• 大其力当地民团体掸邦军昨天发生武装冲突

    There were clashes between Tachilek-based militia groups and the SSA-S near Tachilek yesterday.


  • 当地民团大其力地区村庄中的拉祜族,阿卡族族组成。

    Many of these militia groups are made up of ethnic Lahu, Akha and Shan from villages in Tachilek District.


  • 位于泰国边境山区缅甸大其力北部,数以几百房屋因地震倒塌

    Several hundred buildings collapsed north of the town of Tachileik, in mountains near the border with Thailand.


  • 上图3月31日大其力(Tachilek),邻国泰国通过友谊桥,到达的第一个缅甸城市

    Tachilek, shown here on March 31, is the first Burmese town you'd hit crossing the friendship bridge from neighboring Thailand.


  • 饥饿乞食这个少年乞丐,也是来自大其力附近地区的阿卡部落土著3月31日大其力指望旅游者慷慨解囊解决日常生计

    Hungry for help: This child beggar, also from the Akha tribe indigenous to the area near Tachilek, looks to tourists' generosity for her daily subsistence on March 31 in Tachilek.


  • 14世纪文艺复兴时期佛罗伦萨创造爆发之后,现代世界见证已有认知背离

    Following the explosion of creativity in Florence during the 14th century known as the Renaissance, the modern world saw a departure from what it had once known.


  • 虽然冰冻范围广,影响,但受限于特性,人类很难直接访问,研究了解

    Despite its extent and importance, the nature of the cryosphere makes it difficult to visit, study and understand.


  • 公共事业公司—国家电公司买下西班牙公司少数股东所有股份;百事也争取获得灌装分公司的全权控制

    Enel, an Italian utility, is buying out minority shareholders in Spain's Endesa, for example, and PepsiCo has bid for full control of its two biggest bottling affiliates.


  • 如果它们真的一直在更新影响可能二氧化碳一样

    If they are so renewed, though, their impact may be as big as CO2's.


  • 但是如果一个孩子般成就地非常影响非常

    But if you're like a child, it works very fast and the impact is very great.


  • 粉碎采用多级破碎流程细碎原理装置特点工作冲击生产效率高细碎

    Crushing chamber adopts multistage crush process and finely processing principle, its feature is huge impact, high production efficiency and large crushing ability.


  • 人物可以一个领主坚固后盾经济关键来源由于经济的控制而雄霸一方。

    The character may be a staunch supporter and key resource to a great house, and has tremendous sway in the region due to economic control.


  • 百货广场桩基托换工程深圳地铁期工程关键工点之一,换轴施工环境复杂

    Pile underpinning of Baihuo Plaza with great underpinning force and complex construction environment is one of the important parts of Shenzhen Metro project.


  • 美国华盛顿州中北部一个峡谷48公里(30英里),为哥伦比亚冲刷形成,来自水坝。

    A gorge, about 48 km (30 mi) long, of north-central Washington, carved by the Columbia River. It is fed by water from the Grand Coulee Dam.


  • 公司生产SF系列振动筛振动电机采用先进技术具有振动平稳性能稳定激振等优点

    I produced their SF Series Vibrating Screen Vibrating motor using advanced Italian technology, with the vibration of a smooth, stable performance, exciting force advantages.


  • 轧机伺服压下系统具有轧制特点位移反馈机构刚度系统的影响予以考虑

    The servo screwdown system of a rolling mill has the characteristics of big rolling force, the influence of displacement feedback apparatus dynamic stiffness on system should be considered.


  • 洛杉矶虽然仍是美国第二城市由于近几年企业撤离商业方面影响正在减弱,很快落后于近邻旧金山

    It remains the second-largest city in the us, but it is losing influence in business terms, with several major companies departing in recent years, and could soon trail its neighbour San Francisco.


  • 干燥表面上球体运动时前方受到摩擦后方要,且旋转方向滑行方向是不同的。

    On dry surfaces, the front of a spinning sphere generates more friction than the back, and the sphere veers in a direction different from that of the rotational vector.


  • 指出公司这么影响原因在于他们集中注意提高他们的利润

    He also argues that the main reason why corporations have much influence is because they focus on enhancing the power and profits.


  • 一般情况下感召的,首先临近的猴群唱这支‘开场曲’,一直到森林叽里啦的猴音覆盖。

    Typically, this is contagious so that his calling spreads first to neighbouring groups, until a large part of the forest is covered by calling monkeys.


  • 我们认为:这一双非常好的鞋子特色防滑设计、采用摩擦好的硬质钻石深沟底。

    We Say: A great shoe, the new 800 features a deep diamond-shaped lug design of both sticky and hard rubber for good traction.


  • 这种背景下企业规模不再决定性因素企业所处地理位置运营影响减弱

    In this backdrop, the company scale is no longer a decisive factor in business location in which the impact of its operations has been greatly weakened.


  • 苔藓植物植物界中的类群,竞争非常有限生长维管束植物无法生存环境中。

    Bryophytes comprise is a big family of plant species. Because of their limited competition, bryophytes usually grow in hard habitats, where no vascular plants can live.


  • 苔藓植物植物界中的类群,竞争非常有限生长维管束植物无法生存环境中。

    Bryophytes comprise is a big family of plant species. Because of their limited competition, bryophytes usually grow in hard habitats, where no vascular plants can live.


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