• 壤土氮素明显高于壤土。

    The amount of nitrogen leaching in sandy loam soil exceeded in clay loam soil.


  • 沙质土壤氮素明显高于粘质土壤。

    The amount of nitrogen leached from sand soil exceed in that from clay soil.


  • 试验结果表明吸附失量增长而增大。

    The experiment results showed that Hg sorption value would be increased with the increasing of flying ash combusted and lost.


  • 降低泥浆通过渗透介质的一种特殊泥浆添加剂

    A group of mud additives specifically designed to lower the volume of filtrate that passes through a filter medium.


  • 不同深度土壤有着不同的因而也有着不同的

    Different depth of soil had different water storage, and therefore, had different leached amounts.


  • 充填效率随携砂砾石浓度砾石直径增加而降低

    The packing efficiency decreases with the increase of gravel concentration in injected liquid, fluid loss to formation and gravel size.


  • 枯枝落叶养分K最大,其次为有机质、全N、全P。

    Thesequence of leaching loss from forest floor was K>organic C>total N>total P.


  • 提切情况下,影响较少能较好地满足快速安全钻井要求

    It has less effect on the filter loss in increasing viscosity and shear, thus meeting the demands of fast and safe drilling relatively well. 1.


  • 蚀蚓孔酸液粘度、酸液浓度时间以及有密切关系。

    The acid wormhole leak-off volume is concerned with the pumping rate, the acid viscosity, the acid concentration, acid injection time and the formation physical property.


  • 石家庄东方热点公司锅炉飞灰粒径分布、分级分布燃烧特性进行了研究 。

    The paper briefs the confuguration and measuring principle of burning loss method on-line carbon measuring device of fly ash.


  • 实验结果表明,一次交联聚合物凝胶具有剪切稀释流变特征,耐剪切,注入性好,失量

    The experiment results showed that preformed weak gel had many characteristics such as shear dilute rheological characteristic, anti-shear, easy injection and low filtration;


  • 因此,利用锯末具有发热特点,将锯末作为造孔制备轻质高强高孔洞率的烧结制品

    Therefore, sawdust, as a pore-forming agent, can prepare sintered product with light weight, high strength and high porosity due to calorific value and loss of sawdust.


  • 阐述火山灰活性、烧细度需水品质指标粉煤灰影响粉煤灰品质提出要求

    Effects of quality index, which are volcanic ash activity, loss on ignition, fineness and water demand ratio, on quality of fly ash are expatiated, the requests to quality of fly ash are put forward.


  • 对于任何一个使用失量网络分析仪所进行,清楚知道理解误差对于工程师来说非常重要的。

    With any VNA measurement, it is important for the engineer to know and understand the error associated with a measurement.


  • 提出了一种优化多级交替注入一级交替时间阶段液方法,优化的依据整个裂缝的瞬时总滤失量

    In this paper, a new method to optimize both alternating time and dosage of each stage of multistage alternating injection is put forward for acid fracturing.


  • 先锋硅藻土矿床白石但是,硅藻土矿厚度大充分利用先锋硅藻土矿深远的重要性。

    Although the opal content of Xianfeng diatomaceous deposit is low and burning loss is high, its thickness and reserve are big, therefore, fully using this diatomaceous deposit is very imu...


  • 计算表明:考虑天然裂缝渗透率变化失量远远大于常规双重介质模型得到的滤失量压力较高时,二者相差10之多。

    The calculation shows that, fracturing fluid leak-off considered variable permeability are greater than conventional fractured loss model, when net pressure is higher, the two has 10 times difference.


  • 因此使用简化ABI函数实际上可以通过堆栈指针开始偏移保存、使用恢复非易寄存器

    Therefore, functions using the simplified ABI actually can save, use, and restore non-volatile registers by using negative offsets from the stack pointer.


  • 研究出的聚合物体系,降低酸液,实现酸液缓速深穿透的目的

    The acid gelling of less additive can reduce leak in crack or hole and delay acid reaction to penetrating through farther.


  • 郁闭林分中25%达到经济阈值。

    On the contrary, the amount of defoliation of 25% reach the ElL.


  • 结果表明施肥情况尿素普通尿素氮素在径流上的控率为57.50%;

    The results show that: in the circumstances of equal nitrogen fertilization, contrast to common urea, the lost control urea can control 57.50 percent of urea nitrogen in the runoff lost.


  • 针对催化精馏过程,围绕减缓催化剂问题,采用过程数学模拟试验研究相结合的方法,考察了进料苯烯物质的比对过程结果和催化剂活的影响。

    In this paper, the research on the catalytic distillation process of alkylation of benzene with ethylene, aiming at slowing down the deactivation of the catalyst, has been reported.


  • 目前没有稳定性较好的药物剂型代谢使吸收血循环中的很少

    And there is also no better stability of drug dosage forms, its metabolic inactivation to be absorbed into the blood circulation in small quantities.


  • 转入看来不足以补偿表土中活化的钙。

    It would appear that the inputs are insufficient to offset the mobilization and leaching of calcium from the topsoil.


  • 基于,对“匹配法”进行完善,推导出了一种可点下使用的现代姿态匹配算法——最优姿态匹配法。

    The above three attitude matching algorithms are derived on the condition that the mount angles of the slave INS are small.


  • 研究表明小鼠Atp6v0d2基因活,导致显著增加,其主要原因骨细胞功能缺形成增加。

    The study shows that the inactivation of gene Atp6v0d2 in mice results in dramatically increased bone mass due to defective osteoclasts as well as enhanced bone formation.


  • 研究表明小鼠Atp6v0d2基因活,导致显著增加,其主要原因骨细胞功能缺形成增加。

    The study shows that the inactivation of gene Atp6v0d2 in mice results in dramatically increased bone mass due to defective osteoclasts as well as enhanced bone formation.


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