• 下颚直接铰接上,还有,有的、有接缝

    It has a jaw that is hinged at the cranium and has bony, meaty, jointed fins.


  • 因此惊人他们寻找窗子胸墙或者架构空中遮蔽的心上。

    Thus, it is not surprising that they looked for a new window onto the heart that was not obscured by the air in the lungs or bony structures of the chest wall.


  • 涉及时,病变改变眼眶结构

    The lesions changed the structure of orbit when polyostotic bones were involved.


  • 可不是简单的技术:小组检查了70仅仅找到块,一块发现克罗地亚Vindija洞穴中的大腿。它拥有足够好的条件保证此项技术的顺利实现

    This was no mean feat: the team tested more than 70 bones and found just one, a thigh bone found in a cave in Vindija, Croatia, that was in good enough condition for the technique to succeed.


  • 研究发现11跟踪分析中,肥胖人群(不分男女)罹患膝关节性关节炎风险较正常体重的人群高出

    Risk of knee osteoarthritis was more than four times as high in obese men and women as normal-weight subjects over 11 years of follow-up, the study found.


  • 上皮样血管内皮瘤特征性表现灶性的病变伴随膨胀、硬化,不伴有膜炎

    The characteristic appearance of an osseous epithelioid hemangioendothelioma is a multifocal lytic abnormality with osseous expansion, sclerotic margins, and a lack of periostitis.


  • 典型的eh表现为囊性的泡状改变,常常伴有膨胀性重建皮质可以穿破环绕以硬化边。

    Osseous EH typically has a lytic bubbly appearance often associated with expansile bony remodeling. There may be cortical break-through or surrounding sclerosis.


  • 气泡或呼吸生活于南半球多骨鱼类有时为总鳍鱼类。

    Bony fishes of the southern hemisphere that breathe by a modified air bladder as well as gills; sometimes classified as an order of crossopterygii.


  • 受累,引起眼眶及周围结构继发性改变出现严重并发症

    The lesions changed the structure of orbit when polyostotic bones were involved, a series of serious syndrome seconded to those changes.


  • 主要基于腺管的结构分化不良坏死细胞异型性,型性,软组织浸润以及血管浸润

    Based on poor glandular formation, necrosis, cellular atypia, nuclear pleomorphism, invasion of soft tissue and bone, and vascular permeation.


  • 目的探讨排螺旋CT (MDCT)显示精细结构最佳扫描及成像参数组合。

    Objective to investigate the best parameters of scanning in showing the normal stapes with multidetector ct (MDCT).


  • 侵犯相邻椎间盘导致椎间隙狭窄,未见死或软组织肿块,偶脓肿形成,具有灶性特点。

    Pyogenic rachitis easily lead to violations of the adjacent intervertebral space Narrowing, there were parts of the small sequestrum and vertebral body side abscess.


  • 目的探讨一期前路病灶清除固定治疗相邻结核临床疗效

    Objective To analyze the clinical effect of treating adjacent multi-vertebral tuberculosis by anterior radical debridement, titanium mesh bone fusion and internal fixation.


  • 上颌前部埋伏生牙常见的一类,临床意义也较大。

    It is the most commonly that supernumerary teeth are impacted in maxillary anterior region with considerable clinical significance.


  • 目的评价数字化断层片埋伏临床定位中的应用价值

    Objective:This study aimed to evaluate the clinical value of digital pantomogram in identification the position of gnathous unerupted supernumerary teeth.


  • 目的研究饮用牛奶对小鼠、血清碱性磷酸酶(ALP)、钙素(BGP代谢指标的影响,以探讨代饮奶对钙代谢的影响规律。

    Objective: To study the effect of multi-generation drinking milk on the bone metabolizing factors such as serum calcium, ALP, BGP, etc.


  • 目的观察一次性平面全脊柱配合通用脊柱内固定系统内固定治疗脊柱后凸的疗效

    OBJECTIVE: To introduce a method to treat kyphosis with universal spine system and to evaluate its clinical effect.


  • 目的研究采用中心合作调查中国女性年龄相关密度BMD)、丢失率疏松发生率。

    Survey results were used to establish a BMD reference database for the diagnosis of osteoporosis in Chinese women nationwide.


  • 条状伪影发生太阳穴多骨结构

    Streak-like occur most frequently in the bony structures at the base of the skull and the petrous bone region.


  • 根据CT标尺测量图像周围结构关系距离确定埋伏确切位置

    The accurate positions of a wholly impacted supernumerary teeth in bone was( obtained) based on the measured distances of image between the tooth and the tissues around by the ruler on SCT.


  • 本文代谢蛋白质代谢两个方面进行研究,旨在探讨代饮小鼠钙代谢和蛋白质代谢影响进一步阐明长期奶对动物乃至人类健康的影响积累资料。

    This study deals with the two aspects of bone and protein metabolism in order to explore the effect of long-term drinking milk on the bone and protein metabolism in mice.


  • 2008年2月23日爱德华(小腿双外侧那根头)折,踝关节错位。肇事者马丁·泰勒

    Feb 23rd 2008 - Eduardo has his left fibula fractured and sustains an open dislocation of his ankle joint after Martin Taylor's tackle.


  • 颌面部构成面支架,维持面部的正常外形。

    Maxillofacial part is made of many bones, which sustain natural maxillofacial shapes.


  • 直接间接对比提示滑动螺钉相对于螺钉可能好处在于减少翻修手术

    RESULTS: Both indirect and direct comparisons suggest a possible benefit for a sliding hip screw over multiple cancellous screws in reducing the need for revision surgery.


  • 方法16先天性症患者采用束带切除Z皮瓣缝合、切开皮质钻孔打通髓腔方法进行治疗。

    Methods Sixteen cases of CCBS were performed with bands excision, suturing using multiple Z-shaped skin flap, periosteotomy, and drilling of the cortical bone into medullary cavity.


  • 结果VRT显示颌面部类型位置、范围、碎移位塌陷,尤其是不规则线行等空间信息方面优于平面重建。

    Results Compared with MPR, VRT was superior in displaying all kinds of maxillofacial bone fractures, location, bone chip displacement, collapse degree and walking direction of irregular fracture line.


  • 分析埋伏正中牙的生长特征影像学特点,探讨早期诊断术前三维定位方法

    To investigate the appropriate method of early diagnosis and accurate pre-operative 3-D orientation of maxillary embedded mesiodens by analyzing their growing pattern and radiographic manifestations.


  • 随着孩子长大随着长大因此空间第一还要牙齿占用。

    As the child grows, the jawbones grow also; therefore, there is space for more teeth than are in the first set.


  • 随着孩子长大随着长大因此空间第一还要牙齿占用。

    As the child grows, the jawbones grow also; therefore, there is space for more teeth than are in the first set.


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