• 他的诗一样,读来生活更添滋味,可谓乐事

    His letters, like his poetry, are life-enhancing and a delight.


  • 切娜惊讶的是,这个古老游戏引起了群人兴趣超过1000名学生加入了这个俱乐部。

    To Chena surprise, the old game has interested a huge crowd more than 1,000 students have joined the club.


  • 意想不到的是,这个古老游戏居然引起了一群人兴趣已经有1000学生加入了这个社团

    To Chen's surprise, the old game has interested a huge crowd more than 1,000 students have joined the club.


  • 为了解决海上计算经线的问题,1675年英格兰国王查理二世下建造皇家格林尼治天文台,同时还悬赏了奖金给予第一个发明出在海上准确计时的钟表的

    He offered an enormous cash prize to anyone who could build a clock that would remain accurate at sea.


  • 根据自然资源保护者重要回顾报告地球经历“第六次灭绝事件”,因为疾病人类活动正在脆弱物种遭受到灾难性打击。

    Earth is experiencing its "sixth great extinction event" with disease and human activity taking a devastating toll on vulnerable species, according to a major review by conservationists.


  • 哈斯商学院希望深入了解申请人激情澎湃东西,比如某种爱好非就解决世界饥荒问题自鸣得意地发表长篇

    The school is hoping to tap into issues that excite applicants -- the pleasure of a certain hobby, for example -- rather than a self-impressed treatise on solving world hunger.


  • 这种措施会作用整个经济经济活动放缓信用客户日子过得艰难,而不管公司规模是小。

    Such increases work across the economy to slow activity, with less credit-worthy customers facing the toughest time, whatever the size of the companies.


  • 这次注资众人确信阿布扎比不会对阿拉伯联合酋长国第二成员滑铁卢坐视不理

    The bail-out confirmed everyone's assumption that Abu Dhabi would not let the second-biggest member of the UAE fail.


  • 尽管还是预期数据中国汽车销售量数据许多观察家宣称2009中国将超越美国成为世界第一汽车市场。

    Statistics on car sales in China led many observers to declare 2009 as the year the country overtook America as the world's largest car-market, though the data came with caveats.


  • 可能堆相同盒子包围小卧室或者可能是一个很多人都羡慕无比的宽敞的奢侈空间

    It may be a tiny cubicle surrounded by a sea of indentical little boxes or it can be a spacious luxury workspace adored by many.


  • 管2008年第四季度息差不断下降坏帐准备金显著提高,但中国银行去年可能仍实现利润增长,它们西方同行相形见绌。

    China's four big Banks are expected to report profit increases for 2008, outshining their Western peers despite falling interest margins and increased provisioning in the fourth quarter.


  • 雇佣所有这些投行,可以此次交易方面容易遭受分析师批评

    Putting all the big investment Banks on the payroll reduces the likelihood that any facet of the deal will be criticised by analysts.


  • 英国女孩谢尔比-杜威与家人野餐时,吹一个海豚形状的肥皂泡全家人惊讶不已。

    This is the moment a little girl amazed her family by producing a giant, dolphin-shaped bubble during an evening barbecue.


  • 十岁孩子便被要求强制接受这些,于是法庭上发生了一幕幕人哭笑不得的场景:一个约克郡的小男孩法官将《反社会行为交给时居然睡着了。

    Children as young as ten have had such orders imposed on them, leading to extraordinary scenes in court: one Yorkshire boy fell asleep on the bench as the judge handed him his ASBO.


  • 公寓坐落市区美丽一隅尺寸的窗户使盎然绿意尽收眼底。户外方雅致露台公寓别具特色

    Located in a beautiful urban area and surrounded by green Spaces, large Windows were built in order to take advantage of this and the apartment also features an elegant outdoor terrace.


  • 2006年《格拉斯哥兴盛发达》的报告提到格拉斯哥地区的某些卫生问题近期才有的。

    A 2006 report, Let Glasgow Flourish, suggests that some health problems in Greater Glasgow are recent.


  • 一切奥巴马的头都

    All this sets a ticklish task for Mr Obama.


  • 9月甚至IPO之前公司会计操作中的一个变化投资界感到震惊

    In September, even before the IPO the company shocked the investment community by a large change in its accounting practices.


  • 虽然有些遥远,但伊朗叙利亚不再伊拉克问题风点火的地区性交易”(grand bargain)依然保有希望

    A regional "grand bargain" that discourages Iran and Syria from fanning flames in Iraq may remain a hope, albeit a distant one.


  • 享受着室内奢侈,但是,直到2008年12月一个午夜警察手持搜查扫荡收容所

    He had been enjoying the luxury of an indoor bed until December 2008, when the police swept through the shelter in the middle of the night looking for men with outstanding warrants.


  • 但是,人们依然心存疑虑,究竟是否推出一款当初乔布斯那样名声噪受欢迎产品

    But there are lingering doubts about whether he can produce the sort of smash for which Jobs was so feed.


  • 火山最近一次爆发是1994年,当时过热的硫磺导致火山南面高坡一个村庄66名村民死亡,其情景所有震惊

    Its last major eruption in 1994 caught everyone by surprise when superheated clouds of sulfuric gas killed 66 people in this village on the mountain's high southern slopes.


  • 然而早已紫的同学比起来,廖凡则是将时间寻找真正自己兴趣的角色上。

    But compared with them, who both became popular at an early age, Liao took his time, looking for parts that he was really interested in.


  • 时间费力地侍弄那些邻居们羡慕花圃。

    David HAD put a lot of time and effort into making those flower beds the envy of the neighborhood.


  • 鸣户桥本主要指控相扑比赛经常作弊读者吃惊他们不但指名道姓,而且坦率承认参与作弊。

    The main charge by Onaruto and Hashimoto was that sumo is frequently rigged. And they stunned readers by naming manes and admitting that they themselves had helped fix bouts.


  • 加盟商满意特许经营行业体育休闲广告销售房地产老年人服务以及服务业

    The five franchise sectors with the most satisfied franchisees: Sports & Recreation, Advertising & Sales, Real Estate, Senior Services, and Services.


  • 全球经济增长前景欧洲不断升级的主权债务问题人堪忧全球股市承压,美国股指期货周四

    U. S. stock futures slumped on Thursday, as fears over global growth prospects and Europe's ongoing sovereign-debt woes weighed on equity markets around the world.


  • 测试结果姆斯意外虽然已经预料到会有一些认知差异

    The results surprised even Ames, who had expected to find some differences in perception.


  • 测试结果姆斯意外虽然已经预料到会有一些认知差异

    The results surprised even Ames, who had expected to find some differences in perception.


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