• 即使我们发现这些风险多虑的人们还是记得他们实在感到那些恐惧。

    Even if we find the risks were overblown. People will remember the fear they felt.


  • 总是事物很挑剔,我对别人接触过食物感到非常多虑。我喜欢沙司

    I was always fussy about food; I was paranoid about different foods touching each other, I didn't like sauces.


  • 因为压轴的主旨演讲人,本来我担心听众会过于疲劳注意力下降,但事实证明多虑

    Since I was the closing keynote speaker, I had some slight concern about audience fatigue and attention levels at that stage in the day, which turned out to be misplaced.


  • 新来导游我们“不要拘束”,自己服装不必多虑因此松开头巾

    Our new guide tells us to be “free and easy” and not to worry too much about our dress. I loosen my head bandages.


  • 绝对不会赞成这种顺其自然、一切安好的观点,说“不用多虑,车山前自有路。人们是用,但工作还是要做,孩子还是要照顾,该干啥干啥。”

    I wouldn't be in favor of 'Just don't worry, it will be fine, people will use it and still go to work and take care of their children.'


  • 祖父唯一嗜好就是多忧多虑虽然通常人们并不认为嗜好遗传,但天生就多虑

    My grandfather's hobby was worrying, and although hobbies are not usually thought of as being inheritable, I am a talented worrier, too.


  • 做事认真仔细负责擅于倾听长处多虑容易紧张是我的不足之处。

    Responsible for serious and detailed work, good at listening to my strengths; too much worrying about nervous is my shortcomings.


  • 只是场意外多虑了。认为物业现在开始经常检修电梯而且也会改善他们服务的。

    That was just an accident; you are worried too much about it. I think the property management will check the elevator and improve their service from now on.


  • 另一个引起争论问题假如这些鲑鱼养鱼场野外产生什么影响。(美国)“水恩惠”公司则这个问题无需多虑

    Another contentious issue being debated is what will happen if these salmon escape from fish farms into the wild. AquaBounty says not to worry.


  • 只是场意外多虑了。认为物业现在开始经常检修电梯而且也会改善他们服务的。

    Shirley:That was just an accident; you are worried too much about it. I think the property management will check the elevator and improve their service from now on.


  • 想你可能多虑了。米奇喜欢每个员工建设性批评,我就是的风格。

    Don: Well, I think you may be overreacting. Mitch likes to give everybody constructive criticism and I think that's what he was doing.


  • 食用辛辣饮食,偏皮脂分泌旺盛者,多虑者,注意卫生中老年者复发机会

    Eat spicy diet, fat and sebum secretion strong, more anxious, do not pay attention to the health of the elderly have a higher chance of recurrence.


  • 也许害怕,在谈论以及承诺之后你将无法实现你的梦想以及体现拟自己设立目标只是多虑了。

    Maybe you are afraid that after all your talk and promises you won't be able to live up to a dream and manifest the goals you have for yourself, but that's just because you are overthinking it.


  • 雪莉只是场意外多虑了。认为物业现在开始经常检修电梯而且也会改善他们服务的。

    Shirley: That was just an accident; you are worried too much about it. I think the property management will check the elevator and improve their service from now on.


  • 提示三环类抗抑郁剂多虑平可作为缓解TMJDS疼痛改善精神状态有效辅助治疗药物。

    It is suggested that tricyclic antidepressant be used as an effective assistance drug in releasing pain of TMJDS and improving mental state.


  • 不要多虑了,每个人都不是左右一样的。

    Do not worry too much, and everyone's milk is not around as much.


  • 目的探讨剂量多虑、诺为联合治疗功能性消化不良疗效

    To investigate the curative effect of functional dyspepsia treated with small dose Doxepine and Trimebutine.


  • 自己孩子了,可能真是多虑了。

    You love their children too much, perhaps more than it ceases to you.


  • 结论多虑颗粒治疗广泛性焦虑症疗效好、不良作用小的中药制剂。

    Conclusion Duolvning granules is effective to treat generalized anxiety disorder and is fewer side effective.


  • 想你多虑了,好象从没听说惠氏孩子龃齿

    I think you worry too much, and seemed to have never heard of Wyeth children drink more ah irregular teeth.


  • 相关论述时而精彩,时而多虑然而这种言论背后的必然是用“ 一刀切”方式对待以色列巴勒斯坦人的伤害全世界人民的伤害。

    There follows an unabashedly one-sided dissection of all the damage that Israel has done not just to the Palestinians but to the world.


  • 正鼓励着对于爱情生活放松一点,不要别人想法过于多虑

    The position of the planets encourages you to be more spontaneous in your love life, and less conditioned by and worried about what other people may be thinking.


  • 目的观察夜间顿服多虑水清肝饮治疗抑郁症临床疗效

    Objective: To observe the clinical effect of Doxepin taken at a draught at night plus Zishui Qinggan Decoction on depressive disorder.


  • 已知治疗消化性溃疡药物—生胃酮,阿托品甲氰脒胍多虑平并不显示上述作用特色

    The above characteristic pattern of furazolidone action on various animal ulcer models was found not to be Shared by known anti-ulcer drugs such as carbenoxolone, atropine, cimetidine and doxepin.


  • 抗抑郁药物常用的,包括多虑阿米替林氟西汀氯米帕明

    Antidepressants are most commonly used, including doxepin, amitriptyline, fluoxetine, and clomipramine.


  • 坦率一点要是真的那么一个不错的建议就出来最终发现多虑了。

    If you get back a really good reason to accept what's being put forward, at least you will have removed the element of doubt.


  • 这个世界全部问题或“唯一问题”在于愚者狂徒总是他们自己深信不疑,而智者却疑惑重重——即简言之,愚者无疑而智者多虑

    The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, with wiser people so full of doubts.


  • 这个世界全部问题或「唯一问题」在于愚者狂徒总是他们自己深信不疑,而智者却疑惑重重——即简言之,愚者无疑而智者多虑

    The whole problem with the world is thatfools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, with wiser people sofull of doubts.


  • 这个世界全部问题或「唯一问题」在于愚者狂徒总是他们自己深信不疑,而智者却疑惑重重——即简言之,愚者无疑而智者多虑

    The whole problem with the world is thatfools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, with wiser people sofull of doubts.


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