们尼尔基德上场前谁会球队大帮助,我会选择太阳

    But since you were kind enough to ask us before Shaq or Kidd had played even one minute for his new team, I'm going to go Phoenix.


  • 但是如果我们尼尔基德上场前谁会球队大帮助,我会选择太阳

    But since you were kind enough to ask us before Shaq or Kidd had played even one minute for his new team, I'm going to go Phoenix.


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