• 大肠杆菌感染已经造成至少30死亡另有接近3000感染

    E. coli infections have killed at least thirty people since late May. Nearly three thousand others were sickened.


  • 结论磷霉素可以成为治疗临床多重耐药大肠杆菌感染一种选择

    Conclusion Fosfomycin may be a choice to treat clinical infect with multiresistant Escherichia coli.


  • 五月大肠杆菌感染德国蔓延因为零售商撤回产品蔬菜数量随之减少。

    When E. coli infections spread in Germany at the end of May, the number of vegetables tracked fell as retailers withdrew products.


  • 犊牛腹泻致病性大肠杆菌感染犊牛引起一种常见临床疾病

    The calf diarrhea is a normal clinical disease mainly caused by pathogenic E. coli.


  • 瑞典报告36疑似大肠杆菌感染病例,病人曾去过德国北部旅行

    There are 36 cases of suspected E. coli in Sweden; all linked to travel in northern Germany.


  • 溶血性尿毒综合征是特定大肠杆菌感染引起并发症导致肾功能衰竭

    HUS, which can lead to kidney failure, is a complication of an infection by particular Escherichia coli bacteria.


  • 周三中国卫生部发出一个通知要求所有医院加强监测来自欧洲可能大肠杆菌感染

    Here on China, the Ministry of Health issued a notice on Wednesday, requiring all hospitals to strengthen monitoring possible e-coli infections from Europe.


  • 大肠杆菌感染细菌性关节炎极少见疾病但常见于系统性疾病的病人。

    Escherichia coli septic arthritis is rare and usually occurs in patients with underlying systemic disorders.


  • 结论慢性尿路细菌感染尤其是大肠杆菌感染CG发生有密切关系。

    Conclusion: the genesis of CG is closely correlated with the chronic lower urinary tract infection, especially due to Esch. coli.


  • 德国大肠杆菌感染疫情暴发后,俄罗斯联邦禁止进口欧盟食品结果西班牙农民不得不倾倒农产品

    Q: Following the e. coli infection outbreak in Germany, the Russian Federation banned the import of European Union food products and Spanish farmers had to give away their produce.


  • 现有资料不足以为减少发生肠出血性大肠杆菌感染提出有关农场采取具体干预措施的建议

    Available data are not sufficient to enable the recommendation of specific intervention methods on the farm in order to reduce the incidence of EHEC in cattle.


  • 结论旅惠来口含片具有促进消化高温、抗疲劳抗菌消炎以及预防大肠杆菌感染等作用。

    Conclusion: LHL has significant effects of improving digestion function, anti high temperament, anti fatigue, antisepsis and preventing colibacillus infection.


  • 德国大肠杆菌感染疫情暴发后,俄罗斯联邦禁止进口欧盟食品结果西班牙农民不得不倾倒农产品

    Following the e. coli infection outbreak in Germany, the Russian Federation banned the import of European Union food products and Spanish farmers had to give away their produce.


  • 由于很多血性大肠杆菌感染接触游憩用水所致,对于避免这类水域饮用水源遭动物粪便污染很重要

    Since a number of EHEC infections have been caused by contact with recreational water, it is also important to protect such water areas, as well as drinking-water sources, from animal wastes.


  • 截至2011年5月31日,德国9个病人溶血性尿毒综合征,有6个病人死于肠出血性大肠杆菌感染

    As of 31 May 2011, nine patients in Germany have died of HUS, and six of EHEC.


  • O157: H 7大肠杆菌感染预防措施同于其它食源性疾病建议的措施(下述基本食品卫生规范)。

    Preventive measures for E. coli O157: H7 infection are similar to those recommended for other foodborne diseases (see basic food hygiene practice described below).


  • 自5月EHEC爆发6月15日为止,德国共有786宗溶血尿毒症2517宗肠道出血性大肠杆菌感染个案

    Between onset of the outbreak through 15 June, there were 786 haemolytic uraemic syndrome (HUS) cases and 2517 EHEC infection cases in Germany.


  • 源于感染肠出血性大肠杆菌估计,受肠出血性大肠杆菌感染患者中,多达10%的患者患溶血性尿毒综合征死亡率高达5%。

    It results from EHEC infection, and it is estimated that up to 10% of EHEC-affected patients may develop HUS, with a mortality rate ranging up to 5%.


  • 不同年龄组肠出血性大肠杆菌感染发病不尽相同,所病例最高发病率发生15以下儿童(美利坚合众国10万病例中占0.7)。

    The incidence of EHEC infections varies by age group, with the highest incidence of reported cases occurring in children aged under 15 years (0.7 cases per 100 000 in the United States).


  • 发生德国北部的致命急性大肠杆菌至少导致17死亡,1500感染

    A deadly outbreak of E. coli infections in northern Germany killed at least 17 people and affected 1,500 others.


  • 17人死亡1500宗确认疑似病例数亿欧元损失:德国北部爆发大肠杆菌病毒感染欧洲范围内引起恐慌

    SEVENTEEN deaths, some 1, 500 confirmed or suspected cases and hundreds of millions of euros in losses: the outbreak of E. coli infections in northern Germany is causing havoc across Europe.


  • 过去20年里大量大肠杆菌沙门氏菌弯曲杆菌感染事件和饮用未经巴氏灭菌乳品直接联系

    There have been numerous documented outbreaks of E. coli, Salmonella, and Campylobacter infections directly linked to the consumption of unpasteurized milk in the past 20 years.


  • 那么有机食品是不是真会让我们感染大肠杆菌其它食物传播疾病风险增加如果真是这样生产商应该如何降低这种风险,恢复有机品牌的声誉的呢?

    So are we at higher risk of E. coli and other food-borne diseases from organic food and, if so, what can producers do to reduce this risk and restore confidence in the organic brand?


  • FDA称,1995年以来9次大肠杆菌暴发感染源头萨莱纳山谷包括菠菜在内的新鲜食品。

    According to the FDA, fresh produce from the valley, including spinach, has been the source of nine E. coli outbreaks since 1995.


  • 实际上由于回避科学有机食品行业可能增加消费者感染大肠杆菌其它通过食物传播疾病风险

    In fact, by shunning science, organic producers could be increasing consumers' risk of contracting Escherichia coli and other food-borne diseases.


  • 方法应用大肠杆菌一种泌尿系统感染常见病原菌),研究者们在小时内清除了99.9%的原先持续存在的细菌。

    Testing the strategy on Eschericia coli (E. coli) bacteria, a common cause of urinary infections, the researchers were able to eliminate 99.9 per cent of persisters within just two hours.


  • 针对产志贺毒素大肠杆菌感染预防措施针对其它食源性疾病推荐预防措施相似例如按照《世界卫生组织安全食品五大要点》,采用良好基本卫生习惯。

    Preventive measures for STEC infections are similar to those recommended for other foodborne diseases, including basic good food hygiene practice, as described in the WHO Five keys to safer food.


  • 针对产志贺毒素大肠杆菌感染预防措施针对其它食源性疾病推荐预防措施相似例如按照《世界卫生组织安全食品五大要点》,采用良好基本卫生习惯。

    Preventive measures for STEC infections are similar to those recommended for other foodborne diseases, including basic good food hygiene practice, as described in the WHO Five keys to safer food.


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