• 第三章:累犯处罚原则

    Part four The recidivist's punishment principle.


  • 认为,单位犯罪处罚原则是以两为主罚制为辅。

    It is generally said that the punishment principle for unit committed crimes is mainly double punishment, while single punishment works as assistance.


  • 第三章:从处罚方式和处罚原则方面论述了污染环境犯罪刑事责任。

    The third chapter discusses the penal ability of the crimes of polluting environment.


  • 文章在分析单位累犯构成特征处罚原则基础上,提出单位累犯的立法建议

    Through analyzing the composing characters and the principles of penalty of unit recidivism, the author put foreword the proposal for the legislation of unit recidivism.


  • 本文引言结语外,分为以下部分:第一部分世界各国法人犯罪处罚处罚原则

    This article besides the introduction and the conclusion divides into the following six parts altogether: part I: the punishment principle of the corporate crime in the different country.


  • 首先目前理论界关于业务过失犯罪处罚原则几种观点和依据逐一介绍评析,指明本人立场

    First of all, the paper assess several ideas about punishment principles of business negligence crime in the current theoretical circle, and put forword own position.


  • 本文阐述了犯罪构成种未完成形态内容意义处罚原则同时着重分析了它们之间的区别

    This thesis deals with the contents, meanings and punishment principles of the three special forms. Meanwhile, emphasis is laid on the analysis of their differences.


  • 此外新的司法解释明确触犯不同罪名处罚原则降低单位犯罪标准增加了共犯规定

    Besides, the new Judicial Interpretation makes clear principles of punishing different crimes, lowers the standard for unit crimes and adds the stipulation of complicity.


  • 牵连我国刑法理论中的形态,对牵连犯的处罚原则一直理论界实务部门比较关注的问题。

    Implicated offense is a kind of crime quantity in criminal theory, and the punishment principle of implicated offender is always focused on by criminal theory and judicial practice.


  • 累犯适用范围类型设置处罚原则方面仍然存在一些不足,需要从立法方面加以完善,以期能最大限度地促进立法公正公平。

    However there are some shortages on the following aspects such as applying range of recidivist, type setting of recidivist, punishment principle of recidivist and so on.


  • 我们最初原则计算,从量子力学原子基本认识处罚没有任何实验输入调整计算结果,”Safronova

    "We did them from first principles, from a basic understanding of quantum mechanics and atoms, without putting any experimental inputs to adjust the calculations," Safronova said.


  • 规范指正确正确行为根深蒂固的文化原则这种不正确的行为一旦发生,意味着一种显性隐性处罚

    Norms are culturally ingrained principles of correct and incorrect behaviors which, if broken carry a form of overt or covert penalty.


  • 办理治安案件应当坚持教育处罚相结合原则

    The principle of combining education with penalty shall be upheld in dealing with cases of public security.


  • 根据刑法有关司法解释规定,对事实重婚行为以重婚罪定罪处罚并未违反罪刑法定原则

    According to the New Criminal Law and judicial interpretation concerned, punishment on such marriages in the name of crime of bigamy does not go against the legal principles.


  • 审计机关作出审计处理、处罚决定应当遵循公正公开适度原则保持严谨负责态度

    While making decision on audit sanctions and penalties, the audit institutions shall observe the principle of being fair, open and reasonable and maintain a rigorous and responsible working attitude.


  • 罪刑相当原则司法实践中的一项重要原则意义在于使、责、三者相适应,达到处罚教育双重目的

    Proportionate punishment to Crimes (PPTC) is an important principle in the justice, which means to balance the crime and punishment to reach the aim of punishment and education.


  • 一事不再原则一事不两罚原则重复处罚禁止原则

    Also known as the principle of non-punishment no longer Liangfa principles or duplicate punishment prohibited principles.


  • 犯罪未遂行为处罚由来已久处罚依据原则问题上理论界很大争议

    The punishment to attempted crime behavior is long-standing , but the theory circle has very great disputes on basis , principle punished.


  • 不但有损于公正原则而且行政处罚惩戒作用无法实现

    This not only destroys the fair principle, but also can't carry out the function of administrative punishment.


  • 第三司法行政机关律师律师事务所实施行政处罚应当遵循公开公正原则

    Article 3 the administrative departments of justice shall follow the principle of openness and justice when imposing administrative punishment on lawyers and law firms.


  • 第四行政处罚遵循公正公开原则

    Article 4 Administrative penalty shall be imposed in adherence to the principles of fairness and openness.


  • 第三海关办理行政处罚案件应当遵循公正公开及时便民原则

    Article 3 the handling of administrative penalty cases by customs houses shall conform to the principles of justness, openness, timeliness and facilitating people.


  • 实施海事行政处罚应当遵循合法公开公正处罚教育相结合原则

    The principles of legitimacy, openness, justice, and combination of punishment and education shall be abided by in the imposition of maritime administrative punishment.


  • 第五巡警巡察应当坚持教育处罚相结合原则

    Article 5 Patrolmen shall insist on the principle of combination of education with punishments.


  • 第三司法行政机关律师律师事务所实施行政处罚应当遵循公开公正原则

    Article 3 the judicial administration organ shall impose the administrative penalties on the lawyers and law firms on the principle of openness and fairness.


  • 因此,从不纯正作为社会危害性刑事政策要求来看不纯正不作为犯进行处罚符合罪刑法定原则的实质要求

    So, in the perspective of social danger and the demand of criminal policy, punishing the non-typical omission meets the requirement of the principle of a prescribed punishment for a specified crime.


  • 因为刑法总则和分则条文明文规定作为也可构成此种犯罪,所以学者认为处罚纯正不作为犯罪违背罪刑法定原则之嫌。

    Because omission is not mentioned in criminal law, some experts think that punishing the omission violates the principle of a prescribed punishment for a specified crime.


  • 追究牵连刑事责任,宜采取“从重重处断”原则牵连犯重罪法定范围内从重处罚

    An implicated offender should be given graver punishment in accordance with the law penalty of the graver or gravest crime of an implicated offense, which is called "Double-Aggravated" Principle.


  • 由于比例原则可以有效防止自由裁量滥用因此行政处罚领域可以引入原则

    Since the proportion principle is effective to prevent the abuse of free judgment right, it can be brought in administration punishment.


  • 由于比例原则可以有效防止自由裁量滥用因此行政处罚领域可以引入原则

    Since the proportion principle is effective to prevent the abuse of free judgment right, it can be brought in administration punishment.


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