• 就在你们邮件的时候,太阳正经历着可怕的太阳爆发

    While I am writing to you, terrible solar explosions are occurring on the Sun.


  • 太阳耀斑一种剧烈太阳爆发活动,可空间中释放大量辐射

    Flares are intense explosions on the Sun that blast radiation into space.


  • 两种残片都袭击者太阳行星x磁场引起了可怕太阳爆发

    Both the debris striking the Sun, and the magnetic field of Planet x, are causing these terrible solar explosions.


  • 本文综述微波波段上太阳爆发精细时间结构研究方面进展动向

    This paper reviews the recent progress and new trends on research of fine tempora, structure of solar microwave bursts.


  • 不过科学家预测上周日强烈太阳爆发极光带到一些纬度相对较低地方

    But scientists predicted that last Sunday's strong burst would bring the light show to slightly lower parts of the globe.


  • 深度感给对一种称之为日冕物质抛射太阳爆发类型研究尤其带来了帮助

    That depth perception is also particularly helpful for studying a type of solar eruption called a coronal mass ejection.


  • EPA/图说:SDO昨天观察太阳爆发,这次太阳风暴有数百万高温。

    A solar flare captured by the Solar Dynamics Observatory yesterday. The plasma eruption will be heated to many millions of degrees


  • 太阳爆发电线超负载,中断卫星通讯,还会危机到正在进行太空行走的宇航员

    Along with overloading power lines and disrupting satellite communications, the eruptions can endanger astronauts on spacewalks.


  • 绝大多数观测得到太阳爆发数据中均含有大量噪声数据的后续处理带来极大的困难。

    The data received from solar bursts contain a lot of noise, which makes further processing more difficult.


  • 2月14日太阳爆发年以来最大太阳耀斑——大到足以干扰无线电通讯长途客机全球定位系统信号

    On February 14 the sun erupted with the largest solar flare seen in four years-big enough to interfere with radio communications and GPS signals for airplanes on long-distance flights.


  • 太阳耀斑太阳爆发的时候明亮但是经过几个小时之后,耀斑由于四处扩散而变得几乎不可见。

    Solar flares are bright as they erupt from the sun, but after the first few hours they diffuse to near invisibility.


  • 对于这些庞大太阳爆发可能会地球产生巨大毁坏担心,同时对于地球气候变化太阳所担当角色争论大大提高了太阳活动研究紧迫性

    Fears that these giant solar eruptions could create havoc on Earth, and disputes over the sun's role in climate change, are adding urgency to these studies.


  • 法新社新闻处报道说,当月亮阴影慢慢罩住太阳时,复活节岛上众多天文学家天文爱好者们爆发一阵欢呼。

    At first sight of the moon's shadow creeping across the sun, the crowd of astronomers and enthusiasts on the island burst into applause, according to the AFP news service.


  • 太阳日冕物质抛射导致了等离子气体带电气体大规模爆发,而后者又造成了上个星期持续好几北极光

    Last week's northern lights-which lasted a few days-were products of a large burst of plasma, or charged gas, from the sun known as a coronal mass ejection.


  • 太阳动力学观测卫星大气成像组件(AIA)拍摄的图像非常详细的描述了2010年3月30爆发产生的日珥现象。

    This new image from the solar Dynamics Observatory's Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) shows in great detail a solar prominence taken from a March 30, 2010 eruption.


  • 黑子探测用于预报空间天气---源于太阳辐射爆发带电粒子等引起的各种空间活动现象。

    Trimming lead times on sunspot detection would allow for better forecasts of space weatherbursts of radiation and charged particles from the sun that can cause real problems on and around Earth.


  • 太阳风暴爆发过程中航天员必须迅速进入航天飞机密封舱技术人员必须迅速卫星转变为安全模式

    During such a burst astronauts must rush to shielded compartments of their spacecraft and technicians must scramble to place satellites in safe modes.


  • 不过NASA研究太阳科学家认为以这次日冕爆发速度特征表明一个典型的日冕物质喷发

    Nonetheless, NASA solar scientists agree that its speed and characteristics suggest that it was indeed a non-typical coronal mass ejection.


  • 科学家指出矮星拥有数量惊人频繁的火焰爆发现象,并且这些太阳耀斑的产生能够使得周边行星的生命体致死

    Red dwarf stars have surprisingly frequent flare-ups, scientists say, and these solar flares' effects could be deadly to life on nearby planets.


  • 6月7一次壮观的太阳耀斑爆发(照片)。

    A solar flare created a spectacular eruption on June 7 (pictured).


  • 陨石推断和经过电脑软件确认可行,行星形成过程应该如此.首先,灰尘微粒聚集在一起形成宇宙尘球.早期太阳热量爆发将这些尘球熔化,它们因此固化陨石球粒.

    First, dust particles clumped together to form cosmic dustballs. Bursts of heat from the primitive sun melted the dustballs, which solidified into chondrules.


  • 9月8正当太阳黑子开始远离地球的时候,活跃区域又发生爆发,同时出现一个明显的突起。

    Just as a sunspot was turning away from Earth on Sept. 8, the active region erupted, producing a solar flare and a fantastic prominence.


  • 科学家2013年太阳活动达到最高峰类似今天早些(89日)爆发巨大太阳耀斑出现得频繁

    Solar flares like the huge one that erupted on the sun early today (Aug. 9) will only become more common as our sun nears its maximum level of activity in 2013, scientists say.


  • 片刻之后灵魂离开躯体时,“太阳突然爆发出光芒直接照耀透纳的身上,正是喜欢凝视并转化成绘画光辉。”

    Moments later, as his spirit left him, quote: “the sun burst forth and shone directly on him with that brilliancy which he loved to gaze on, and transferred to his paintings.


  • 比如“雪球地球”时期火山爆发使得空气增加粒子它阻挡了太阳光线,使地球冷却

    For instance, eruptions during the snowball-Earth period are thought to have added sulfur particles to the atmosphere, blocking sunlight and cooling the planet.


  • 想象一下一个圆顶看着太阳内部转变为新星,仿佛就站在恒星内部看着等离子旋转,缩小扩大最终爆发

    Imagine standing in a dome and watching the Sun go nova - from the inside, as if you were in the center of the star watching the plasma currents swirl, contract, expand, and ultimately explode.


  • 想象一下一个圆顶看着太阳内部转变为新星,仿佛就站在恒星内部看着等离子旋转,缩小扩大最终爆发

    Imagine standing in a dome and watching the Sun go nova - from the inside, as if you were in the center of the star watching the plasma currents swirl, contract, expand, and ultimately explode.


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