• 象每小时可以行走大约6英里,而布尔有1200公里远。

    Elephants can travel at about 6 miles an hour and Sonepur was more than 1, 200 km away.


  • 名70岁的中国老妇被称为“超级奶奶”,此前有报道称她对跑步非常着迷,迄今为止已经完成了100场马拉比赛。

    A 70-year-old Chinese woman has been called "Super Grannie" after it was reported that she is crazy about running and has completed over 100 marathons so far.


  • 所有这些信息科学家力进冰川为什么会有那么流失进入海洋岛冰川未来海平面升高起到作用。

    All of this information will help scientists understand why the Pine Island Glacier drains so much ice to the ocean and how much it could contribute to sea level rise in the future.


  • 西蒙表示,问题也许在于信息而是信息的来源:少有健康中介可以消费者报告》产生这么信任

    The problem, Mr Simonsohn suggests, might lie not with the new information but with the source: few health agencies inspire as much trust as Consumer Reports.


  • 家人鲍勃·、亨利·基辛格加利福尼亚州州长皮特·威尔逊(年轻尼克工作过)一道发言时感到很吃惊

    I was somewhat surprised when his family asked me to speak, along with Bob Dole, Henry Kissinger, and California governor Pete Wilson, who as a young man had worked for Nixon.


  • 长着头篷头发弗兰西斯科人伊万·记得年前兄弟瑞恩驾驶一辆1981产的VW大巴车驶哥伦比亚的这座城市。

    Evan Dore, a shaggy-haired native of San Francisco, remembers driving through this part of Colombia four years ago with his brother, Ryan, in a 1981 VW bus.


  • 应用程序安全性会对特定特征产生重大影响租户并行耦合性都会增加安全性需求

    Cloud application security impacts certain characteristics strongly: Multi-tenancy, parallelism, and loose coupling introduce additional security needs.


  • 米勒教授所选择树木是弗斯塔州立大学乔治亚校区长叶longleaf pine)。

    Dr Miller's trees of choice were longleaf pines on the Valdosta State University campus in Georgia.


  • 过去15年里尽管俄罗斯国酒还是伏特加,酒烈,深受欢迎。但啤酒因为便宜,买,管的,所以消费量了3倍还要

    Although vodka, the national tipple, remains extremely popular, Russia's beer consumption has more than tripled in the past 15 years, boosted by low prices, ready availability and lax regulation.


  • 里卡·尼克更是在1968年2月宣布参选,离最终投票只有9月。

    Richard Nixon did not show his hand until February 1968, a mere nine months before the vote.


  • 客户积极地单源耦合和纵向集成的中间件解决方案转向源、耦合和横向关联的中间件解决方案。

    Customers are aggressively moving from single-sourced, tightly coupled, vertically-integrated middleware solutions to multi-sourced, loosely-coupled, horizontally-aware middleware solutions.


  • 结果还表明每年这个时间夏天的时候,纸皮桦花旗送的花旗反送给它的要特别是花旗见不到阳光的时候。

    It turns out at that time of the year, in the summer, that birch was sending more carbon to fir than fir was sending back to birch, especially when the fir was shaded.


  • 年轻时候,我们肆意的挥霍着我们青春活力力……膝关节疼痛之前能跑马拉骑骑自行车、走走看看,在腿脚强健的时候骑骑动感单车。

    Thee bodies of youth are wasted on the young… I wish I had run a marathon before my knees ached, that I had biked more, hiked more, and took spinning classes when my legs were stronger.


  • 他们歇里歇钱。

    How much they earn.


  • 缺陷导致柴油机缸盖铸件渗漏主要原因

    Dispersed shrinkage is the main reason causing leakage of multi-cylinder heads of diesel engines.


  • 证明亚泊泵浦原子相干性使光子双稳态噪声降低不能产生光场的压缩效应

    We show that the refular pumping statistics and atomic coherences can reduce the field noise of multiple one photon optical bistability, but can not result in field squeezing from an ordinary vacuum.


  • 防守同样尤文需要解决问题像科瓦奇布姆的表现总是那么人信服。

    Defence is also a big issue for Juve. At times the likes of Robert Kovac, Igor Tudor and Jean-Alain Boumsong have been less then impressive.


  • 笔者首次弹簧制动液压闭式湿制动器应用国产车辆上,使制动系统更加简单安全可靠

    It is the first time for the hydraulic loose-brake and multi-dish wet brake with spring braking to be used in vehicle made in China, making the braking system more simple, safer and reliable.


  • 昨日记者获悉,永川已开始投入1000打造古镇旅游景区

    Yesterday, reporter learned that Yongchuan started to invest more than 1000 ten thousand Yuan making pines to irrigate the old town tourist scenic zone.


  • 结论气味清新爽脆,清香柠檬皮,上甜甜的蛋糕,还有点点的干花香气,一杯红茶就是一场下午了。

    Conclusion: Crisp note, fresh lemon zest, paired with soft cake, decorated with dried flower, an afternoon tea if there is a cup of tea.


  • 卡里·斯特凡KariStefansson)是世界顶尖遗传学之一,也是解码遗传学创始人回忆了1996年克隆羊丽(Dolly)诞生几个写下一首诗。

    Kari Stefansson, one of the world's leading geneticists and the founder of Decode Genetics, recalled a poem he wrote in 1996, a few months after the birth of Dolly, the cloned sheep.


  • 汤姆· 弗兰奇。现在伦敦卓著中心报道我们正在参观今年马拉展览

    Reporter: My name's Tom French. I'm speaking to you from the ExCel Centre in London's Docklands. We are visiting this year's Marathon Expo.


  • 第1次马拉的人都想知道为什么那么马拉计划超过20英里

    Answer: many first-time marathoners wonder why so many marathon training schedules don't go beyond 20 miles.


  • 第1次马拉的人都想知道为什么那么马拉计划超过20英里

    Answer: many first-time marathoners wonder why so many marathon training schedules don't go beyond 20 miles.


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