• 目前中医药堆化相关因子研究取得一定进展

    Chinese medicine for liver fibrosis-related factors research achieved definite progress.


  • 内存管理器的形式将内存分配线程以最小锁定争用

    The memory manager allocates memory to threads in chunks to minimize contention on the heap lock.


  • 不管怎么这些工具中的社会元素好,很强大每个这些工具并且愿意在它们上面一大时间

    After all the social factor in all these tools is so strong and so many people seem to love these tools and spend time using them.


  • 每一个非初始指针存储卡片标记算法可以增加三个机器指令要求收集所有卡片上的对象进行扫描

    Card marking algorithms can add as little as two or three machine instructions per non-initializing heap pointer store, and entails scanning any objects on dirty CARDS at minor collection time.


  • 但是应该托儿所大小固定一个较大最小垃圾收集花费时间增强保留区使根据占用率重置自身大小从而提高弹性

    You should, however, fix the nursery size at a large value to minimise time spent in garbage collection, and enable the tenured heap to resize itself according to occupancy to build in resilience.


  • 应用程序初始代理程序子代理程序分配

    The heap is allocated when an agent or subagent is initialized for an application.


  • 突然趔趄在地,到了一还没尽的积雪上。

    He stumbled suddenly and fell, rolling off the road into a melting patch of snow.


  • 如果打算存储更加结构数据,你选项可用

    If you are looking to store more structured data, you have a couple of options.


  • 分子不仅仅原子集合,相比能量场等抽象概念它们更加实体更加多样的形式出现我们面前。

    Molecules are more than the sum of their constituent atoms, and they connect with our senses in ways that are much more tangible and diverse than abstract notions of energy, forces and fields.


  • JVM初始的过程中分配

    The JVM allocates the heap during initialization.


  • 每个实例对象自动中分配内存垃圾收集程序定期收回不再使用对象占据的内存。

    Memory is allocated automatically in the heap area for each instantiated object, and the garbage collector periodically reclaims memory occupied by objects that are no longer needed.


  • 这些小型模块反应能生产 100~200兆瓦电力大约是目前美国许多反应产能的五分之一,但体积只有十分之一。

    These "small modular reactors" produce 100 to 200 megawatts of power, about one fifth to one-tenth the size of many current U.S. nuclear reactors.


  • 这些小型模块反应能生产100 ~ 200兆瓦电力大约是目前美国许多反应产能的五分之一,但体积只有十分之一。

    These "small modular reactors" produce 100 to 200 megawatts of power, about one fifth to one-tenth the size of many current U. s. nuclear reactors.


  • 通过防止压力窗口钢质,从而延长了核反应的寿命,有些反应器寿命更是长达40-50

    This prolongs the reactors core life by preventing the embrittlement of the steel of the pressure vessel, with some reactors being designed to last between 40 and 50 years.


  • 不仅可以序列可以序列中的对象

    But it does have the ability to serialize not only the stack but also objects on the heap.


  • 题外话,在顶端还有好几但是技术之下他们叫做初始数据和未初始数据。

    Now, as an aside, there's another couple of layers at the very top above the stack and above the heap, but below the tech segment and those are called initialized data and uninitialized data.


  • 但是核武核聚变反应配备小型激光器目前被用于建设大型设备其他触发技术

    But weaponized pure fusion would require miniaturizing lasers or other trigger technologies that currently involve building-sized equipment.


  • 报告表明一部分并且棒气泡因为反应海水淹没

    Reports suggest there was a partial meltdown and that the zircalloy rods began to "bubble". This was why the reactors were flooded with sea water.


  • 缺省的情况下,启用自动转储生成适当时间使用MBean操作启动转储。

    Automated heap dump generation can be enabled by default, or can be initiated at the appropriate time using an MBean operation.


  • 分配可能可视有所帮助如图1所示,其中显示了heapbaseheaplimitheaptop

    It might help to visualize the heap as shown in Figure 1 below, which shows heapbase, heaplimit, and heaptop.


  • 采用高级数字印刷技术意味着Moo客户可以使用自己图片创建数百图案相同个性名片。

    Advanced digital printing techniques mean that Moo customers can use their own photographs to create a stack of hundreds of CARDS which each carry different, personalised images.


  • 这个研究属于生物矿biomineralization),其实是个很火的领域,《自然》(nature)自然材料科学》(nature material)永远一这种仿生的灌水文。

    The study belongs to biomineralization, which is a hot field in reality. There are many articles of this kind on the bionics in Nature or Natural Material.


  • HealthCenter开销收集广泛方法摘要,突出显示争用分析垃圾收集使用情况可视加载行为

    Health Center collects comprehensive method profiles with an extremely low overhead, highlights contended locks, analyzes garbage collection and heap usage, and visualizes class loading activity.


  • 我们要向用户强调限制只有一个就是使用存储的话,放置BigMemory中的对象必须进行序列

    The only constraint we highlight to users is that using an off-heap store imposes the requirement that objects must be serialized to be placed in BigMemory.


  • 随着银行逼迫证券市场赎回拙劣不堪的保险贷款一切都到来了:摩根大通第三季度回购储备金提高到了30亿美元。

    All this comes as banks are forced to buy back growing piles of poorly underwritten loans from securitised pools: JPMorgan Chase increased itsrepurchasereserves to $3 billion in the third quarter.


  • 因为单一实际上被分割许多(最多32个),不必要地启用malloc multiheap导致严重碎片

    Since a single heap is actually divided into many heaps (up to 32), unnecessary enabling of malloc multiheap can cause severe fragmentation.


  • 拉斗铲剥离一种先进的开采工艺,机械程度,开采成本低。

    The open cast method is an advanced stripping technology with low operation cost.


  • 拉斗铲剥离一种先进的开采工艺,机械程度,开采成本低。

    The open cast method is an advanced stripping technology with low operation cost.


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