• 塔利班正在阻止阿富汗中部运送食品

    The Taliban are blocking food deliveries to central Afghanistan.


  • 今年早些时候塔利班轰炸当地机场,于是向中部巴米安省运送食物紧急空运取消了

    An emergency air-lift of food to central Bamian province was canceled earlier this year when the Taliban bombed the local airport.


  • 塔利班瓦特首席发言人穆斯林·美国建筑工人2002年返回巴基斯坦

    Muslim Khan, the chief spokesman of the Taleban in Swat, returned to Pakistan in 2002 after spending four years in the US as a construction worker.


  • 2012年,马拉拉在乘坐公交车时被一名塔利班枪手击中头部。

    While riding a bus in 2012, Malala was shot in the head by a Taliban gunman.


  • 2012年,优素福·扎伊差点被塔利班杀害,因为她努力为巴基斯坦的年轻女孩争取同样的教育。

    In 2012, Yousafzai was nearly killed by the Taliban because she worked hard to get the same education for young girls in Pakistan.


  • ShahDoran一个煽动性的演说家塔利班控制电台读出被杀害名字

    Shah Doran a firebrand orator, he would read out the names of people to be killed on Taleban-run FM radio. He has been blamed for murdering Pakistani soldiers.


  • 引起美国激烈反应,美国国务卿希拉里克林顿甚至考虑到了塔利班武装分子可能接管巴基斯坦

    This drew a furious response from America, with Hillary Clinton, the secretary of state, speculating on the possibility of the militants taking over Pakistan.


  • 能否塔利班精神圣地坎大哈清除掉-将验证北约能否阿富汗取得全面胜利一个清晰信号

    The attempt to clear the insurgency from its spiritual heartland in Kandahar will be a clear sign of whether Nato's overall campaign in Afghanistan can succeed.


  • 塔利班分子开火时,美军派出装有大功率扩音器装甲车,播放重金属摇滚乐方圆公里听清楚

    When insurgents open fire, an armored vehicle wired up to powerful speakers blasts out heavy metal and rock music so loudly that it can be heard up to 2 km away.


  • 第三检查站上只有神经紧张塔利班战士,他命令我们车里出来,我们沿路站成一同时移动电话联系指挥官

    The third was manned by a single nervous Talib who ordered us out of the car and made us stand in line by the road while he tried to call his commanders on a mobile phone.


  • 塔利班好战组织威胁发动类似的袭击,除非巴基斯坦针对塔利班军事行动结束但是猜测,打击塔利班的行动远远不可能结束

    The militant group had been threatening such bombings unless Pakistan's army operations against it came to an end, but there has been much speculation that far from stopping.


  • 车里坐在两边我的两个阿富汗同事他们驾车陪采访塔利班军事指挥员途中我一起被一群持枪的塔利班人员包围后绑架的。

    I was seated in the back between two Afghan colleagues who were accompanying me on a reporting trip when armed men surrounded our car and took us hostage.


  • 巴方足够的军力可以追击塔利班他们山区的堡垒,包括Peochar一个设防了复杂洞穴5月有8000名突击兵空降至此。

    With adequate force, it was then able to pursue them to their mountain fastnesses—including a fortified cave complex at Peochar, to which 8, 000 commandos were airlifted in May.


  • 值得指出的是如今600万阿富汗儿童上学,其中三分之一女孩,也就是200万女孩在校念书,而在塔利班统治时期这个数字零,一个女孩都没上学。

    "It's worth recalling that six million Afghan children now go to school, one-third of them girls," he said. "that's two million girls in school, when under the Taleban there were none."


  • 美国还有其他国家这一事件立刻做出迅速反应,对在当天晚上这场扑朔迷离的事件中死去24名巴基斯坦士兵13名伤者表示安慰着手调查事件发生的原因。他们还谈到了塔利班的挑拨离间。

    The Americans (and others) promptly talked of an accident, offering condolences and an inquiry into how 24 Pakistani soldiers were killed, and 13 more injured, during a confused night of fighting.


  • 美国还有其他国家这一事件立刻做出迅速反应,对在当天晚上这场扑朔迷离的事件中死去24名巴基斯坦士兵13名伤者表示安慰着手调查事件发生的原因。他们还谈到了塔利班的挑拨离间。

    The Americans (and others) promptly talked of an accident, offering condolences and an inquiry into how 24 Pakistani soldiers were killed, and 13 more injured, during a confused night of fighting.


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