• 大气湿度上升气温升高所致);

    The rise in atmospheric humidity (caused by the higher air temperatures);


  • 湿度量度大气湿度仪器

    Hygrometer: An instrument for the measurement of the humidity of the atmosphere.


  • 处理叶片CO2代谢速率大气湿度无差别。

    No differences in leaf net CO2 assimilation rate and air relative humidity among all the treatments were found.


  • 讨论了大气湿度激光探测大气尘埃质量浓度影响

    The effect of atmospheric humidity on probing mass concentration of atmospheric dust by lidar is also discussed.


  • 南部相反,上升运动加强,“干燥抬升大气湿度增大

    However, over southern south China Sea, ascending movement is strengthened, "dry layer" lifts up and the atmospheric humidity of the whole layer increases.


  • 本文设计一个用于测量大气湿度温度气压检测微型集成传感器

    A design of integrated sensors for measuring humidity, temperature and pressure were described in the paper.


  • 大气湿度的情况下,水果水分会蒸发得很快不足为奇的。

    It is not surprising that, when humidity is low, the water evaporates rapidly from the fruit.


  • 大气湿度发动机换算转速影响物理本质随着湿度的变化使进入发动机的空气物理性质也发生了变化。

    The physical nature of humidity effects on engine corrected speed is that thermophysical characteristics of air entering engine varies with humidity.


  • 由于空气来源大气干燥效果大气湿度而异,故此干燥效果稳定,一般亦达不到50ppm要求

    As the source of air is the atmosphere, the drying effect is dependent on the air humidity. The drying is unstable and in any case could not reach the 50 PPM requirement.


  • 大气湿度发动机换算推力影响物理本质随着湿度变化进入发动机的空气的热物理性质也发生了变化。

    The physical nature of humidity effects on engine conversion thrust is that thermo-physical characteristics of air entering engine varies with humidity.


  • 林窗内光照强度大气温度、大气湿度土壤元素分布时序近似与的规律性,空间上则显现复杂格局

    The temporal distributions of light intensity, air humidity and air temperature in the gaps are similar to those on open lands, but their spatial patterns are more complicated.


  • 随著太阳不断变地球大气不断升温大气湿度越来越大,今天微不足道的“涓涓流”变成滔滔氢流”。

    As the sun brightens and our atmosphere warms, the atmosphere will get wetter, and the trickle of hydrogen escape will become a torrent.


  • 本文简要介绍微波大气湿度探测基本原理,阐述微波湿度的系统构成及工作原理;描述了微波湿度计的性能指标要求。

    The basic principle of atmospheric humidity sounding by microwave radiometer and the technical specifications of MWHS onboard FY-3 satellite are briefly introduced in this paper.


  • 相对湿度恒定假设重要的,因为大气中的水蒸气红外波长辐射的另一种有效吸收剂

    The assumption of constant relative humidity is important, because water vapor in the atmosphere is another efficient absorber of radiation at infrared wavelength.


  • 因为温暖空气冷空气容纳更多湿气,所以只有大气中的水蒸气随着温度升高增加时,相对湿度才会保持不变。

    Because warm air can hold more moisture than cool air, the relative humidity will be constant only if the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere increases as the temperature rises.


  • 新的激光技术不同了,因为它是利用自然湿度大气条件制造水滴的。

    The new laser method is different because it uses natural humidity levels and atmospheric conditions to create water droplets.


  • 来自美国国家海洋大气部门的报告罗列了十个全球气温正在变暖的标志:湿度上升;

    A new report from the U. S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration lists 10 indicators that global warming is happening: rising humidity;


  • 那儿大气环境、较平均温度以及非常低的湿度利于我们采用适应性光学(adaptive optics)红外观测仪探索令人振奋空间

    The atmospheric conditions, low average temperatures, and very low humidity will open an exciting new discovery space using adaptive optics and infrared observations.


  • 研究小组使用模型处理一系列方程式运算数百万的数据包括风速温度湿度大气状况

    The research team uses the model to run millions of numbers -- atmospheric conditions like wind speed, temperature, and moisture -- through a series of equations.


  • 植物代替沥青增加屋顶漫反射系数蒸散增加城市大气湿度二者都有助于缓和热导效应

    Replacing black asphalt with vegetation raises rooftop albedo, and evapotranspiration can add humidity to an urban atmosphere; both help mitigate heat-island effect.


  • 意味着一个温室效应增加空气湿度世界底层大气的暖化要远远高于地表这个现象在热带地区尤为明显。

    This means that in a world where greenhouse warming is wetting the atmosphere, the lower parts of the atmosphere should warm at a greater rate than the surface, most notably in the tropics.


  • 大气温室气体增加可能是温度和湿度变化的根源

    Increasing greenhouse gases in the atmosphere could account for both phenomena.


  • 可以利用环境因素温度光照湿度大气空气流通防治害虫

    Environmental factors, such as temperature, light, humidity, atmosphere, and air circulation, may be used to prevent pests.


  • 废气排放会影响大气湿度人们工作废气排放量会达到峰值。周末,人们休息时,废气排放量就会下降。

    Aerosol release has known effects on moisture in the air - and releases tend to peak when people are at work. When people relax at weekends, releases drop.


  • 大气中的相对湿度达到超过100%时,开始形成

    When the relative humidity in the atmosphere reaches and exceeds 100%, cloud or fog formation begins to occur.


  • 前者温度湿度太阳辐射热大气中CO_2作用,不管所处环境如何,任何混凝土不可避免要遭受的劣化因子

    There is common destroy gene, such as the effect of temperature, humidity, the radiant heat of the sun and CO_2 in the air, it is inescapability to any concrete structure.


  • 腐蚀探测电池研究温度湿度沉积量等腐蚀因素大气腐蚀性影响

    The influences of temperature, relative humidity ( RH ) and the salt deposit on atmospheric corrosivity were investigated by means of corrosion detective cells.


  • 大气折射率起伏主要温度湿度起伏引起

    The refractive index fluctuation of atmosphere are mainly caused by variations in temperature and humidity.


  • 废气排放会影响大气湿度人们任务废气排放量会到达峰值周末,人们歇息时,废气排放量就会下降

    Aerosol release has known effects on moisture in the air - and releases tend to peak when people are at work. When people relax at weekends, releases drop.


  • 废气排放会影响大气湿度人们任务废气排放量会到达峰值周末,人们歇息时,废气排放量就会下降

    Aerosol release has known effects on moisture in the air - and releases tend to peak when people are at work. When people relax at weekends, releases drop.


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