• 一种四季皆宜的凉爽的薄夏被厚的子的结合成为冬季夜晚准备的特别温暖厚实子。

    A quilt for all seasons; a cool, thin summer version and a thicker one combine to make an extra warm and thick quilt for winter nights.


  • 一提起乔治亚当时迎接我们可是110英里时速飓风,开始觉得真实南极经历欺骗了。

    I was beginning to feel cheated of the true Antarctic experience when we raised South Georgia, which greeted us with hurricane-force winds of 110 miles an hour.


  • 片土地一直通过契约视为印第安人神圣狩猎,特别是族。

    The region had been recognized by treaty as the sacred hunting ground of the Indians, primarily the Sioux and Cheyenne.


  • 皮罗同事们认为特别体现第二工作小组总结中,导致声明赋于相称机密等级

    Mr Shapiro and his colleagues suggest that in the working group II summary, in particular, this led to statements being given a confidence level they did not deserve.


  • 2008年,诺就已经一起谋杀诈骗案定罪处以无期徒刑同样也是加劳菲斯法官审理案件

    Mr. Basciano has already been convicted in a separate case of murder and racketeering, also before Judge Garaufis, and was sentenced to life in prison in 2008.


  • 他们冒险经历不免酷比活泼有趣或胆小如鼠滑稽动作抢走了风头,这两个“活宝”总是和队里的其他人分开陷入荒谬困境。

    Their adventures would be punctured by the hilarious and cowardly antics of Shaggy and Scooby, who invariably ended up in ridiculous scrapes after splitting off from the rest of the group.


  • ·兰斯基苏联长期监禁成为西方人眼中的一名英雄人物,1998年他陪同内塔尼亚胡怀依,解释裔犹太人态度

    Natan Sharansky, who had become a hero in the West during his long imprisonment in the Soviet Union and had accompanied Netanyahu to Wye in 1998, explained the Russian Jews attitude to me.


  • 警察继续说这位来自英格兰兰开的新郎鲨鱼口中获救拖上船,最后还是因为咬断胳膊大腿失血过多死亡

    The tourist from Lancashire was hauled onto a boat and taken to shore following the attack but died from blood loss after the shark ripped off his arm and tore into his leg, police said.


  • 面对现实金融服务行业女性旁观者,”问及皮罗拜尔的相似之处时,沃伦解释说

    "Let's face it, women in the financial-services industry are outsiders," explains Warren when asked what unites her with Schapiro and Bair.


  • 视频广泛传播以后受害人王飞女友颖慧收到很多来自朋友同事陌生人电话短信

    After the video was widely circulated, the victims, Wang Fei and his girlfriend Xia Yinghui, received a slew of phone calls and text messages from friends, colleagues and strangers.


  • 银行压力测试暴露出银行问题,法比合资的德克银行通过了测试,但是破产了,另有十几家银行降级

    Stress tests in the summer were exposed as a failure after Franco-Belgian bank Dexia – which passedwent bust and dozens of others were downgraded.


  • 1993年,约瑟夫·史蒂格利兹阿兰·布林德CEA就职并且最后广为引用的大卫·卡特勒和马修·皮罗因为在其中担任高级经济师,让平均分达到了736.5。

    For 1993, when Joseph Stiglitz and Alan Blinder were members of the CEA, and the senior economists included the eventually much-cited David Cutler and Matthew Shapiro, the average score is 736.5.


  • 尽管测试发明者瑞士医生赫尔曼·罗已于1922年去世墨迹图时至今日广泛用于人格心理评估

    Although Swiss psychologist Hermann Rorschach (the creator of the test died) in 1922, the inkblots are still widely used in personality and psychological assessment today.


  • 鹿角一直保存然后可卖出

    The conservation process ends in the end of summer, and then antlers are sold.


  • 除去解译试验中的男性着”的时候,她简直就是剧作家们从不枯竭的灵感之源。

    When not serving as a Rorschach test of male fixations, Cleopatra is an inexhaustible Muse.


  • 尔曼·维斯特(弗雷前妻莉娜的女儿1971年杀害尸体埋在格洛斯特市米德兰25号,即维斯特夫妇以前房子里。

    Charmaine West, (daughter of Fred’s previous wife Rena), who was murdered in June 1971, was buried at the Wests’ previous home of 25 Midland Road, Gloucester.


  • 关于中国公民也门扣事件,当地时间5月16日下午2名中国公民在也门东南部卜瓦当地武装部落扣留

    About the Chinese citizens held in Yemen, on the afternoon of May 16, local time, two Chinese citizens were held by local armed tribesmen in Shabwa province of Southeastern Yemen.


  • 2007年Uva先生就查觉到加利福尼亚州佛罗里达州这些由于房屋取消赎回权爆发,使当地电视广告业受到冲击而变得疲软

    Mr Uva detected weakness in local TV advertising as early as the summer of 2007, as a rash of housing foreclosures broke out in states like California and Florida.


  • 回到美国的时候看的。但是告诉如果她们束缚住,那些妇女怎么使用

    No, back in America. But tell me, Xia, how did a woman manage to use a squat toilet if her feet were bound?


  • 新门监狱兰开重逢丈夫逮捕。

    In prison at Newgate, she reunites with her Lancashire husband, who has also been arrested.


  • 空间收集北面光线,散发一系列冷却变凉风。

    This space collects north light and distributes summer wind chilled by a sequence of cooling ponds.


  • 纪梅(2002)调查显示,90%教师认为自己在大学英语课堂上的主要角色语言讲解者”和“语言示范者”。

    The investigation of Ms. Xia Jimei (2002) also shows that 90% teachers consider mat the main role of college English teachers is as a language instructor.


  • 纪梅(2002)调查显示,90%教师认为自己在大学英语课堂上的主要角色语言讲解者”和“语言示范者”。

    The investigation of Ms. Xia Jimei (2002) also shows that 90% teachers consider mat the main role of college English teachers is as a language instructor.


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