• 程序比较基因组序列分析产生印刷质量图像

    The program serves to generate print-quality images for comparative genome sequence analysis.


  • 生物序列分析主要研究内容包括序列比对蛋白质结构预测基因组序列分析

    The biological sequence analysis research content mainly includes the sequence alignment, the protein structure prediction, and the genome sequence analysis etc.


  • 测序技术是从具有明确特征基因组提取的一个多个基因序列,并通过DNA分析识别一个物种。

    Barcoding is a technique in which one or more short gene sequences, taken from a well-characterized portion of the genome, are used to identify a species through DNA analysis.


  • 基因基因组水平上分析这些序列的结构特征亟待解决问题。

    It is the most pressing task to analyze these sequences at gene and genome level.


  • 尽管Reich博士研究小组并不认为这种基因差异处于正常水平,但他们还是通过DNA序列分析揭示出基因组进化历史

    Instead of looking at average genetic differences, though, Dr Reich and his colleagues used the complete sequences to reveal the evolutionary history of the genomes.


  • 一项数学发现已经应用新的人类基因组定位方法研究上来,可能癌症生物学带来传统DNA序列分析更快廉价而有效的研究工具

    A mathematical discovery has extended the reach of a novel genome mapping method to humans, potentially giving cancer biology a faster and more cost-effective tool than traditional DNA sequencing.


  • 通量基因组序列(HTGS)数据库及SAGE文库基础,进行染色体定位组织表达分析

    Bioinformatic data of High Throughout Genomic Sequences (HTGS) and Serial analysis of Gene expression (SAGE) were used for analysis of chromosome localization and tissue expression.


  • 利用籼稻品种9311基因组序列相应EST数据,对影响同义密码子用法若干因子进行了详细分析

    By using the whole genome sequences and EST data from the indica rice cultivar 93 11, a detailed relative analysis is made of the effect of some impact factors on synonymous codon usage.


  • 目的克隆测序分离肠病毒S1全长基因组片段对其进行序列分析

    Objective: To clone, sequence and analyze genome segment 1 (S1) of new isolated reovirus strains.


  • 我们分析玉米基因组中的同源序列

    The homology of it in maize genome was also analyzed.


  • 水稻基因序列特征分析水稻基因组组成结构规律具有重要意义。

    Featural analysis of rice gene is valuable for understanding the composition and structure features of the rice genome.


  • 植物缘物种之间基因组结构序列比较分析可以研究植物基因功能和进化提供参考。

    Comparative analyses of genome structure and sequence of closely related species have yielded insights into the evolution and function of plant genomes.


  • 在拟南基因组存在71个类似DCAF蛋白,经过序列分析,从中挑选出DCAF1蛋白同源性最高的编码基因,并将其命名拟南芥DCAF1基因。

    There are about 71 potential DCAF proteins in the Arabidopsis genome. Based on the amino acids sequence analysis, one ortholog of human DCAF1 was identified and named as DCAF1 gene in Arabidopsis.


  • 研究结果表明这个长度热点突变区的核苷酸序列分析研究小麦山羊草叶绿体基因组之间遗传变异关系一个非常有效的途径

    The results indicate that the sequence analysis of the hotspot region is a very powerful tool to investigate genetic variations of chloroplast genome in Triticum and Aegilops.


  • 数据库目的就是加速不同观察点例如基因序列比较主旨分析聚类等进行比较基因组的研究。

    The aim of MBGD is to facilitate comparative genomics from various points of view such as ortholog identification, paralog clustering, motif analysis and gene order comparison.


  • 本文对已完成基因组测序16个植物病原细菌基因组进行序列分析推测出基因组中的致病基因进行了功能分类

    In this paper, 16 sequenced phytopathogenic bacteria complete genome were analysed, as a result the pathogenic genes were speculated and classified basic on their function analyse.


  • 该文以DNA PCR扩增方法拟南基因组DNA中克隆NPR1基因通过序列分析,所克隆NPR1 基因与报道的基因序列完全一致。

    The NPR1 gene was amplified from Arabidopsis thaliana genome DNA by DNA-PCR method. The DNA sequenced analysis showed that the sequence of amplified NPR1 gene was the same as the published sequence.


  • EBI下的蛋白质分析数据库提供已经测定了全序列基因组器官的已经预测过结构的蛋白质组的统计比较分析

    The proteome Analysis Database at EBI provides statistical and comparative analyses of the predicted proteomes of organisms for which there are fully-sequenced genomes.


  • 比较基于区段基于基因组序列进行的系统进化分析结果进一步证明区段可替代全序列用于基因分型。

    Phylogenetic analysis results are compared based on the full length and the selected region to further prove the statistical results.


  • 这一结果提示水稻作为禾本科植物模式物种,类植物存在良好的基因组共线性关系,水稻基因组序列信息类植物基因组研究分析具有重要参考价值

    The results suggested that rice, as model plant for Poaceae, should have significant genomic synteny with bamboos, and its genomic sequences are important resource for bamboo genome research.


  • 细菌基因组序列测序工作完成人类分析研究编码细菌毒性蛋白基因认识和阐明毒性蛋白的毒理带来新的机遇

    All those works will bring a new opportunity to study the toxicity gene of coding bacterial toxicity protein, and to understand the toxicology of toxicity protein.


  • 随着基因组时代来临蛋白质序列信息增长迅速利用实验手段分析蛋白细胞定位的不易大规模进行。

    With the advent of the post-genome era, the rapid enlarge of protein sequence information, it is difficult to use experimental methods in large-scale analysis of protein subcellular location.


  • 借助比较基因组学、模拟分析具体试验,快速获取同源序列结构和功能信息

    The objective of this study is to efficiently obtain the structural and functional information of orthologs .


  • 针对基因组序列搜索特点,从提高序列搜索效率出发,提出一种新的速度更快搜索方法核心通过序列特征分析比较搜索相似序列

    To make the genome sequence searching more efficient, we proposed a new search method with high speed. The idea is to search similar sequence by analyzing and comparing the sequence feature.


  • 随着人类对某些物种基因组认识越来越全面,序列比较分析变得越来越重要

    As more and more genomes of some organisms have been known, cross-species comparative sequence analysis method has been more and more helpful.


  • DNA芯片技术作为种高通量核酸分析方法,已经成为“后基因组时代研究海量序列信息的重要分析工具之一。

    DNA chip, a high-throughout method for nucleic acids analysis, hast urned out to be a powerful tool in dealing with the mass nucleic acid sequenced ata in the "Post-Genome Era".


  • 水稻基因序列特征分析解水稻基因组的组成与结构规律具有重要意义。

    Most of the rice genome was anchored genetically by overgo hybridization, DNA gel blot .


  • 水稻基因序列特征分析解水稻基因组的组成与结构规律具有重要意义。

    Most of the rice genome was anchored genetically by overgo hybridization, DNA gel blot .


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