• 小组是从生物力学角度分析拉多脚印的第一人。

    Raichlen's group is the first to analyze the Laetoli footprints from a biomechanical perspective.


  • 这里学校总体水平不错(尤其是地区),拥有大量公园室外操场。

    Overall the schools here are strong, especially in the Richland School District, and parks and playgrounds are plentiful.


  • 奇兰惊讶是,先前对于拉多里脚印深度计算甚至与人们正常方式行走留下脚跟脚趾深度密切匹配

    To Raichlen's surprise, previous calculations of Laetoli footprint depths closely matched the even heel and toe depths left by people walking in their usual fashion.


  • 公众视线下生活多年后,度过了最后隐居生活,于11月22结肠癌南卡罗来纳州奇兰享年85岁。

    After living many years in the public eye, she spent her final days in seclusion.She died of colon cancer on 22 November in Richland County, South Carolina, it emerged.She was 85.


  • 有关敢死队博物馆每天有50万人来参观这个博物馆位于南部小镇奇兰,在当年uchida其他队员起飞跑道附近

    And a museum about the kamikazes in the southern town of Chiran, near the airstrip where Uchida and others took off, gets more than 500,000 visitors a year.


  • 打去,把头向后一闪,布没打中

    Blanche swung at her but she moved her head back and Blanche missed.


  • 当时没有心情容忍吹毛求疵

    She was in no mood to put up with Blanche's carping.


  • 主意了,”返回到座位上

    "I changed my mind," Blanche said, resuming her seat.


  • 所大学告诉未来工科学生他们能够设计辆汽车兹-赛道进行比赛

    One university told prospective engineering students they would be able to design a car and race it at Brands Hatch.


  • 来,这只现在名为道格拉斯的河马被转移到彭贝莱的一个理想之家——一个由安和史蒂夫·托拥有的野生动物中心。

    Later, the hippo, now called Douglas, was moved to an ideal home at Chipembele, a wildlife center owned by Ann and Steve Tolan.


  • 这批人中,以崔·德为例,1986年乘船离开越南身无分文来到圣何塞,后来成功进入麻省理工学院读书,之后创立食品配送平台芒里,如今估值达3亿美元。

    People like Tri Tran, who fled Vietnam on a boat in 1986, showed up in San Jose with nothing, made it to MIT, and then founded the food delivery start up Munchery, which is valued at $ 300 million.


  • 与此同时封锁小规模冲突继续进行,继续加固城堡

    Blockades and skirmishing continued meanwhile, and Grange continued to refortify the castle.


  • 要是因为什么话、什么事就生气,那我就真是太傻了,”回答说是他用过的诱惑口气

    I should indeed be foolish to feel offended at anything you say or do,' he answered, in the seductive voice of the Trantridge time.


  • 科学家们现在知道为什么反而会在测试中失败认为可能是因为我们训练注视我们眼睛以及面部不是追随视线。”

    Scientists don't yet know why dogs fail this test, but it may be because "we train them to look at our eyes and face and not to follow our gaze," says Range.


  • 在特及其附近,有一些年轻妇女轻佻惹人注意,这种轻佻也许就是控制附近坡地上人们精神征兆

    The levity of some of the younger women in and about Trantridge was marked, and was perhaps symptomatic of the choice spirit who ruled The Slopes in that vicinity.


  • 要买东西不多,很快就买完了;然后往常一样开始寻找从特来的几个村民。

    Her limited marketing was soon completed; and then as usual she began to look about for some of the Trantridge cottagers.


  • 芮图•诺丁汉大学毕业的28岁的律师花费大部分时间一家英国的电讯公司起草合同法律备忘录

    RITU SOLANKI, a 28-year-old lawyer with a degree from Nottingham University, spends most of her time drafting contracts and legal memos for a telecoms firm in Britain.


  • 可有五六英里路呀。

    Tis five or six miles yet to Trantridge.


  • 但是并不反对驾车走在旁边他们这样缓慢地着,村庄走去

    She did not, however, object to his keeping his gig alongside her; and in this manner, at a slow pace, they advanced towards the village of Trantridge.


  • 想到,三个小时,特竟会变得这样疯狂

    Could Trantridge in two or three short hours have metamorphosed itself thus madly!


  • 报纸上双关语标题来嘲笑比如,人民,特雷布回来了”。

    Newspapers mocked him with punning headlines, such as "o volk! Terre 'blanche is back again".


  • ·迪现在认为道琼斯指数可能10500点遇阻

    Mr. Grandich now thinks the Dow is likely to stall roughly at 10500.


  • 也许不在特——我伦敦段时间——我忍受不了那个老太婆

    I may not be at Trantridge - I am going to London for a time - I can't stand the old woman.


  • 69岁的特雷布先生,是因为未支付工资问题名工人发生争执杀害,警察

    Mr Terreblanche, 69, was beaten to death by two farm workers after a dispute over unpaid wages, police say.


  • 他们有可能击败.林肯这位也许是继威廉姆.富布莱特之后最有影响力的国会代表

    They also look likely to knock off Blanche Lincoln, the state’s senior senator, and arguably its most powerful congressional representative since William Fulbright.


  • 他们有可能击败·林肯这位也许是继威廉姆。富布莱特之后最有影响力的国会代表

    They also look likely to knock off Blanche Lincoln, the state's senior senator, and arguably its most powerful congressional representative since William Fulbright.


  • 说,既然我们知道这种能力在动物界也很常见,那么科学家们应当修正关于追随视线能力演化的理论

    Now that we know it's common among animals, Range says, scientists need to revise their theories about why it evolved.


  • 各种传说历史资料都表明特诺蒂特是世界最大美丽的城市

    Legend-and bits and pieces of historical fact-indicates that Tenochtitlan was once the world's biggest and most beautiful city.


  • 补充说,视线追随能力依赖不同心智技能

    The two types of gaze-following abilities seem to require different mental skills, she adds.


  • 补充说,视线追随能力依赖不同心智技能

    The two types of gaze-following abilities seem to require different mental skills, she adds.


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